My Indie Game Post Mortem

in #business7 years ago


In November 2017 I created a small indie game called Final Storm and I published it on Steam and I was under no illusions that the game would be the next Flappy Bird or Minecraft. I did not think it would make a ton of money, but I did want to push through the entire lifecycle of creating, marketing and publishing to see if I could make enough to recoup the time I put into it.

A few facts about the game:

  • It took me 6 weeks to make. Let’s call it 240 hours.
    • My initial estimation was 2 weeks.
  • Core gameplay was written in a week, the rest was art, tuning, testing, debugging, more testing, Steam integration, and other various elements that required polishing.
  • I used all FOSS software - Godot Engine, GIMP, Audacity, gcc (well, I guess Visual Studio and XCode weren’t FOSS, but I couldn’t do much about them).
  • I coded primarily on Linux, but also Windows and Mac throughout the development process to make sure it ran well on all platforms.
  • I had 6 beta testers.

I intentionally kept the game simple in scope. I’ve been a software engineer long enough to know that even the simplest scopes become complex very quickly, so my goal for this project was to keep it stupid simple and price it accordingly. I wanted to create an arcade style game that you can sit down with for 5 to 10 minutes and have fun. Pretty much what an arcade style game should be. Not some epic slog with 100 hours of gameplay. There’s no way I could finish something like that as a solo developer. I think in general I did pretty good at keeping that scope.

So my rules were pretty simple:

  • single player 2D arcade game
  • polished content over quantity of content
  • simple gameplay where difficulty was a function of level
  • a single arena
  • save local high scores

I ended up adding achievements as one of my few bits of scope creep because it added a new measure of accomplishment to the game (and some people are very strongly driven by achievements).

Given the scope and scale of the game I figured I could sell it for about the cost of an energy drink, or less than a drink at Starbucks :)

So how did the game do?

So far, the game has sold less than 200 units between Steam and My goal was 5,000 which means I’ve missed the mark quite a bit so far. Right now I’m averaging less than $1.00 per hour and that doesn’t count the $100 Steam listing fee, or any of the advertising costs I’ve incurred. So at this point I’ve probably broken even on those expenses and made $0.01 per hour :) Despite the low earnings, the game continues to make sales here and there so each one is a small step towards hitting that goal. I chose to look at this as a gigantic learning experience.

It's not Failure, It's a Learning Experience!

I read it time and time again, but didn’t quite get it until I fell prey to it. You have to market your game long before it comes out. You have to build a community. This is something that quite frankly, I suck at. And I ignored that advice. I’m not sure if it’s because I have this slightly introverted engineering mindset (probably), or if I'm just missing some secret formula to success. Somehow in my head I thought “I’ll just tweet about it with the right tags and people will see it”.. Well, hehe - that’s not quite how it works. So you either have a pre-established community that you sell to who in turn, give some word of mouth advertising, or you have to funnel the world to your storefront. I found myself having to do the latter.

When you’re not trying to sell something, you see the bombardment of advertising on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and you just tune it out. When you’re trying to sell something, you’re immediately on the opposite side of that equation and trying to figure out how to get someone to pay the slightest bit of attention to your post (much less engage with it).

Lesson learned - build the community first.

I did do a few things right. I reached out to a number of Youtubers. I emailed a ton of them and offered keys to them. A few decided to review my game and that was great feedback and definitely contributed to customers. The best and most influential review I got was from Welsknight Gaming who released his review just before the release of the game. That definitely helped:

Speaking of Advertising

When it comes to paid advertising, my best results have been using Facebook Ads. Not only were their prices better than the other platforms, their tools allow you to fine-tune your audience. If my game were priced higher, I could justify using FB Ads, but my return is just below break-even with my current margins so pumping money into ads for this game is hard to justify.

The World is Playing

I was very surprised to see analytics begin to come back from the two stores. To date, the U.S. accounts for only about 15% of my sales. Russia holds the most with almost 20% followed closely by Western Europe and then Asia combined was another large chunk! This blew me away! I guess I was expecting that since my game wasn’t internationalized that I would only get a few sales outside of the U.S. but I was VERY VERY wrong in that assumption. This also means that I will give strong consideration to internationalizing my next game.

Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 5.15.03 PM.png Analytics from one of the stores.

Linux Lives Matter

I LOVE developing in Linux. It just feels “right”. And so I did most of my game development in Linux because sometimes you just need to get stuff done :) As a Linux fanboy I’ve always been disappointed at the games available for it. Don’t get me wrong, more and more people are putting games out on Linux, but it still falls behind the curve a little. So I submitted to and the game was reviewed there. On the day the review released, I got a pretty good spike in Linux orders on both store fronts. I also tagged a few tweets with #Linux and would see bumps in sales based on those.

People only buy when it’s on sale.

It’s pretty crazy. When the product is on sale, I get a small continuous stream of sales. As soon as the product is full price, the sales curve flatlines! I find it a little funny since the game is less than $2.00 anyway. But somehow, discounting it a few cents makes a difference in the perception of value.

Steam or

If you’re making a game and asking this question - here’s my response. If you want to make money - put your product on Steam. You can’t argue with the numbers. Steam has an obscenely large community! Anyone who is a gamer knows what Steam is, but many gamers still don’t know so that’s it.. Now, with that said I LOVE ITCH.IO.. Their interface is tremendously easier to work with than Steam, and I like the business model much better in general. But Steam is where your customers are, so if you’re trying to sell a game, sell it where the customers are.

I can also say that accounts for approximately 10% of my total sales. I don't know if that's typical between and Steam or not? It seems logical to me based on user base between the two stores.

Would I do it again?

Absolutely! It was an awesome experience to bring something to life and carry it through the full product lifecycle by myself. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed in the sales, but I’m learning and having fun. That’s what matters :)


Wow, I love the look of the game, and the story behind it. I am a child of the 1980s Arcade Game Craze. The game makes me think of Galaxian and Phoenix...but on steroids or crack because you have the movement capabilities more like a Robotron. As for the sales flatlining - I might suggest that if you are making any profit on it at the normal sale price, leave it at the regular $2 price as what is shown, but keep it on sale all the time. People like to think they are getting a bargain, but also even at just $2 some may think your price point is too high and move past it. I wouldn't agree with it being too high, but for some it might be.
Best of luck with future sales!

Thanks for your comment :) Yeah, I grew up in the 80s too and despite all of the advances in graphics technology I still find myself returning to arcade and retro style games. I agree with you on the price. At this point, I've just accepted that "it is what it is" and am ready to move on. Thank you for reading.

I think with experience you'll get better at the "business" side of things....
Love the look of it! 👍😊
Keep doing this....

I feel like I am continually "learning" :) Thanks for reading and your words of encouragement.

I am currently working an a game myself. Actually in a team of 2-3. It is slow. It is a ton of work and I don't think it will pay off.

But as you said, its about the experience. We have learned so much about game dev - not only programming. Gameplay decissions, story telling, game art and so on.

If you start creating a game, you should not start because you think you will get rich, you should start it because of the challende and the fun in doing it. Otherwise you will (most probably) get very frustrated.

I 100% agree - it is a hard industry to make money in b/c there is soooooo much competition. Do it for the love of it :) .. Good luck with your game :)

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Wow it looks very interesting. I allready have an idea for a game for 10 years now, but don´t have time for programming. My business partner and me making a concept now and want to start with it.

But there is not much time to play games at the moment. Your post and the review of your game lets it tingle in me to start programming.

I know what you mean about time! Even though I "only" spent six weeks on this little project, it was A LOT of work. I encourage you to do it though. It is a lot of fun. Also if you decide to do it, I really enjoyed using Godot Engine. The community for that game engine is nice, it's open source, and it's a very capable engine.

This is pretty cool! I want to make games some day

Do it - just grab a game engine and follow some tutorials and get started :) I don't know what your background is, but the only thing stopping you from doing it is you. So I say "Go for it!!" :) Thanks for reading.

Can confirm I didn't know shit about coding in C# but when I started picking up youtube tutorials about Unity I know quite a lot about game mechanics. Another great way to learn is to somehow get your hands on C++ Primer 5th Edition ( That specific book ) as it's extremely helpful and has an entire glossary of programming terms in the back which allow you to understand what the hell programmers are on about when they explain things to you.

Thank you for posting this. It's great to glean information from someone who has done it. Did you release to the phones/tablets? Also, did you create an Ad version? I'm interested in knowing your return on those.... Keep the posts coming!

I did do an ad-supported version for Android, but it also didn't do very well. I even did an ad campaign for it. My return on it has been ~$1.00 USD. Of course, if it went viral for some reason (I highly doubt it, but hey, I can dream) - then maybe the story would be different. It was never really designed for mobile but it does play pretty decent on the phones and tablets. I had to cut some corners to get the performance to run well (mainly I had to cut back on the particle systems). Anyway - I'd be happy to discuss. You can always try to look me up on if you want to discuss.

Thank you for sharing your experience about making and promoting Final Storm . I hope your sales will pick up soon and your per hour pay will go up to 50.00 or more. Good luck!

Thank you @marinaart - I hope so too. I think at this point I need to move on with some new ideas and see how they work. Thanks for taking the time to read!

Did you use any other marketing tools besides advertising besides adds? If yes which ones and how did it go? We are releasing a demo for our game soon, so any information is helpful. :)

I did, I used but only the free tier. There were a few reviews that came out of that but not much. I don't think it contributed much to sales. If your margin is high enough for your game then you might justify paying a bit of money to access some more features. I just couldn't do that with my margins.

Another thing that you SHOULD do is get active on Make a profile for your game and then do a giveaway to get some exposure. I did a 200 key giveaway and I noticed a sales boost after that. I actually did the giveaway hoping for reviews, but I didn't get any reviews out of it. Still, for my next game I'm going to have a much louder presence on indiedb. You might also look into gamejolt.

Also - make a google analytics account now and wire it up to your store pages BEFORE you start selling and marketing. It will give you good alternative insight to your campaigns.

Good luck with your demo :)

Thanks for the info, I have already checked indiedb out, but I didn't hear about gamejolt before, I will check it out.

Actually first phase of our marketing plan comes after we finish our website and demo. Right now we are in phase 0.5 dropping some music and screenshots here on steemit. Once the demo and website are finished we will release the demo and send it to all the game reviewers I can get to. I am compiling the list of reviewers and their contacts and I am currently at above 100.

We will probably publish the list somewhere on our website so I will drop you the link once it is finished in case you need it for your next game.

@brandonsadventure wow impressive work indeed

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