Focus On What You’re Good at and Defer the Rest

in #business7 years ago

When creating a business, including a home based business, it’s very impractical for you to do the tasks that aren’t suited to you. What this means is that when you find yourself faced with something that you’re simply not good at, or perhaps feel a complete lack of motivation to complete, then a sound option for you would be to defer that task to somebody else.

Now, you may not always have somebody on standby to help you out in this regard, and that’s understandable. There may be times within your own home based business in which you’ll have to bite the bullet and just complete the task yourself. If this happens, don’t get discouraged, because there are benefits to having to do your own dirty work.

Doing the tasks in your own home based business that you may find difficult or unpleasant still has an important benefit. Being the founder, the manager, the OWNER, you should know at least a little bit about each of the various aspects of your operation.

Let’s assume that your business is not online a home based business, but is related to Internet marketing and making money online. With this in mind, we can peek into the different aspects of your business that you should have at least a bit of understanding about.

Do you know the importance of having good, well-written, high-quality content for a website? For an Internet marketing business, it’s absolutely critical to have great content for the people visiting your website, your BUSINESS, to read.

If having to write a few articles – even if you may not prefer to write articles or don’t have a particular gift for writing – helps you to better understand the inner workings of your own home based business so that you can more effectively manage the operation in its entirety, is that not highly beneficial to you as a business owner?

Imagine for a moment that you’re working a job. Now imagine that your manager tells you to do something completely ridiculous and impractical. In an instant, you can tell that your manager has no idea what he’s talking about. So if he has no idea what he’s doing, why on earth is he in a position of management?

The point of this is that it’s important to educate yourself, at least to some degree, about your own home based business. You’re the manager, you’re the boss, and you’re going to need to be able to tell your employees what you need done. When they do it, you’re going to need the educated understanding to know that the task was done correctly.

One of the fortunate things about running a home based business is that the cost of overhead is often quite low. In the more specific case of running an Internet marketing business, you’ll find that there are several sources in which to acquire hired help, and usually at very affordable rates.

Here are a few examples:

You can check these sites out to find a great number of people who are willing to help you with virtually any task you can imagine. These individuals may be able to help you achieve financial independence through your business, but keep in mind that you still need to direct them. It’s your duty to be able to request the right work, as well as be able to tell if the work completed is high-quality or if it’s slapdash stuff that needs to be redone in a more professional manner.

So when you have a solid understanding of what it takes to operate your home based business, then you can begin focusing on what you do best and deferring the rest of the work to somebody who would do it better.

Dedicating yourself to what you enjoy doing and what you personally excel at is the best use of your time. If you don’t enjoy creating a social presence for your home based business, then defer it to somebody who’s willing to build it for you. Just make certain that when you do, you already have at least a basic understanding of what needs to be done in order to build a social presence for your business. This way you can tell of the overall work done is acceptable or not.

If this sounds a bit complicated, it can be when you start out, but it doesn’t need to be – Take Small, Steady, Achievable Steps and Success Will Follow

There are home based business and Internet marketing models that are specially designed to remove the learning curve, eliminating any guesswork and doing all the “heavy lifting” for you.

Do what you’re good at, focus on what you enjoy, on the things you’re passionate about, and make your dreams a reality. Set out to achieve your goals with complete dedication and absolute commitment. You deserve success and financial abundance, so set your sights on it now and take action!


when you find yourself faced with something that you’re simply not good at, or perhaps feel a complete lack of motivation to complete, then a sound option for you would be to defer that task to somebody else

I've been thinking about this more and more lately - I think that it's something that I could really benefit from doing. It's good to hear the advice from someone else, in a similar position, to reaffirm it though =)

I like this advice too. I use it often :) Thanks for the positive comment;)

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