Eid Day 1 | A Visual Story by @huzaifanaveed1

in #burnsteem252 months ago


Eid day 1 has just ended and man am I tired. Its 12 am here and I have been up since 7 pm yesterday, that makes it 29 hours since I have not been able to get sleep.

As I mentioned in my last post, that I got back home after spending 10 days in the masjid as Ramadan ended. Today was Eid. A day of happiness for all the Muslims from all around the world. A day of rejoicing the mercy and the bounties of this world that have been bestowed to us from the God Almighty. Muslims fast for 30 days straight in the month of Ramadan and Eid is a gift that is given to us for spending hard times for the will of God. It's a concept that I find beautiful.

There are different cultures and rituals associated with the Eid day but some fundamental things are the same as these things are dictated by our religion to all the Muslims alike. Such as offering the obligatory morning Eid prayers. Eating a sweet dish before going for the prayers. Visiting relatives on this day. Distributing gifts and Eidi (money) to the children (though the eidi thing is a cultural practice)

The day of Eid starts with me taking a shower and drowning myself in perfumes while wearing brand new clothes. I have absolute gratification that I am able to do these acts even though there's economic recession going on throughout the world, but still I am able to buy things for myself. For this I am very grateful.

After getting ready, I headed out to the masjid for my Eid prayers, I took a few pictures of the atmosphere. It was around 6 am in the morning and I couldn't resist myself from taking these pictures. One picture is of the sky and the trees and the one is of that stubborn cat who lives right outside my house and accompanies me to wherever I'm going. (She can't stay still for a picture 😭😭



It was hardly a 2 minute walk to the masjid and to my surprise, a lot of people before me had already reached there. One thing that I love about Islam is that it promotes societal growth and congregational acts. The concept of moving forward together is what Islam emphasizes on and this is the exact reason why offering prayers in congregation in a masjid is a must for every Muslim man.





Taking pictures in a masjid is usually is not promoted in some places so I had to be quick to take these pictures. The reasin was to show you all what goes inside a masjid. As you can see some of them are engaged in conversations, some are praying, some are waiting for the Eid prayers to start and someone is just sitting there.

There are five obligatory prayers in a day at different times. At the entrance of the masjid, there's a noard indicating the timing of the prayers. There are:

  • Fajr (Morning Prayers)

  • Zuhr (Afternoon prayers)

  • Asr (Evening prayers)

  • Maghrib (Sunset prayers)

  • Isha (Night prayers)



It was 6:30 at the time so I decided to head out of the masjid and take some aesthetic shots of the Masjid.





you must be wondering whats going on in this picture. In this picture you can see a lot of people crowded around a table where charity is being collected. This charity is obligatory on everyone who come for the prayers and the charity is distributed amongst the less fortunate and underprivileged people amongst us.


After that it was time for Eid prayers. Before the prayers started, the Imaam of the Masjid made a very long supplication for world peace. For forgiveness of sins and for a peaceful world.

After the Eid prayers end, we all greet each other by hugging and and wishing Eid Mubarak to everyone that we come across. A huge crowd is gathered at the exit of the masjid as there are hundreds and thousands of people who attend this Eid prayers.





This is my younger brother wishing my dad Eid


Once i reached back home, I greeted my mom and my sister in law and took a few pictures.




After this, everything includes a lot of food as we visit our relatives and every family tries to feed you as much as they can. The first house that we visited was that of our sister in law. For them we first bought a cake from a very famous bakery: Kebabjees




After this, every thing is related to food, so I'll be posting food pictures and the ones I loved the most, ie, Chicken bread, pasta, trifle served to us by my sister in laws sister. Every house we visited we got served with food and now I'm almost about to burst hahaha.









Oh and of course can't forget the eidi that I received. Guess, how much did I receive this year?




This is it from my side. I remember posting like this back in the day and I hope you had a good review of what Eid looks like in Pakistan. Will come up with another post tomorrow InshaAllah. Till then take care.
Dr. Huzaifa Naveed


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