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RE: My top 5 books on Buddhism

in #buddhism7 years ago

Thank you for this valuable information. I haven't read much about Buddhiism. I read a bit about Hidduism, in particular The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali and a couple others.

I read that you are a frutarian in your header. I'm looking to make it there too.

I've done 6 months raw a couple year back. I'm now vegan for more than 2 years and I've been vegetarian for 5 years prior to this.


Hey @teamsteem great to hear from you! First I'd just like to say I'm a big fan of yours, and I'm glad we have someone who is willing to tackle difficult subjects like geoeningineering, vaccines and 9/11 as a witness here on Steemit. I just voted for you myself today! 👍

I really hope you get a chance to read some of these books. I spent 3 years studying Buddhism as part of my bachelor's degree in religious studies, as well as other religions, but Buddhism has something special that no others have. That is its universalism. In a sense it's the first decentralised religion.

The Buddha is lot like Satoshi Nakamoto. He set down a series of immutable rules, the Four Noble Truths, Dependent Origination, the law of karma, that explained the fundamental mechanics of the universe, but constructed a religion that did not require him in it, and did not require anybody to believe in any doctrine as an article of faith.

There is a story in the Buddhist scriptures of how the Buddha compared his teachings to a raft that helps you cross a river, but once you're on the other shore, you don't keep carrying the raft around with you, you let it go.

The real treasure at the end of the Buddhist path is fully decentralised, in a sense, because it is never given to you as something you can grasp on to. It is emptiness, and the peace and stillness that comes from seeing things as they are, which opens the door to transcendental vision.

If the Buddhist teaching were presented as a doctrine you had to believe in, if nirvana was taught to be heaven, and the Buddha some kind of God, then that would lead people to attachment, in the same way as whenever someone gets hold of power over the supply of money, that power eventually corrupts.

Buddhism is a philosophical and religious system set up to save us from ourselves. No other religion is structured in this way.

That's so great that you're open to the raw diet. I did know you were a vegan, I read that on some of your posts, but it's great that you're going raw too. I'm not 100% raw myself, but very, very close, definitely close enough to legitimately call myself a fruitarian, and I've been eating this way for 2 1/2 years! Today I've been 100% raw, I just ate a couple of watermelons, some nectarines and a couple of banana smoothies. I do eat a very small amount of cooked vegan food sometimes, just out of stress, and because I'm hustling so hard I get cravings, but that is basically what every day is like for me. Raw, mono fruit meals of tropical fruit.

If you're interested in learning more please check out Loren Lockman on YouTube. He's been a fully raw fruitarian for over 20 years, and runs one of the only water fasting centres in the world, in Costa Rica. Discovering his videos is what started me on this journey and I've been following his diet ever since.

Thank for the compliments. I know you voted for my witness. This appear on Steemd. This is what brought me to your blog. I'm now following you.

I never heard of Loren. I'll check it out.

Doesn't Buddhism come from Hinduism? What I read from Hinduism was pretty deep, in particular The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjalin. I recommend it if you haven't read it.

Have you ever experience psychoactive substances? I had very profound experiences with magic mushrooms.

I also had very intense experiences with meditation but I don't meditate regularly anymore. I sometimes have spontaneous trance from time to time. They don't last longer than a couple seconds but are very enjoyable.

Hey @teamsteem great to hear from you again! Yes, Hinduism and Buddhism do share a lot of similarities. The end goal of both religions is liberation from the cycle of reincarnation, but the main point on which they differ is that all forms of Hinduism recognise the existence of the soul, called the atman, whereas Buddhism does not.

In all Hindu religious traditions the soul, the atman, is identified with God, either as part of an impersonal divine consciousness, brahman, or a supreme, personified deity, such as Shiva or Vishnu.

Buddhism takes the absolute opposite view. In the Buddhist analysis existence has three fundamental characteristics, impermanence, suffering, and lack of inherent existence, or self. In Sanskrit this is anatman, no-self.

The point of enlightenment in Hinduism is the of the merging of the divine light within all of us into the ocean of the divine consciousness. In Buddhism is it emptiness, nothingness.

This may seem frightening, but the Buddhist path is much more powerful. Emptiness is a void which you must stare into, and which destroys everything that you are to finally, and completely tear out the root of craving and attachment, and leave you with only peace and stillness.

There is no end point, no end place in Buddhism. It gives you absolutely nothing to cling on to. Nirvana itself only means extinguishing, like the flame of a candle burning out once the wax has all been used up. What happens to the flame when it's gone?

I have experimented with magic mushrooms myself in the past, and had an incredible peak experience that felt like enlightenment at the time. Honestly though, eating a strict, raw, mono fruitarian diet gives you the same high, even better actually. It's honestly like being on psychedelic drugs all the time!

I do also meditate, and my diet helps a lot with that too. When you eat a very clean and pure diet, it becomes very easy to still the mind, for anyone. It happens naturally. Eating a diet of even very light, healthy cooked food unsettles the mind. I notice the difference immediately, it's like night and day.

I know what you mean about the trance, I've fallen into it myself from time to time. I do find myself wanting to recreate that experience again though, and getting attached to it, when really there should be no end goal in meditation, other than to just be still and peaceful.

I just literally wrote Buddhism has been given to us to save ourselves in my latest post I will be posting in a couple hours. I like the way you express your love and interest of The Noble Eightfold Path.

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