that there is a simplified English version of Wikipedia.

in #btc4 years ago

This has a load of articles, described in much simpler terms, making it way easier to understand a topic, for instance Thermocouple on the Simple page vs Thermocouple on the regular page. This is a great revision tool for many topics.

Both of you suffer from exactly what I have the last couple of years, crazy amount of tabs open after a while, and for me, if too many are youtube, like it is more times than not, it can even freeze up my machine.

Enter extremely late last night, when I got really fed up, as my work host computer once again kept locking up due to above (where I open a new tab for virtually any notification that looks interesting), and was determined to find a some clever way to save my links and descriptions somehow for later at home or on my phone, and then go back and automate it, as I am a developer. After about an hour and a half of going down that path, I noticed the "+ Save" towards bottom right of every video! -- I then proceeded to go irate myself for a moment, and then went on a frenzy of saving content for later using convenient tagging to keep them organized. Moral of my story, is keep it simple, stupid!
And don't let your browser get so bogged down, save bookmarks, and for the true resource hogs like youtube, see if they have an option to save content for later.

I feel like people on Wikipedia try to make things sound as complicated as possible. I swear people will take fairly simple subjects and describe them in the most complicated way. I read certain things and I think, “Well, that was English, but I have no idea what the fuck I just read.”

absolutely necessary for some topics. I think I can read and at least rudimentarily understand most wiki entries if I put my mind behind it, but math articles are just... it's like they're deliberately trying to be as obtuse as fucking possible. "let there be -{$×÷•¶, and assume that A may be [®]™}$¶|$}|[°•×××". fuck, what? and after half an hour of looking up shit, ooh you meant divide A by two, then why didn't you just say so. hate it. I took a speed reading class and there was a kicker at the end: you find your sweet spot. I was hoodwinked the whole time. Yeah I can skim really fast, the course did help a lot, but I joy read and like to tussle the daisies while I skip from word to word rather than plowing the field with a lawnmower with a hemi engine. I mean, my reading comprehension is just fine. It's just that I read the same speed in my head as you would if you were reading out loud to someone. It's really frustrating sometimes. I tried to utilize one of those random speed reading quick fix apps or websites, but I'm pretty sure I'm doomed to reading slowly forever.

Wikipedia is essentially a good source for people who are already experts on the relevant topic. It does not make an attempt to explain concepts to someone who didn't already understand them. This is especially true for STEM topics. in my experience, Wikipedia is kind of a knowledge base, and not intended to help you learn something new. Simple wikipedia is usually just a reduced knowledge base containing the simplest topics, with some added explanations. What I often need is some resource where I can learn something. It may very from topic to topic, but for me, Wikipedia (simple or not) is pretty bad for that purpose.

For example I was looking at how fish eyes work. I was researching my pets but I can't recall the exact page - The simple version skipped entierly how the pupil contracted into an unusual shape. How eyes work is a topic that can be super simple or super advanced but how a pupil can change shape is an easy enough topic to make simplified. Yet it was totally absent from the simple version. This happens a lot. It feels like instead of being a simpler version of the page (aka removed technical terms where possible and simplified advanced concept) they just ripped a ELI5 comment and decided not to try and make the advanced concepts simplified on the page. Naturally things will go missing. That's how simplification works. This isn't what happens though - entire topics are going missing. Some very common topics that could be easily explained in a simple manner.

Children learn how eyes work. It isn't rocket science. And secondly there is a reason scientific jargon exists. There simply isn't a name for things, or you don't want to burden the reader with tons of extra definitions that are commonplace in their field. By virtue of being simpler, simple wikipedia must be missing info. I’m a special ed teacher and I also thank you! This is really great. So much more accesible! I teach students with auditory processing issues and other communication difficulties. Sometimes quite smart students who have a specific learning disability in the area of language. This will be very helpful! This is what it's for. People think that it's for simple explanations, but really it just uses more common words and avoids unusual ones. It's also good for people who are still learning the language and may have not learned many scientific or technical terms yet, but still want to read in English.

What's even worse is that as someone who works with thermocouples regularly (Plastic Injection Molding, I replaced 2 yesterday), you should know fundamentally what one is, but ultimately its just something you replace if it isn't working right, you would (EDIT: Practically ->) Literally never troubleshoot it at the fundamental or millivolt level.

i wonder if you put all of wikipedia on a flash drive how much info it would be. that way if the internet ever goes out u got a back up of pretty much anything you need to know. In April 2010, the size of the full English Wikipedia edit history was 5.6 TB uncompressed. As of June 2015, the dump of all pages with complete edit history in XML format at enwiki dump progress on 20150602 is about 100 GB compressed using 7-Zip, and 10 TB uncompressed.

has anyone here done this successfully?

I find the regular one easier to read than the simplified one. Probably because I’m more used to the terminology so it actually takes more effort trying to guess what they were trying to say. I wish I knew about that earlier. I'm a pretty sharp guy, masters degree in a STEM field, well read even outside my area, but sometimes I just give up and bail because the page was written by experts, for experts. "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction." This is awesome. I’ve always seen it like this: normal wiki = textbook, simple wiki = that professor that explains things really well without missing the important parts.

I shared with my 11YO nephew, who is struggling with distance learning math. He described math as ‘torture to human and should be abolished’. I think this will help, both he and my sister, get through at-home schooling! Thank you, OP!!! Wikipedia is open-source and you are able to download the entire website for offline use. allows you to download all of Wikipedia, Wikipedia without photos (such a smaller file), all of simple wiki, all the different languages, and a bunch of other formats.

I have all of simplewiki on my phone and regular Wikipedia on a hard drive. It helps if im ever without internet connection. Hey OP, just wanted to give a genuine thanks. This is actually going to help me a lot. I’ve recently changed research interests and am now facing a very steep learning curve that has given me headaches. After just a couple searches I’ve found a couple terms clarified that I was confused about. If the article is well written them the abstract should been there simplified version in my opinion. Always be leery of Wikipedia because on anything that is historical or events or political there is a bit of bias built in just because of the people who have long-standing edit accounts. Then again in order to achieve a high reputation index they have had to read through many and that in itself helps flatten anyone's bias. Articles are often locked when there is editing wars and because of the wide reach of Wikipedia it has done a bit of detriment on certain pages of history.

There's also some ironic things about criticism of companies and the such. is common practice do you have a criticism section for any company or public figure on the page but some organizations namely Apple have somehow contrived to offload those to separate sections all together. This befuddles me because apple is the first and only large corporate entity that I have personally noticed who is "objective" encyclopedic entry reads like a fan page.

Note that I have contributed to Wikipedia for 10 years though very infrequently.
Also I am a paying supporter of the platform.

Supporting Wikipedia I think is quite important to hopefully prevent that there is no undue influence on the content.

The author of wrote a book called "Thing Explainer" in 2015... I'm still a bit bummed I didn't make it out to his book signing when the tour came through town! Re-writing one item from regular Wikipedia to Simple Wikipedia should be a necessary qualification for any Bachelor’s Honours degree. That would get the job done quickly and prove the candidate understood at least one part of their course! if you can send a few dollars in donation to Wikipedia, please do it. They are really appreciative, and it's an amazing resource that should be kept free.

He uses only the 1000 (10-hundred) most common words to explain complicated concepts, and got the idea of writing an entire book from the challenge of explaining the Saturn V (Up Goer Five) rocket:

Thank you!

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