How will AI change labour work in the next 5-10 years

in #businesslast year

Less than five years ago, Bill Gates was blown away by what the OpenAI team were working on.
As a result a few months later, Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI, becoming the startup’s exclusive cloud provider.
TODAY Microsoft is investing $10 billion on the startup!
To answer your question, how will AI change how we work in the next five to ten years?
Honestly — we don’t have an idea, but we should be asking ourselves these important questions:
Listen, if you haven’t experienced for yourself the power of ChatGPT yet and you haven’t stated thinking how AI technology will very soon change your job, I honestly believe you’re making a massive mistake.
Change is here, and it will get here faster and it will be more impressive and disruptive than we can even comprehend.

It’s time to pay attention!


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