I love Steem. Burst has some cool similarities which I hadn't realized. I think these 2 coins will compliment each other very well in the Long Term. They both have Long Legs.
ASSETS - This is a game changer - Token Creation potential by Community Members is a point that has not yet been fully realized nor expressed as an added mutual benefit strategic alliance that can be established to grow wealth for community participants. The potential is Pro-Found-Awe-So-Me.
PROOF OF CAPACITY MINING - low cost to operate mining on external hard drive. supports decentralization by making mining viable option for all participants. Mining from your mobile even...
BLOCKCHAIN - Like Steem in that it's designed to be very accommodating. Expansive support for new applications.
Community - Strong Community. Casino. Faucets. 24/7 Radio. Gaming Connections? Burst Nation account is linked to Steam Account. Note I said, "Steam"...Steam is Big time online Computer Video Games. Connecting Burst to Steam online Gaming?! Not impossible...likely in the works behind the scenes at some level or another.
Maturity and Development - It's Young, but it's already grown quite a lot this year. Establishing itself as not going away. The community really just getting to know each other...and growing roots. It's a great Under Dog Story. It's total coin supply will be about 2.158 Billion Coins. It's current market cap is about 28 Million. Can we go 100x in 5 years? It's certainly possible.
Lottery and Crowd-Funding - Can easily set this up through Burst Wallet.
Reflections -
There's more here to BURST than I am capable and able to express at the moment. My involvement is new. I literally just pulled the trigger last night in activating my involvement. Bought 42,000.00 Burst for 585 Satoshi's each. Missed it earlier on a dip...and saw i could of had it at a dip a little earlier today at about 560 Satoshi's per Burst. The "could of, would of, should of" conversation is comical at best. Anyways, I've joined. With the price being under 2 cents and having such a strong community and range of applications in tact with the potential for further expansion as a totally possible future reality...BURST has a very fun vibrant feel about itself. Very similar to STEEM in the regard. These are totally different Animal's. I just Like Bringing Awesome Animals Together.
My techy understanding of the specifics 'under the hood' will expand in time. If you are reading this and you have some info that you can clearly see I don't, please share. Writing, talking about things helps me create clarity. I look forward to future participation as a BURST NATION newb sharing the process of getting involved in a very cool Party.
Bonus Shares of Support
Buy Bitcoin with CreditCard of Paypal Here:
https://xcoins.io/?r=snhmw2 (North-America)
https://www.bitpanda.com/?ref=4293606642140208028 (Europe and Other)
Self-Mastery, Desteni: http://desteniiprocess.com/
3% Discount Code for Genesis Mining: CO8HFc
(very profitable cloud based mining contracts)
You can set up a private bitcoin wallet here:
https://www.exodus.io/ (Desktop Wallet)
https://wallet.mycelium.com/ (cell-phone)
One of a kind life-enhancement recordings:
Steemit (Free Money for posting, up-Voting, and Commenting Best Quality Content)
https://steemit.com (Great Self-Investment with long-term potential)
Got into Genesis mining a few weeks ago for ETH contracts and was doing them in bigger MH bulk buys, but I started doing it just +1/2/3 MH/s increments at a time so I could use other people's affiliate codes and hoping they will use mine next time too!
I just used yours, it was only for +1 MH/s but looking to spread the love! I followed you also, trying to connect with people here on STEEMIT!
Next time you upgrade your hashpower use my code! NkQanX
Any contract upgrade is fine, I am investing in ETH myself but appreciate the return love of any Hashpower!
Hey, coool @royschuh
I should note I sold my burst the other day for more steem power.
I've begun to regard steem and steemit as a sort of mining operation that has really good daily pay outs. I just upgraded your comment with $2.08 :)
I got a pretty solid amount of into an x-11 dash miner on genesis....been using most of it to put into steem, I got a little bit in ethereum, monero and bitcoin too....but not really that much.
Personally, I think Steem is the Best. It's available to everyone without initially putting anything into it....obviously it's better if you are able to buy steem :)
Thanks @worldclassplayer I appreciate it! I intend to change my mining up a lot once I hit 50 MH with ETH because you can use ETHhash in genesis mining to mine steem direct now!
i wonder though...how mining steem through genesis compares to a steem power purchase....and participating daily....because daily participation here will also compound the growth of steem supply and you can keep re-investing steem dollars to steem power......just kind of talking out my thoughts here :)
Im not sure either, I honestly would do both. But what I have been reading is best to just mine the heavy payouts with ETH because the market cap os catching up then just converting to steem or sbd over block trades or poloniex.
following :)
Thank you!
community forum
Basics of BURST
I checked out Genesis Mining after originally seeing it on your list of affiliates. I finally made the plunge and used your code today. Gotta admit, the more I researched it the more it seemed like a no-brainer, great long term investment. Thanks for dropping a little knowledge on me! :)
Cool @orionschariot
It's served me well thus far.
Burst is my new baby that I'm long term on. I've been absolutely impressed with all the features available linked to Burst. Also, I realize there's some positive psychology about how it's price sits and where it's price is going. Many of my peers feel they missed the boat with bitcoin. Regardless if Bitcoin goes to 1million or not. The price it is at now...many of my peers get defeated about it...like they can't own many bitcoin. Switch gears for a moment...and consider Burst...maybe about 2 cents a coin....hmmm if that can get to a dollar that's a pretty sizable return. My friend put it to me like this the other day, "I've been exchanging my bitcoin for litecoin, because i like having more coins". not saying this outlook is a science or anything...just it seems easier for many to follow a climb from cents to dollars...than it is from thousands to millions. Also, burst coin is easy to mine with low to no electricity costs. just plug in an external harddrive.
Anywho, wasn't planning on doing a burst pitch here...but i guess i couldnt contain my new found interest with it here :)
Steem on, The Dream is Live
Good play. Good Sir. :)
Thanks for posting this as I'l definitely start learning more about Burst tonight. There's so much to learn about the different crypto currencies and their uses.
We are very fortunate to have some amazing opportunities right now! Steem on! :)
I saw your other comment first :)
Awesome :)
Feel free to keep a discussion going if any points come up in your investigations. Would be helpful for me too...as i find the more I talk about something the more educated I become...because I immediately am faced with where I am not so 'well versed' in the topic of investigation...which supports more digging...investigating further.
Steem On, The Dream is Live
You Have a Golden Ticket
I appreciate keeping a dialogue going b/c there's a plethora of options to choose from. There is so much to learn I'm trying to take it slow and prioritize one thing at a time. This is quite possibly the greatest opportunity of our lifetime to accumulate great wealth with proper positioning. I'm trying to unlearn what I've learned about investing and valuation and look at each currency's utility, community following and long term usefulness . The mining I feel is an incredible opportunity to generate a steady passive income. Thanks for mentioning Burst, as that's what I'm looking into now, along with PIVX. I know what you mean about it being easier to rationalize ignoring bitcoin and going for less expensive options, but the more I learn about the crypto market, I see it like this. Bitcoin is the straw that stirs the drink. There are so many other currencies out there, some will be around and some will not survive. It's akin to a house, then there is a mortgage, and then maybe a 2nd mortgage, and then the mortgage is put into a MBS and maybe that's included in a CMO. The house is Bitcoin and all the other currencies are derivatives of Bitcoin to some extent. So the age old question is, do you want to own the house or a derivative of the house? Where does the real value lie? I always feel the real value is in the real thing, which in this case is Bitcoin. That's why I'm hesitant at present to venture outside of Bitcoin and Steemit, but I'm looking forward to learning all I can about Burst. I feel we're very fortunate to be right here, right now as all of this is still in it's infancy. Many fortunes will be made by those with a shrewd mind.
"thirds rule strategy"
Burstnation be about that buuuurstin'!!!!
Do you know if there's an exchange where i can convert cryptos other than bitcoin for Burst?
I have no knowledge of that existing.
we should start our own BURST exchange
:) Our own BURST exchange :)
Brilliant Idea @flatearth
Shhhhh, don't tell any more ppl about Burst :)
lololol funny how it goes :)
Hey Dude, check out @cassidyandfranks if you don't know already, he got me thinking more clear with numbers stategies. Rules of Thirds...and Beyond...but start there...
bunch of tag posts rule of thirds...and just check his page
Rule of Thirds
33.33333333333333333333333333333333333333... phureverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......
Derivatives Dude,
Thank you, man! I knew Burst was not a trash!
Awesome @anforo
Long Term Growth potential for sure. Buy the Dips :)
Not promoting BURST...
But you know how I feel about "thirds rule strategy"
Which can be applied to any COIN or ASSET.
Buy in Thirds
Sell in Thirds
" I don't mind getting stuck with my last 1/3rd bag "
So Brilliant.
World Class @cassidyfranks World Class Player You are.
Mad Props :)
The ASSET game is just beginning for me and i couldn't be more stoked about it :)
Keep STEEM N ON @worldclassplayer
You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "investment" TAG (hashtag)
Steem'N On @cassidyandfranks
Thanks for the support!