How To Look Like A Million Dollars On A Tight Budget

in #budget7 years ago

If you want to look great without breaking the bank, this article will help you with great tips on hair, makeup and clothes. It doesn't have to cost a million dollars to look like a million dollars.

With so many images shared on social media these days, it can really feel like everyone seems to look perfect all of the time. Of course they don't, but the bar has definitely been raised with appearance, with the likes of cosmetic dentistry, contouring, strobing, fashion blogging and the general freedom of social media meaning everyone is either an expert, a critic or both. It sure would be fun to join in, spending every hour of the day shopping and trying out new beauty products, but most of us just don't have that kind of money (or time); we're struggling to get by on our monthly income topped up occasionally by credit card spend or a short term loan.

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But that doesn't mean you can't join in the fun, and look like a million dollars on a budget and avoid having to borrow money or get into debt just for appearances sake. Here's how:

With clothes, there are lots of way to spend less and look fantastic. One great way is to get thrifty and start buying vintage and charity shop clothes because individual and unique style is always trendy. Plus, you can change the clothes to your specifications by using a cheap local seamstress, or getting handy with a sewing machine yourself. Another key way to ensure you have a great wardrobe without spending too much money is to always spend more on classics, less on fads. So if tropical print is in this season, you could buy a cheap top in the print, but pair it with the more expensive tailored trousers you can wear with a print any season. Whatever happens, don't be afraid of sales, which happen nearly all year round because consumerism makes us constantly want new things. You should be able to get most things for less money if you are patient.

Saving money on your hair is very easy, but you might have to make a few sacrifices. If your hair is high maintenance, you might have to switch to a less high maintenance style. For example: a short pixie cut that is white blonde will need attention every few weeks. Speak to your stylist about your current style, explain how much you want to spend going forward and she will be able to make suggestions on how to change your style to match your ongoing maintenance budget. If you currently go to have your hair styled or blow dried, learn how to do that yourself at home and only visit the hairdresser for maintenance every 6-8 weeks. With dying your hair, if you have your roots touched up with a darker colour, it might be worth doing it yourself at home as home hair dyes are so much cheaper.

There are so many budget versions of more expensive makeup out there, you can easily look stunning on a budget. The easiest way to find out about how to do this is to follow and watch Youtubers who vlog about budget beauty buys, and actively demonstrate how to use them on their videos. As a general rule, pay the most for your base (foundation etc) because that is what everything else goes on top of.

Hopefully you're feeling a little more confident now knowing that you can look like a million dollars without over-spending, it just takes patience, research and compromise but it will be completely worth it when your bank balance is healthier and you don't need a credit card or loan just to look good..

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