Unproductive habits.

in #business6 years ago


We are all accustomed to the division of habits is into good and bad. Smoking is bad, exercise is good. Meanwhile, life likes to break the conventional classification. Each of us there is not one, not two, but a whole Arsenal of habits that are difficult to evaluate unambiguously and spread along the axes. It is also difficult because they are related not only to our individual actions or behavior in specific situations, but also the way of thinking. And while we are trying to instill discipline in ourselves, we follow time management systems, in short, we are fighting for efficiency, unproductive habits sabotage these efforts almost on a subconscious level. What are these habits and how do they kill our productivity?

The habit of pouring


Modern man is increasingly sleepy, but everyone probably happens is that he sleeps much more than expected. For example, a common case – "sleep off the weekend." If you have ever done so, then, of course, noticed how hard it is after 10-12 hours of sleep: you still want to sleep, lethargy such as if he did not go to bed, attention disorder, fog in the head... syndromes each of its Own, but there is something in common – about any productivity after sleep is not necessary. In addition, medical studies indicate that sleeping a lot is associated with the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Lack of physical activity


65% of US residents are overweight. And only 14% - regularly engaged in sports. And if you believe the forecasts, the situation in the coming years will only worsen. And, by the way, physical activity directly affects human productivity. It helps to cope with stress, does not allow the muscles to atrophy with sedentary work, keeping them in tone, saturates the brain cells with oxygen. Therefore, even if you do not have time to visit the gym or Jogging, go at least a couple of blocks, which usually pass by transport, on foot, or walk for half an hour in the Park.

Information overload


The modern man is obsessed with information. During the day we consume terabytes of data – the Internet, TV, radio help us kindly. But here, as usual, it is important to know the measure. Awareness is good, but manic addiction is bad. And if, when you come to work, you first check social networks and news portals, and then again and every hour return to this occupation – it's time to get rid of this unproductive habit. Most likely, the results will be visible on the first day without it.



In the world around us every minute there is something that tries to take away precious time. Then a friend will note on the photo on Facebook, then a colleague will go to exchange a few words, then a dissatisfied client will send an angry e-mail. And leaving the current occupation, it is very difficult to return to it – you need to go to a business meeting, pick up the child from school, urgent and important new business appeared. All this leads to the fact that the mountain of unfinished business is growing, and you run the risk of never taking it apart. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to deal with distraction, control your attention and stay organized.

Habit to invent


No, there is nothing wrong with that if you are a person of a creative profession or your hobby is connected with creativity. It is about the invention that is characteristic of many people and which is manifested in the desire to go all the way and again. This is when a person does not listen to advice, does not want to believe that this has been done a thousand times by others, and wants to "invent a Bicycle" on their own. For the most banal occupations. As a result - by trial and error, he comes to the same result in two days, which can be reached in an hour. It was enough just not to grasp at the matter in a temper, and to gather information about whether someone had done it before.



You've probably met people who are literally obsessed with making everything fit their idea of perfection. In fact, we're all a bit perfectionists. Especially, as for work. Like the background of the slides of the presentation to the customer? Anything that is on the last page of the abstract numbering is slightly lower than the rest? Such and similar thoughts force us to deal with small and often insignificant details, spending a lot of time on them. Therefore, constantly remind yourself of the Pareto principle, which says that 80% of the result is achieved through 20% of the effort spent. Conclusion: don't be a perfectionist, wasting 80% of your energy on "bringing to mind" the remaining 20% of the work.



Multitasking has been much talked about in a positive way lately. Allegedly, the modern man is simply obliged to be able to do several things at once. In fact, this is not entirely true. Multitasking is not the simultaneous execution of several tasks, and the ability to quickly switch attention from one case to another, and just as quickly return to the previous. This skill needs to be learned, as many people even engage in mechanical work and at the same time chat with a colleague without losing productivity is difficult. And not to fall into this trap and not to rush between several tasks at once, it is better to do one thing at a time.

Do not keep track of time


Here you are just a few minutes went to the chat and did not have time to look back, as it took a couple of hours. Or made a coffee, went out with an employee on the street, talked, and the conversation flowed smoothly at lunchtime. Another habit kills productivity. There can be no question of any skills of planning and improving efficiency, if you do not keep track of time and can not say exactly where it goes (a conversation in the chat does not count, it does not bring you closer to the goal of getting a raise, earning more, etc.). This habit has another side. However, it is also negative – late arrival. Not coming on time, you waste not only your time, but also show disrespect to others and their time.

Friends-the jailers


Steve Peacock offered to divide the environment of the person on the lifters and jailers. The first are those who make you better in all respects, make you move forward and have the qualities that you are most impressed. The second – those who pull you down, keeps you in prison; with such people you can have common interests and even friendship, but global goals are very different. Anyone should strive to ensure that among his friends there were as many lifters, and try to avoid jailers. This does not mean to break off all ties, but if you are trying to build a great career, the daily trips to clubs and bars with friends-party, after which you look like a zombie, you will be closer to this goal.

Not to close the case


There are people who can't say no. There are those who overestimate their strength. The first, when they are asked, can not refuse and take on other people's worries. The latter, wishing to stand out, or for other reasons, take additional work without a preliminary assessment of whether it can be done on time. In both cases, all ends the same – the number of unfinished business accumulates, and with it, and anxiety about it. The work is at best expanded on weekends and free time, at worst – and remains only started, which leads to reprimand, and later dismissal.

Not rest


To work effectively is not to work anymore. If you but work is only a dream, and that less than the proper norm, it's time to change something. Without a good rest, fatigue will only accumulate, and therefore, about any productivity can not talk. So try to balance these aspects of your life. And remember that if your day passes in front of the computer, the best options for recreation will be an active pastime in the fresh air.

And what unproductive habits do you or people in your environment have? How do you deal with them?

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