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RE: Who Can Tell Me Why Al-Masdar News is on the @buildawhale Blacklist?

in #buildawhale6 years ago

we have different approaches, markymark and I... i mean, i've not put the amount of money he has into the system, he's invested more than my house is worth into steem, but i've put enough in that it makes me worry about my investment.

So, when I see spammers, people trying to farm money for low effort, not adding any value, i get a little bit protective too.

Let me level with you.. my 32 thousand dollars became 7k - meanwhile there are these accounts copy pasting youtube videos getting paid.. my investment getting diluted.

Granted, I don't react in anger, I don't flag unless someone is toxic or offensive to someone I care about, but I do let them know.

Hey, this money is coming from people like me.. please do your part to add value to this place, and if you do, i'll be happy to support your efforts.

But on the other hand if someone comes here with the "take take take" mentality, I can't support that.

I think I'm making sense, dont you?


it absolutely makes sense and I agree with your point . I myself also invested in steem and I want this platform to succeed .
I just don't think harassment is way to go , it only creates more problems not less

Valid point... but i think you agree with me a lot more than you think.

I respect Mark enough to not impose my will on him... as much as I respect you enough to not impose mine on yours.

It goes both ways. - But I let Mark know when I think he's wrong, I don't baby him because he's a mighty whale. I think he respects me because I talk to him as a fellow human being who is also concerned for his investment like me.

I talk to you like a fellow human, im respectful, but I also tell you that I don't appreciate the copy pasting of youtube videos. I'm honest with you, I don't find your activities valuable. But I'm not saying you are not valuable as a person, there is a difference.

I will agree with you again , I do not add value in terms of text . But I also see other long time users are posting articles with title only and yet they don't get bot messages .

someone pointed out to me in anger that berniesanders does the same. Puts like on line or a silly picture. But as much as I may not agree at times with Bernie's methods, what he does for minnows is possibly 10 times more than other whales have done in the past.

They are fun placeholders, if you go kick it with him sort of speak, share a joke, post some fun stuff, key word being fun, he upvotes you.

No need to pay for bots, nothing... he's making people smile by being ridiculous and funny and upvoting people for free... I've seen at this point hundreds of accounts getting 40 cents for a comment.

People like to talk negatively about that, but that's because they've not looked under the hood. There is a big difference.

For example, if you bought 200k in steem and did the same, I would have nothing to say about it.. because you would be giving people some hope, some fun, adding value.

But when an account is posting in solitude, an account that is basically ignored, because it gets no foot traffic sort of speak. yet its upvote farming from alt accounts or something (im not saying this is your case btw, im making an example) then I'm not happy.. I can't be... no one is better because of it.... no exchange of information is happening... none.

Is just soft farming as I've heard someone say once.

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