in #bullying6 years ago

Yes, it is very true that bullying is much known to people, specially in this generation. Defining bullying, according to the Wikipedia, bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse,intimidate or aggresively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. What is the reason of doing this kind of act?

The first reason of bullying is about people who wanted to show they know everything and they are powerful over the others so they bully innocents ones.They tend to bully others who is weaker than them so that the victims can't fight back against them. Another reason is jealousy over one person. Bully wants a lot of attention like the person they envy for. They tend to spread humors or bad story about that person so that they can bring him/her down and people will hate
that person.

There are different kinds of bullying. PHYISCAL BULLYING is about hurting a person physically lilke pushing, pinching, puching, and etc. Bullying through the use of technolgy is called CYBER BULLYING which is very known for students nowadays. Posting of ugly pictures of someone, chatting hurtful words, spreading humors or any bad by the use of social media are
some exapmles of it.

Do you know what would be the effects to the victims? Bullied can be traumatized, they can have difficulties on focusing in their studies or they don't want to attend in school anymore. Until they get depress, thinking of suicidal thoughts, thingking that in order to avoid their problems, they should end their lives.

As a student, person, and part of the community, I should lend a hand to the victimsof bullying, give them advices and encourage them to be strong and positive enough to wipe teh bullies away. To those who experienced bullying that are afraid to speak out, you need to tell what you feel inside so that the people who are concerned to you can help you. Just keep in mind these words, stop bullying, lend a hand, and speak in order to save victims of bullying before it's
too late.

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