in #business6 years ago


Bandz is a word that was derived from the word "bandwidth". Bandwidth is the measure or amount of data that can be transferred within interlinked communication system. The Bandz network aims to decentralize the internet of Things (IOT) using the power of the blockchain technology. With the decentralization of the internet, every user the ability to control the amount of bandwidth.


The bandwidth as a currency is something that every internet user can not do without. As a currency, it is that which gives one access to the internet ( just as local currency for purchasing items). Now someone might ask, how is it a currency? E.g Mr segun owns a company,and he needs to gain access to the internet to advertise his companies product online, so he decides to purchase an internet data package (bandwidth) from the network provider. In so doing, the bandwidth becomes the currency he would pay first, before accessing the internet (payment for service). This is just as our normal business trade activities.


In as much that it serves as a currency, it also has demerits associated with it. Some of these demerits includes, the difficult in purchasing these bandwidth from Network provider if one travels abroad. Also, the control of the bandwidth purchased by user. Since it is everyone aim to get maximum utility form what he or she purchase, but this is not the case here since the end-user does not have control on how the bandwidth is obtain.


For any organisation setup, there is a vision or goal to be achieved. So the vision of the Bandz, is to create a global extranet with the power of blockchain technology in decentralizing the internet making consumer to have access to internet easily and the purchase of bandwidth at a fair price where ever you are the world through the mesh network system.


A mesh net is a group of smart device which connect to each other to create a large region of wireless communication(wifi). This mesh network makes the Bandz community a much more beautiful one for an individual or company to buy or parnter with. The mesh network improves the internet accessibility and reduces the congestion speed with causes slow booting. How did it accomplish it?
The mesh network uses nodes which connect to all other nodes in a dynamically, directly and non-hierachically way. In so doing , it creates a self-configures which in turn makes the mesh network a fault tolerant and failure resistant. This fault tolerant decerases maintenance costs, creating a cheaper user exprerince on the customer's end. The Bandzcan really have a great impact in the world of internet through the mesh network , since it can provide access to internet every where around the world.


The intranet has to do with the internal activities (within the company) while Extranet deals with outside the company. The intranet is a private network created for restriciting access to members outside the company, while extranet still have limitations but not to ;collaboratives companies, customers, and makes use of tools which are not limited to;collaborative technologies(teleconference hosting), corporate directories(file storage) ,sales and customer management tools(customer relationship manager). Both plays important role for the company by allowing who had access to their internal data and publicly datas avaliable.i.e the intranet and extranet helps the company to detect and monitor who can gain access to their data. The firewall is not left out as it helps screen the content that are travelling inand out of their private networks in order to maintain their security standards.
A clear example of this is , if Mr segun company partner with and auditing firm, and wants his sales account record of his company to be looked upon, he transfer data to his collaborative firm through "EXTRANET" and within his company through "INTRANET".


I have been asking myself this question the function of the VPN each time i check my phone for my network , not until now Bandz has made it clear to me the importance ,role of the VPN . The VPN (Virtual private Network) allow a computer to secrue coommunication with encryption , to another device (computer) over the internet i.e it enable a user to access a website from a different computer ,but the personal information such as identity,credit card information and any other sensitives data can not be scrape out since it is not connecting from the actual computer. This VPN create a secrue access to a remote computer and among computer which can be distanced apart from each other through a Virtual Intranet (private Network). Secruing the VPN eith password and other authentication methods including token, provides safety for data through P2P pathway called "TUNNEL".


In the world today, trust is something that is had to find and build. Most people today wants privacy of what they do on the internet and for achieving this, one has to be ready to pay heavy for such services render(just the VPN , that one is require for payment and registration). With Bandz,users now finds it easy to control their data , what goes in and out of their private informations through decentralizing of the VPN , and also providing security or privacy of the user data by eliminating any third party personnel intrested in selling ones personal data. For instance, most people have fall a victim of embarrassment on the internet especially the celebrities due to lack of private security . With Bandz, such issues are eradicated.


The search for network by an internet user when he or she moves from his former location to new place will find it difficult to nagivate through for an intrernet service if the area coverage does not have a free wifi or the network provider seems not be avaliable there. So the next question becomes what next? The next avaliable option is Data roaming which is often unbelievably expensive. With Bandz,this problem is solve by allowing end-user to share and exchange bandwidth among each other regarfless of their location ( benefits of the mesh network)


TTAVELLING is a part of one's life which can not be missed, but with the internet in place , it is much more fun. E.g Segun makes a trip to france for visitation and reaching there , every where seems totally different from this home country. He decides to take some pictures of the surrounding and with his relations. After taking these pictures , he want to upload them on facebook for his viewers and ferinds to see, but there was a big issue. You know what that is ?, internet service because the network provider chsrge him high and there was no free wifi around him. So with Bandz, he was able to connect to the network snd is now able to post on facebook at a fair rate price.


Everyone today big and small wants to know what is trending in the world , get or source information , advertise their business and product to a large user, and promising place is the internet. But some see it as an avenue to making good things(profit) out of it. E.g Daniel lives close to a resturant, and notice that most of the customer that comes there always like suffing the internet after eating but does not an internet service . Daniel sees it as an opportunity and connect to Bandz network and get Bandz tokens for his internet service which he can either sell them or use them later to buy bandwidth.


Bandz TOKENS are the heart of the Bandz economy . It is that which control the activities of the Bandz economy. It can be used to purchase and sell bandwidth , VPN and other serves on the network.


Bandz, IS a great network provider in that the problem associated with the internet services provider such secrurely VPN , Data roaming , will be eradicated once and for all.

What are the benefits of a decentraliseinternet?

The benefit of a decentralised internet is that it provide an avenue for end-user a self-configure nature in which user have control over their bandwidth by eliminating a third party personnel . Also providing maximum secruity over personal data.

Who benefit from being able exchange bandwidth?

Everyone involved in the exchange of bandwidth all benefit from it. I.e if Mr A exchsnges bandwidth with Mr B , Mr A gets gets his bandwidth while Mr B gets a token for his bandwidth. Every one is a winner.

What are the advantages of the mesh network?
The adaventages of the mesh network can not be over emphasis in the sense that , it is what makes the Bandz service more efficient and easy in internet service from the rest network provider. It makes internet service ready avaliable regardless of one's location around the world. It makes it possible for bandwidth to be quickly and easily accessible and transferrable. All thanks to this network Bandz.

How can Bandz get rid needlesd roaming charge?

Just i give in the use case (1) , Bandz will create an avenue in which bandwidth can be avaliable everywhere you go even to the remote place and gets these bandwidth at a fair local price. In duch doing , the need for roaming will be neglectef or rid off because the fee charge is too high. Which most user can not afford.

Well this is a promising platform for we internet user . This is a contest sponsored by @originalworks. Can check out the orignial post here


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