Buildawhale Curation Digest 9/11/17steemCreated with Sketch.

in #buildawhale7 years ago (edited)

Buildawhale Curation Digest 9/11/17


Do you understand the purpose and mission of @buildawhale? Yes, we are an upvoting bot but our Daily Curation is where our soul resides.

If you believe in the idea of Steemit as promoting good content from authors and want to help that purpose, consider becoming a @buildawhale curator. Message us, @bethalea or @nicnas at our discord channel here: to become a part of the @buildawhale team!

Today’s curator: @bethalea !

@buildawhale Sponsored


Author: @oscarps

Curator: @bethalea


The Main Plaza in Salamanca, Spain is in the center of town and is used as a public square in Salamanca. It was build in 1729 and was ordered by Felipe the V. It is very historic in the fact that it was used for Bullfighting until the mid-19th century. This is an absolutely beautiful picture. I hope to see it in real life some day!

Thank you for sharing, @oscarps!



Author: @retro-room

Curator: @bethalea


I had the delightful opportunity to curate another of @retro-room’s posts a while back and am happy to find they are still producing interesting, good quality content.

This post discusses the digital distribution of video games and music CD’s and the loss of the ‘physical’ market.

This is a fantastically interesting topic and again, not one that had occured to me before. @retro-room discusses the fun and value in owning a physical game to display, trade and resell, all valuable assets to having an actual game in your possession.

I highly recommend reading this if you are a gamer in any sense, digital, physical or both!


Author: @chicvalentine

Curator: @bethalea


I love this simple, how-to recipe. As a mom of four, some of whom are totally picky eaters, it's really nice to have the reminder that dinner doesn't have to be some insane-making two hour ordeal. You can check out the back of the mayonnaise jar.

I also appreciate the info about how the recipe translates from thawed chicken to frozen... this is a question that always freaks me out... is it ok to use it frozen? Do I have to thaw it first??

So thank you, @chicvalentine! I appreciated your post very much. :)


Author: @imjoker

Curator: @bethalea


This is a short and sweet article with cool pictures the author took while walking through the forest.

I like the information you provide about spiders, @imjoker. I don't hate spiders as much as I do other things like ants, lol.

If you're interested in spiders at all and understanding a little bit more about them, check out this post!


Author: @eyegasm

Curator: @bethalea


I've never been to Burning Man.

I love parties, however this sounds so HOT, I'm not sure it's my scene.

But these pictures are hauntingly beautiful, and your description of how these structures are made...

I want to go. I want to smell this heat and witness this beauty and sleep on some couch and have people ask if I'm OK...

Thank you for this, for all of this. Y'all should look, this is only one picture and you should hear @eyegasm's descriptions. They're hypnotizing.


Author: @ellicia

Curator: @bethalea


Ohhh girl.

I feel you.

This is a great post about what it's like to be a mother of children.

Maybe this post isn't for you... maybe you're not a parent and can't relate. However, for those of us going through this right now, or having gone through it recently, it means the WORLD to know that we aren't alone.

We aren't the only ones struggling. We aren't the only ones pushing that snooze button (or whatever) because we are bone-tired and still trying to do our best for our kids.

Thanks, lady. Thanks for sharing, keep up the good fight, we are all in this together.

Upvoted, followed, resteemed.

xo, b.


@buildawhale is proud to announce Sponsored Curation! If there is a post you would like to see curated, simply submit to @buildawhale as always, however instead of sending SBD you will need to send 3 STEEM.

Check out the article on @buildawhale here:

@buildawhale does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in Curation Digests. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.

All curated posts mentioned in @buildawhale's Curation digest will receive an extra upvote to their post thanks to @akrid. Please support @akrid and his projects on SteemIt as thank you for his generosity!

Much love from your Chief Curators,

@bethalea and @nicnas

Me and Nic.jpg

Please consider voting for @buildawhale founder, @themarkymark for Witness!


You can vote for him to be a Steemit Witness on this page:

You will need to manually enter his name: themarkymark in the vote box on the bottom. Thanks!


Thank so much @buildawhale , regards @bethalea and @nicnas

Thanks for the great content @oscarps!!

Thank so much my friend, greetings @bethalea

i send 0.1 before 1 hours not get any vote or action your side yet. -- my link-

It worked. Sorry for the confusion. (Edited)

We can vote on busy links, we voted on his link when the voting phase finished.

Thank you, @bethalea, @nicnas, @akrid, and @buildawhale! I'm so excited my post is mentioned here!

Thanks, @bethalea! I would love to be a curator! I tried to message, but it says the link has expired.

oh, that would be AMAZING!! here's our discord link... hopefully that will work!! let me know if not though, it would be amazing to have such a talented author join us!

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