We won BTCC, BTFD, and Daniel isn't the karate kid: a contrarian's guide to today's pervasive thoughts.

in #btcc7 years ago (edited)

I present to you three points that counter some of the common logic that I've heard recently. Many have presented BTCC as a loss, that the crash in crypto price is horrible, and somewhat off topic people believe Daniel is the hero of the Karate Kid movies.

Let's break those down

I have a sense of what you're going to say here. Technically speaking we lost the BTCC poll.

But look at those stats. ~76,000 people voted for Steemit! That's huge. That's 12-13x our weekly user base. It you gives you a sense of just how many people use this currency and like this platform. That's not even everyone. That's the people that knew about the contest, and those that aren't more invested in the other currencies. In the multiple rounds this platform beat out altcoins that have been around longer and have a pretty dedicated user base.

So, I'm aware we didn't come in first place, but not only did this place rally like crazy we also got some great exposure. We went through multiple rounds of voting, beat out other coins (and in that process got exposed to other coins), and when they run the contest again we'll be in a great spot to win! Which actually is a good segway to the next point!


This is a trading term that translates to "Buy the Fucking Dip!" Crypto is going through an expansion. Lots of people called it a bubble, but that's not accurate. When the price of 1 BTC went above 1oz of Gold people started freaking out and rethinking crypto in their portfolio. Add to that US dollar printing reaches $160M a day while there's only of fraction of that per year for most of the major alt coins and investors start seeing powerful deflationary coins rather than inflation. More people started buying them and using them. Ultimately this is a good thing, and the price will steadily rise as a result. This is just a hiccup.

You've been told economies need inflation. If we don't have inflation things will be terrible. In this case it just means that the same amount of coins is being used by more people, but the same amount of goods and services are being created and traded, and so you need less coins to purchase it. That isn't bad if you already held the coins!!!

The bankers need inflation. They need it because they have leveraged themselves out 14-50x. If money deflates it means they have to pay back more than what they borrowed and then multiple that by how much they are leveraged. No, the mantra put out by the bankers publicists on the finance talk shows is in support of their decisions and not what is in our benefit.

Back in the day the price of a computer was like a $1M. It took up a whole room. Now it's a couple hundred dollars and the size of loaf of bread. Are you freaking out about that? Has that ruined your life? That's a deflationary trend, but like a lot of other deflationary trends it was actually good for consumers!!!

So, I'm not freaking out about the correction. People got worked up, bought too much for right this second, and the price came back down, but as long as there's an assload of inflation in government fiat and practically speaking none in crypto the value of my coins are going up while the value of my Fed Reserve Notes are declining!!! I'm going to buy more crypto.

The real Karate Kid

Finally, just to throw the last bit of sand in the eyes of those lamenting opposite viewpoints from that presented above I thought I'd leave you with this gem.

I'm announcing a witness run next week. Please support me.


I like your rant about deflation. Channeling your inner Peter Schiff there ;). It's awesome how the speed of technological innovation so elegantly illustrates the deflationary growth of relatively unfettered market economics.

Yeah, it's only when governments get involved and unlevel the playing field that things go bad!

I really like the post. Buy the dip ;-)The finalé was pretty sweet too! haha

Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading. Anything you want me to write about? What's on your mind these days?

Great positive points about the turn of the market. We need to go beyond glass is half full/half empty to the mindset that the glass is being slowly converted to a pitcher that will hold more and fill more 💧💧💧

Yeah, while the Titantic is sinking.

Abandon ship!

Buy the dip or to extend it a little more, dollar cost average after the dip, stop buyng if it shoots up, wait for the dip, repeat. :)

Yeah. I do a mix. I have a few grand in a mining rig which I think of as my dollar cost average mechanism and I buy when I can and feel like I want to!

Awesome post... that video LMAO! I was looking at a price chart and it seems and it seems that bitcoin spiked for a minute but is already recovering. There looks to be a curve that the recent spike went away from but it has returned to the curve. I think it will keep going up in the long term despite short term market fluctuations for quite a while to come.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and commenting! I'm really glad to have you here. Yeah, it's a mini bubble, but the larger context is that we're in a massive expansion. BTFD!

Exactly.... this is probably the best time to buy we'll see in a while. Steem and BTS too. BTW I'll definitely vote for your witness whenever you run.

WOOT! Thanks! BTFD all the way to the moon!

great post my friend very encouraging. good work upvote and following

Thanks boss. Thanks for checking out my post!

Excuse me, how do you display this video?请问一下,这视频怎么显示的?

Just put the youtube url on it's own line in the post.

Steem lost the BTCChina poll and the markets crash. Maybe there's some kind of connection?

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