Crossing the Yellow Block - a comprehensive blockchain-based system capable of managing the entire economic lifecycle of any film production

in #btc3 years ago (edited)


This document introduces the concept of Film2Market.sol. a decentralized platform that facilitates the funding and management of audiovisual projects. We use blockchain technology to mark every millisecond within a certain digital framework and turn it into an actual asset. By contributing to brand placement and playing on the DeFi marketplace, token holders play a key role in the proposed community-driven platform and generate social value for other blockchain projects.

We began changing the way we design, finance, and produce films, series, and documentaries. As a showcase project, the team has forged plans to bring “Across the Yellow Blocks” to life. A document that examines the importance of blockchain and how this technology will affect almost every aspect of our lives. From the way we work and learn to the way we connect or exchange information / ideas. Blockchain technology, the advent of the ERC20 standard, and other ad hoc technological advances have been the driving force behind the creation of new decentralized assets, products and services.

We have seen the community of decentralized exchanges and financial tokens grow very rapidly compared to their more traditional and legacy counterparts. The decentralized exchange trading volume will rise to US $ 5 billion in 2021, with Uniswap accounting for 65% of the total. This monthly growth outpaced centralized exchanges, increased owner safety and lowered the barriers to entry for new projects to launch Uniswap ventures. Now is the time for filmmakers to take advantage of this breakthrough technology by taking digital content to the next level.

Cross the yellow block

Blockchain technology is changing every aspect of the IT industry and consumer lives. The pace of development is very fast and takes place on a global level. Now is the time for the incumbents to adopt this technology. Worryingly, this will accelerate mass adoption by the public. The world should be informed of this advancing technological revolution and it can be done in a fun way. Creating stories with developers and potential users as active characters is proving to be the best way to break down barriers so that the general public can easily understand the benefits to be expected and how many different implementations will change their daily lives. We believe this is the path to mass adoption.

The main objective of this documentation is to highlight the rapid growth of blockchain applications around the world. The structure has a strong social commitment and takes the opportunity to provide mainstream content with multimedia and financial implications. Crossing the Yellow Blocks is a unique project that combines increasing the total value of the film industry with the unlimited potential of the blockchain. That is the intent and purpose of starting this project and giving the owner the opportunity to participate in the interaction with The Yellow Dapp.

This enormous demand potential will result in the public audience being filled with entertainment and information that answer the question “What is blockchain and which use cases can be implemented with it?”. For Nocoiner, the only question left when it comes to introducing blockchain is "How?"

The yellow Dapp

To achieve this goal,  The Yellow Dapp has developed  a comprehensive blockchain-based system that is able to manage the entire economic life cycle of any film production. The proposed film and business model includes reserved slots for the spread of the crypto community. In the documentary series episodes, these crypto communities play a key role in the use of CBK tokens by “booking” these slots through the Dapp.

The Yellow Dapp creates a collaborative and integrative environment in which different parts of the ecosystem meet around this Ethereum token. It replaces fiat payments with the Solidity features of Film2market.sol. Crypto communities wishing to be part of the content can use Film2market.sol to buy / exchange CBK tokens. Community initiatives in this system can expect exposure at the highest level while contributing to the main common objective of implementation.

Yellow Dapp is a "partially scalable" open source Ethereum Smart Contract that itself functions as a payment system and at the same time manages the liquidity film financing strategy and the workflow settings. The calculations serve the dependency of the security holder on volume, price and liquidity. Liquidity is defined as the ability that exists on an exchange for users to easily convert funds from one asset to another. Without liquidity, holders have no guarantee that they can exit if their financial situation so requires. Liquidity is crucial for the functioning of a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap.

This smart contract creates an on-chain version of a Buy & Redeem system. The customer interacts autonomously with the proposed contract without a middleman.


  1. The deposited ETH / tokens are managed directly by Film2market.sol.

  2. Film2market.sol collects the project tokens (90%) from the production wallet (grant).

  3. Film2market.sol receives CBK tokens (10%) through interaction with a decentralized secondary market (Uniswap). Creating an upward movement in the market.

  • Film2market.sol allocates received funds (+ CBK tokens) as liquidity pool tokens so that no funds have to be sold.


    1. Film2Market.sol sends project tokens (95%) back to the production wallet in order to produce the film content.

    2. Film2Market.sol burns project tokens (5%) and transfers them to 0X0000000000000000000. It decreases the overall token supply, creates an upward movement in the market, and sets a deflationary model.

    The system described in this section is scalable to non-individual “customers” and opens the door to participation in community-driven crowdfunding. In addition, the opportunity to have really decentralized ideas to recharge the contract until enough tokens have been redeemed.

    It's also designed to mitigate risk by streamlining operations and engaging crypto enthusiasts with more engaging ways to participate in the movie and entertainment experience.

    Redeemed CBK are used to complete the content of the next chapters with the most supported ideas in the crypto field. The advantages of this commitment benefit all owners at the same time.

    Through the development of open source implementations, standardized protocols and a consistent financial market suitability for all parties involved, The Yellow Dapp finally becomes an example of financing, legal documentation, bookkeeping, reporting and payment processing tools for film productions.


    Tokenization is the process of converting assets into digital partners and managing them on a blockchain platform. For example, convert real estate into digital token equivalents. The token represents the underlying asset and derives its inherent value from it. A concept that only existed on paper is now being understood through blockchain technology. The tokenization concept is currently being explored across a range of industries including real estate, art, financial investments, stocks, and now the film industry.

    To achieve its operational and shooting goals, the producer is deploying a new digital crypto token called CBK and initiating distribution that will allow owners to improve the document experience by interacting with The Yellow Dapp. Blockchain technology has resulted in a wide range of uses across all industries, from hospitality to healthcare. Blockchain principles enable the creation of digital tokens that represent tangible or intangible assets.

    CBK tokens will use the established Ethereum blockchain, which allows token holders to enter the DeFi market and win:

    • Engagement in blockchain projects. Active or passive.

    • A role in community-driven content.

    • A say in the framework price in public secondary DeFi markets.

    • Access to exclusive CBK merchandising.

    The process of tokenizing the frames of a movie and further managing them on a Dapp would open up new opportunities, while at the same time facing challenges later in its introduction. The new tokenization method allows the producer to open up innovative methods and encourage wide acceptance of investments in the entertainment industry.


    • Ticker: CBK
    • Token-Typ:  ERC-20
    • Role of the token:  utility / voting
    • Max supply:  21,000,000 CBK
    • Starting value:  $ 0.333
    • Initial Market  Cap : $ 6,993,000
    • Deflationary:  variable when redeemed
    • Etherscan-Link

    Token Distribution

    • 51%  ownership distribution  :  CBK 10,710. 000 allocated to distribute the token as widely as possible. This is set so that the token offers are assigned.

    • 30% film production:  CBK 6,300,000 research (pre-production), film production, post-production and distribution costs in the long term.

    • 7% DEX Uniswap liquidity:  CBK 1,470,000 Intended to add and block liquidity in decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap, Tottleswap and Balancer.

    • 7% token promotion:  CBK 1,470. 000 marketing, publications, formative pills, festivals and blockchain events. (Blocked 0.33% / day).

    • 3% Token Launch & Advisory:  CBK 630,000 initial expenses and blockchain-related advisory budget. (Blocked for one year + 0.33% / day)

    • 2% Security and Infrastructure:  CBK 420,000 Smart Contracts Audit and Sysops related to the cybersecurity problems inherent in cryptocurrencies.

    Film distribution

    In the film industry, distribution is the process of making a film available to an audience. This whitepaper is not intended to delve deep into this topic. The distribution step has a variety of options. Once post production is over, it's time to publish and distribute!

    The options for distributing the yellow blocks are:

  • Coin Marketplace

    STEEM 0.20
    TRX 0.13
    JST 0.030
    BTC 65359.95
    ETH 3492.90
    USDT 1.00
    SBD 2.51