How To Make An Irresistible Offer - Interview with Laurie Richards + Contest

in #business6 years ago

How to engage people in interesting conversations? How to communicate effectively online? How to make an offer that can't be rejected? How to communicate in business? These and other questions I get advice on from the communication expert Laurie Richards. There is also a contest in the Video.

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Hi guys today and welcome to The Billion Dollar Secret.
In the series "Expert Wisdom" I will introduce to you today a communication strategist and pitching expert Laurie Richards.
Laurie co-authored the book "Ready. Set. Go!" with me and Brian Tracy.
She has 25 years of experience in public speaking, communication and writing and has public relations and marketing background.
Laurie was the driving force behind the "Pork. The Other White Meat" campaign and helped thousands of companies improve their communication
And create billions of dollars in new business.
Welcome Laurie to my channel!
Hi. How are you today? Good to see you!
Good to see you, Laurie. Today we want to create for our audience as much value as possible. So, let's start immedietaly with te first question.
Laurie, you are a communication expert. And you've been helping people for 20 years to communicate effectively.
And in recent years online communication is a substancial part of our communication activities.
And there are a lot of people in our community. They watch the video, they read comments on different channels.
It's on Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Steemit, but most of them are afraid actually to communicate.
Afraid to write something, afraid to engage with others. Maybe they're afraid that what they have to say is not interesting enough.
Maybe they're afraid of criticism. So, I have 2 questions for you!
What might be the other reasons people are afraid of communicating with others that you would think of and what advise would you give them to overcome these?
There's so many reasons, as you said, that people are afraid to communicate. The number one is that people are just afraid of being judged.
A lot of people don't wanna be looked at. They don't want you to look at them because... what if you criticise my hair?
Od what if you don't like my scarf? What if you don't like the way I said something? What if you don't like my body language?
They're very afraid of being judged. And when you're in population you don't necessarily stand out.
But as soon as you're in a meeting and you speak out everybody is looking at you and people have a very real fear of that.
Another fear that they have as part of that, Rafael, is they're afraid that they start to say something and they don't get th right words out.
They won't be able to find the right words. They won't be able to put it out there in such a way that other people get it.
So, they're sitting in the meeting and they're trying to say something and the more they get nervous...
I don't know if you know this but the more person get nervous, the more their muscles contract and they hold a lot of stress and a lot of tension
From the bottom of their chin all the way down to their stomach.
And what happens now is all of that creates more tension and makes your face red and makes your stomach churn.
All this stuff is going on and now they're afraid that they're not going to be able to say what they need to say.
Even if they do get it out there, they're afraid that now people are going to criticize their ideas.
So, it's really important to be able to get pass that and one of the most important things they can do is first of all... you gotta breathe.
You gotta be able to take a breath and I know that sounds like everybody out there is telling us breathe... breathe... breathe...
But there's a reason and that is because it's good for you and it works. And what you want to do is yu want to breathe
And you want to pretend you have a balloon in your fingers and you're going to blow up the balloon.
So, instead of taking this kind of breath, instead of taking breath like you're gonna blow up balloon... So you go [Laurie is demonstarting taking a breath]
And now you've got all this breath. All the way up here in your diaphragm and in your abdomen and all this breath is here.
And now that oxygen is gonna go to your brain and settle you down a little bit.
And another thing you can do is think about the other person as opposed to yourself.
As opposed to worrying about "Oh my Gosh, what if they don't like my hair? What if they don't like what I've got on?
Or what if they don't like something else about me? Think about the value that you have to share.
And any idea is a good idea as long as it gets put into the mix. We talk about brainstorming... how no idea is a bad idea.
And I think it's fair to sy that as long as you're added to the mix, there's value in your perspective. That's why you're on the team.
It's not enough to be good at what you do. You have to be able to tell people about it.
If you can tell people about it, then you're an engineer, architect, construction supervisor, farmer, research scientist or a computer programmer
Sitting in the corner. That's not gonna get your job done. You really have to be able to speak out, but that's a very real fear.
Okay. We are talking here about communication on forum in communities / online communities where you actually have time to think over that...
It's in writing. So, it's much easier. Nevertheless people somehow hold back. Is there anything that you would have in that area? What would be your advise?
The biggest thing that I would encourage people if we are interacting online, for instance your viewers out there.
The minute you think something, write it. Now. Don't hit your "send" key just yet!.
Because if you're saying something, ask. Whatever it is that you're writing about, ask yourself. Does this have value? Does this head to the conversation?
Does this help what's going on? So, a thumbs up is great because it tells Rafael or it tells me "You're on right track. I agree with you".
So, good thumbs up - that's right.
A question usually is good. Laurie, what would you mean about this? Rafael, what can you tell us about this?
Rafael, can you tell us a little bit more about this? Those are great additions.
A great addition would be "I tried this. It didn't work. Do you have other ideas?" or "I tried this and this is one of my obstacles. What's another idea?".
There is a huge difference between questioning on the Internet, questioning in dialogue and in social media and attacking dialogue on social media.
Attacking in my opinion is not okay. Simply because a huge part of communication is remembering. It's not about what we put out.
It's about the interaction. I'm a believer that real communication is not talking and it's not writing.
Real communication is writing what the other person needs to hear in order to understand your message.
And we take really divisive and really polar ideas and we start fighting. We argue about it.
What's happening is that no one is listening. The person that you've written to isn't listening and we are not listening it...
So, instead of that asking a question is a good way to do and when you ask the question - on quick tip.
Ask with curiosity, not judgement. There's a huge difference between saying "Where did you get that information?" [judgement rhetoric]
And "Where did you get that information?" [curiousity rhetoric]
One is with judgement. The other is with curiousity. So, when you're interacting online, make sure that you're adding to the conversation.
Even if saying "Great job! You're on the right track". Just as encouragement or to actually add an idea.
I tried this once. Here is what I found. I haven't tried this. What else can you say? What if I hit this obstacle? What can I do?
One of the things, Rafael, that I love about social media is the opportunity to exchange valuable information.
What this is really about in my opinion is how can I get more information and how can I share more information?
But we have to remember whether we're on the video like this now or wheter we're writing in the comments.
The idea is to write what the other person will understand, not just vent. Is that help?
Absolutely. Guys! This is the best opportunity to try out what you've learnt in the first question and write it in your comment.
Don't be a lurker in the dark. Come out and write something. Share your ideas, share your perspective. Do it now. Now is the best opportunity.
And give us a thumb up if you learned something.
And tell us what questions you have. Ask questions. Tell us what's working. Tell us what you've tried or what you want to try.
Another thing that I've noticed is that many people comment but they somehow have trouble to throw attention of other people
Or engage them to communication with each other in forums and also in comments. For example under my videos.
So, what advice would you give them? How can they make people listen to them? Communicate with them in public forums, communities, comments.
What techniques can be used to make the message more attractive, throw more attention and inspire communication?
The most important thing is to make sure that you're using other person's language, if you will. And to not be accusatory.
Again, as soon as we find that we are simply venting, as opposed to actually trying to communicate.
One of the tips that might be helpful for the viewers is to think of yourself is having an honest conversation with someone.
Would you say that in person? Would you say that as opposed to what you're writing here?
And if you said it before you hit that "send" key... because that's a real trigger for us. As we get to typing a lot and send.
Instead of stop and to look at what we read, consider how someone else might hear it and then maybe tweak it a little bit before we hit the "send" key.
And that's a really critical piecie. When people read.. I don't know if you know this, but typically we read at the same speed that we speak.
I'm American an the average American speaks 240 words a minute and the average American reads 240 words a minute.
And we're basically reading to ourselves. We're hearing the words in our head. So, what happens is when we read something, the reader puts the tone.
So, again. To go back to that quote of "Where did you get that information?", the reader is the one who decides in person.
You can hear the tone, but in reading it's the reader who decides. Is it gonna be "Where did you get that information?" [judgement rhetoric]
Or "Where did you get that information?" [curiousity rhetoric]
So, it's really important when we write something in the comments to also tak a look and ask ourselves.
If that guy is angry and I can tell from his or her writing... if that person is angry, how are they going to take it when I write this?
And you can write the most benign stuff I wrote to someone one day. Just as an example.
I had a friend who took a new job. And I wasn't sure it was the right job for this person, but okay... if you think this is the right job, good for you.
And I'm gonna support because this is a friend of mine. It means a lot to me and I wrote "I just hope you're happy".
And what I meant was "I just hope you're happy".
But what he read obviously was "I just hope you're happy" [judgement rhetoric]
Because he got really snarky with me in the comments... When I wrote it, it never occurred to me that he would take that as a snarky comment for me.
Because I really did mean "I just hope you're happy, that this is a good job for you and that it offers wonderful opportunities".
So, you're really have to be careful and if someone does take it wrong, go ahead and go back and say "Gosh.. I really didn't mean it in that way".
I really meant to be supportive and simply curious... or whatever it is...
Recognize that sometimes your words don't come off the way you want them to and in writing it's especially true.
Right. 70% of the communication is actually our tone, our body language and that's what is missing in forums, in writing.
And because that reader puts their own tone to it, it's a little less predictible. So, you wanna be extra careful when you put those comments.
But like you said, one of the most valuable parts for you and for me and doing something like this is hearing what they have to say;
Is listening and reading their coments. I don't know about you but I love when the comments start comming in.
Absolutely. People share their live stories and experiences. This is what it is about - sharing and exchanging information, experiences and ideas.
First of all ideas.
Yeah. And learning from those, using them - you and I and everybody else. Sharing an idea doesn't mean you have 2 ideas or that I have less ideas.
It means the world has many, many more ideas.
Yeah. Somebody told me something like "When you share one idea 10 times, the people you share it with have heard that idea once.
But you have heard that idea 10 times. So, your subconcious starts working on that idea and developing other ideas around that connecting it to that idea
So, you actually have a lot of advantage or payoff from telling these ideas not only by engaging with others but also by putting your brain to work on them.
Yeah. I'm sure you have the experience where you hear somebody share an idea where you've heard it before and you think

And think for hours or minutes about the content.
Someone said recently that when it comes to your emails you're adding value or you're wasting my time.
And if your email is not packed with value not to you but to me. Think about how many newsletters or freebies you've signed up for.
And you're just going through and click, click, click, delete not even opening them. And these are ones we asked for.
So, we thought when we started that this is gonna be valuable to me and it didn't take long and we figured out this is nothing but a promotion click.
I'm not even interested - unsubscribe. And we may not even take the time to unsubscribe. We just go through every morning, click please off and delete them.
Because you're in email as in person, you're adding value to someone else or you wasting my time. And if you're wasting my time, quite frankly
You've created a persona and a personality as someone who wastes my time. And we don't give a lot of third, fourth chances.
So, in the first email, if you wasted my time, the second email you wasted my time, I'm done.
You can keep sending those emails when you want to. Oh golly, all the emails that we get and we just delete them because you're not adding value to me.
So, the 2nd one really is to make sure you're making that connection. And the third one relates to it and what that is stop talking about you.
Stop talking about you and start talking about your audience. Rafael if yo and I have a conversation and all I talk about is me, that's not a conversation
That's me pushing you. And I just keep pushing you and pushing you. Nobody wants to be pushed and we're much more sophisticated consumers today.
We're smart enough to know when an email is a sales pitch but when you take your content and you make it a value to them.
Not look what I have but instead look how this will help you get your heaven or prevent your hell.
Now you've got a different conversation going; now you've got people saying "Well, I really do have that hell and I really don't want that
And I really do want that heaven and maybe this is a way for me to get that. Here is a challenge for your listeners.
Go through your emails and circle all the time you use the words: I, we, our, us or the name of your company / product / division.
So, look at all the content in there. It is really about you.
This is a good idea actually. Let's do the following for the listeners, for the audience here. Guys, go through your last pitch you did through email.
Last time you contacted somebody and tried to convience somebody of doing something or getting involved with your business or whatever.
And really count these words: I, we, our, us and so on...
Anything first person, anything that's about you, anyting about me.
And put it into the comment. How many of that did you find? And we will do a very interesting content.
The guy who has them the most or those among the most, we will make an award
No, not the most, Rafael. Most is bad!
I know it's bad but nevertheless just don't be shy, guys. It will be a contest and the worst pitch in our community will get an award from us.
And everything counts because you'll find that most of these pitches will start with "I want to take just a moment" and "I want to show you".
"I want to thank you", "I want to ask you". That's not about me at all. That's all about the writer. That's what you want to do.
It's like a speaker who stands up and says "I wanna talk to you about...". That's not about the audience, that's only about the speaker.
How would you say, instead of "I want to show you something"... How would you say it in different words?
First I start by making sure I knew what their heaven and hell was.
So, let's assume we know already what they want. How do you say, instead of "I want to show you something". What about "Would you look at that"?
You can ask me nice question. Again, for the one I put out recently as an example, btw. it's not wrong to say "Hi, I just want to talk about you".
I'm just looking for the technicalities. How to do that?
The one that I put out recently that the opening line was "Are you losing more business pitches than you're winning".
That has nothing to do with Laurie. That has only to do with you. Are you wasting more time on social media than you're getting value for it.

I mean take all the words and take these and the percentage. The person who is this time the worst communicator will become a winner
It's kind of price for you truthfulness
So, he or she will get the copy of this special edition of this bestseller.
If you're looking for tips on how to do that, you can reach out to m on my website and I will help them make that happen
Absolutely. Thank you Laurie and thank you guys, thank you girls for watching that. I wish you a fantastic day today.
Let's do something extraordinary today.

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