RE: Why is @ackza such a bully?
Hippies have a whole uniform now days
• Naturally dyed and organic linen-robes.
• Loose-fit organic hemp-pants or clean but colorful indian saris.
• Expensive artisan jewellery with silver and expensive gemstones.
• Perfect dreadlocks probably made at a special hair-salon.
• I think some of them still wear Birkenstocks or some fancy artisan leather boots.
If you go to a hippie-gathering now days not wearing this exact uniform, you will be ostracized...
That don't sound like the 60ties now does it @bigtom13?
I didn't live during the 60ties, but I am guessing things where different...
I actually think what is now referred to as a "Gutter Punk" might be more close to the original beatnik/hippie, since they are less snobby more hip and more close to the original "Beat":
"Beat" came from underworld slang—the world of hustlers, drug addicts and petty thieves, where Allen Ginsberg and Kerouac sought inspiration. "Beat" was slang for "beaten down" or downtrodden
Since gutter-punks don't care as much about fashion, opposed to "neo-hippies", "gutter-punks" are truly transient traveling by boxcar, hitchhiking or borrowing a vehicles...
Let me know what you think?
Ahahahahaha. That's a hell of a description. Who knew?
I have friends that are survivors of the 60s. I mean really close friends. I'm going to run them through the list.
He wears Levis and flannel. Old Levis and flannel. She wears jeans some, but mostly some sort of loose fitting dress. Their daughter (my Goddaughter) is strictly Goodwill punk.
They are believers in Hemp, she's been weaving and selling hemp clothing since long before it was legal :)
They do wear expensive artisan jewelry. She's the artisan, and their primary business is in semi precious gems. Their newsletter goes out to 60,00 a month. Those are regular customers. About half of them are USmail peeps that don't trust the innerwebs.
Gibby tried dreds a few years ago, drove him crazy. Just a braided ponytail to the middle of his back now. Speaking of, for maybe 10 years he made custom boots. Damn things are near ugly but comfortable as anything. They don't wear out. Ever. Customed to your feet.
They take in strays, humans and animals. They take care of neighbors and strangers. Organic gardners. And cook? I just love feeding there :) They are what the 60s were, filtered through 50 years.
In truth, they know about the beat generation, and Gibby's son is clearly gutter punk. He's a freaking glass blower !
Nothing snobby at their house. Not one single thing. I think the movement lives on, I really do. But I think you have to go to small town america to find it. Look in the coffee shops....
Yeah @bigtom13 I know some real hardcore old survivor hippies, they are mostly like that, generous welcoming and helpful to any kind of stray...
And some has just left all that "hippie shit" behind, (denial much)...
I guess the crowd I was criticizing are the more somewhat insecure "neo-hippies"...
(Also when I write "snobby" it's not as in rich-snobby/fancy, more about an attitude of superiority)...
But I give a lot of respect to "gutter punks" even though they might be quite horrible sometimes, they are living as if they would use "Jack Kerouac's - On the Road" as a manual... Yet they might not even have heard of that book...
You should post this comment thread! 😄
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Yeah good idea! Thanks Pawny!