The Shape of One

in #bujinkan6 years ago


We warmed up with 捕縄術 hojojutsu quick snares for trapping or tangling up your opponents using the 早縄 hayanawa. It is difficult to execute these snares without much practice and study.

We began class with 一文字の構 ichimonji no kamae. First we reviewed the basic kihon. But I used this class as part of my shugyo to understand the training I did in Japan.

Hatsumi Sensei taught us to strike with the shuto as a form of control. Then it transforms into a 鋩子 boshi. This is like the tip of the sword that cuts the opponent’s neck.

We can control space by moving from our jodan uke to 丸 maru, circle or turn in. Trap the punching arm. This turn captures the kukan along with the opponent’s balance.

Next, cross step to control the guarding hand. When you unwind from this footwork, you can deliver a shuto to koshi. But your own elbow continues to pressure the opponent’s body, breaking his balance.

You may also slip out during this turn. Take his guarding hand with you to stretch the opponent out. Your shuto will strike the base of the skull but the opponent never sees it.

When I studied this with Hatsumi Sensei, he told us, “Create a movement that doesn’t show weakness or strength. You must transcend the idea of weak or strong. Takeda Shingen said that you have to find (勝ち) victory or strength by the time you reach age 40. And after that you must learn 負け make, or weakness. But it is not really about physical weakness. You must be someone (精進 shoujin) who transcends beyond this material concept.”

I finished by doing a small uke with my left shoulder. Soke often uses movement like this to emulate a kunoichi. This uses a small drop of the knee and a twist in the hips. But the shuto explodes from within this weak position with great power.

Of Note: the danger of ukemi


@michaelrojo you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

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