
Taxing us to death because we breath or are carbon based beings is not the solution. What needs to happen is letting the free market decide. For example, the organic movement. Eating organic is not a government mandate. It's a personal choice to eat healthier. The same scenario WILL happen with clean energy. I, personally am looking to get an electric car soon. Why? Because it makes sense now. The technology has advanced enough for me to switch over.

Riddle me this; When has government ever succeeded for a long period of time when collecting large amounts of taxes and using it for the betterment of humanity? In almost all cases, they swallow our treasure whole and regurgitate lies. Meanwhile, they give themselves immunity and ask for more taxes to feed their bloated system.

I am not a Trump fanboy, but getting out of the Paris Climate Agreement was a brilliant move. Americans WILL persevere and will innovate regardless of being taxed or not. They'll just do it faster because their not being taxed to get there.