The Before and After of Business Analytics

in #business7 years ago


Many traditional approaches to analytics fall at the first hurdle because the system cannot cope with the massive amounts and multiple sources of data. In response to this, the data parameters are reduced, resulting in inaccurate data and an unrealistic basis on which to make decisions.

There is another way….

We believe technology is key when selecting a business analytics tool. SAP HANA’s industry-leading make-up enables companies to synchronise data and access real-time, in-memory information without affecting their day-to-day operational processes.

SAP HANA enables organisations to quickly move from conception to analysis by providing a streamlined workflow. But the real difference SAP HANA brings is in the absence of any materialisation – all analytic models are virtual and results are calculated based on real-time operational data; this means changes to models are efficient and straightforward.

Organisations often need to extract data from non-SAP applications; this poses further problems and means data is left out and does not provide a true reflection of the company’s status. SAP HANA is able to access any data, from any source, using the SAP Data Services software.

Implementing SAP HANA helps companies become more lean and agile and provides a significantly more effective view of an entire organisation.

However, companies are often unable to see the bigger picture in terms in analytics, especially if business is ticking over quite well. Here we have shown the ‘before’ and ‘after’ process improvements an organisation can experience with proper analytics.

Business Processes


  • Silo team work creates process duplication

  • Little or no cross-departmental visibility on the business process chain

  • Issues arise from operations, warehouse and manufacturing when no efficient communication process exists


  • Consistent real-time data enables better business management

  • Streamlined and integrated business processes create a more collaborative work environment

  • Possibility to extend improvements to subsidiaries also leveraging Analytics Powered by SAP HANA

Financial Processes


  • Month-end and year-end processing is a huge resource and time drain

  • Management have little visibility of real-time financial status

  • Reduced financial knowledge limits quick decision making capabilities


  • Automatic, regular processing of financial data eliminates month-end and year-end stress

  • Full visibility for management over financial data

  • Ability for management to make quick, business-centric decisions based on true data

Sales Process


  • Manual, paper-based sales entries requiring in-office work

  • Global/regional offices following individual sales processing methods

  • No central sales, ordering, inventory system (regional offices order stock based on local sales and inventory figures)

  • Sales team working on individual sales targets on a local/regional basis


  • Sales representatives gain access to process sales whilst still with the client, enabling them to spend time on generating more sales

  • Online sales quotation function, also available through SAP’s mobile app

  • Global visibility over sales quotations, status, targets and figures

  • Trends, patterns and customer behaviours accessible in real time

  • Possibility of re-allocation of resources from manual processes to profit enhancing activities

IT Processes


  • IT team spend significant time pulling reports and data for routine and ad hoc requirements

  • Reports quickly become out of date and unreliable

  • Data is available only through specific systems and reports

  • Technology is reliant on people knowledge; this poses a huge risk factor

  • Systems and processes unable to cope with mass amount of ‘Big Data’ generated


  • Ability to scale systems and processes to match company’s growth and requirements

  • Reduced dependence on IT department (freeing them up for more focussed IT activities)

  • Data is available anytime, anywhere

  • Time savings; automated processes reduce ad hoc reporting requirements

  • Money savings; optimised processes in place

  • Global, integrated system ensures processes are streamlined across all teams and offices

  • Some organisations are able to eliminate the cost of a dedicated IT department to run physical servers

Inventory Processes


  • Significant lag time between stock replenishment and customer fulfilment

  • Little management insight into stock trends and inventory levels

  • Reliance on warehouse processes to drive business forward


  • Mobile access to detailed management information including stock and item queries and levels

  • Instant approval process for inventory ordering requirements

  • Real-time stock verification levels enables management to track customer demand and make quick, informed decisions on the ground

These are just some of the process improvements your organisation could experience with a robust analytics framework.

Speak with your business advisors about your organisation’s specific process needs.

Image Credit: Photo by William Felker on Unsplash

A version of this post has been published in my blog

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