Thrilling moment in BTS 比特股的惊悚时刻

in #bts7 years ago (edited)


Bitshares has an amazing feature that allows users to borrow funds from the network using your BTS as collateral. I have some small investment in BTS for quite some time and I thought that would be a good idea to borrow some cash out of it. The only risk is that if the real-time feed price drops lower than my call price, my collateral BTS will be seized. In layman words, if the price of BTS drops below my designated price my collateral will be paid to the network for my loan.

"The BTS is strong and I believe in it so much! Why not making use of the feeless loan to make some cash?"

Yeah, that's what I was thinking and I decided to borrow USD100 with 1.87 collateral ratio with is 392.425 BTS as a guarantee. The feed price at that time was 0.87 USD/BTS and my call price was 0.44 USD/BTS. Meaning if the BTS drop from 0.87 all the way to below 0.44, my 392.425 BTS would be gone for the sake of USD 100 that I borrowed.

And shit happened.


Waking up this morning BTS dropped to hard it almost touches my call price at 0.44 USD. With the chill running down my spines I have to do something to save my collateral.

Open the, click on the borrow USD. This would recall the page that shows my last collateral information. My security is on the cliff.


I would have to lower the risk of being seized by increasing collateral or collateral ratio. Simply pull the collateral ratio bar to the right and you will see the call price is being adjusted to lower price.


Now I have lowered my call price to 0.30 USD/BTS with 2.70 ratios. And I have 566 BTS at the stake now already. The BTS has to drop below this line to claim my collateral.


Input password to confirm the operation. Done.

Totally not fun to play with the loan in such a red season. The feature is nice but you will need a big heart to make use of it. Hope BTS could sustain a little longer and would never cross my bottom line of defense. HODL!

比特股有个很多人不知道的好康头,其中之一就是可以免利息的借贷款,条件是用手上的 BTS 作为抵押金。出于对比特股和 Dan 这个天才的看好,这一阵子其实我手头上慢慢也存了一点比特股,却也是摆在钱包里不闻不问,之前看到 O 神 @oflyhigh 介绍借贷的玩法也没行动,但是已经记在心里。

前几天空闲时就行动起来了,主要是觉得 BTS 价格稳步上升很不错,失去抵押金的风险应该不大,就用了 392.425 BTS 作为押金借出了 100 美金。当时候的价格是 0.87 美金 而我的强平触发价是 0.44,简单来说就是比特股要是跌破 0.44 美金我的 392.425 BTS 就一江春水向东流,永不再见了。这是腰斩的状态也,可能性不高吧,当时我是这么觉得的。



我的 392.425 BTS 已经在悬崖上摇摇欲坠,身姿估计不会太美妙。不行,我不能让它就这样爆仓!

赶紧登录 点开借贷界面再加码 173.81 BTS 把爆仓价降低至 0.30 USD/BTS。总算是暂时稳住了。

要是再继续跌,我就等于用共计 566 BTS 换了 USD 100,算起当初的买入价,血本无归啊!心情好复杂。希望尽快低谷反弹,宝宝知错了。




都买了 Steem,结果也没升,就一起卡着啦,哈哈哈哈。



Thanks man.

有了杠杆 不是爽死 就是亏死



BTS 都掉了一半了。眼泪啊,眼泪在哪里?




哈 今天也經歷了同樣的事。

为我们没有爆仓而 high five!

大命不死 必有后福



就是你用手上的 BTS 抵押来换取别的货币比如人民币还是美金。



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