Digicom protocol is an automated Liquidity Generator

in #btc2 years ago (edited)


Digicom Finance the project is doing a very good job of advertising as well as spreading information to the project. Besides, they also listen carefully to the opinions of investors. Project is very good . I am sure this project later when launching will be a lot of its enthusiasts because this project has a solid team structure and trust Project is very good . I am sure this project later when launching will be a lot of its enthusiasts because this project has a solid team structure and trusted. This рrоjeсt is оne оf the mоst сreative and revоlutiоnary amоng all оther! рleasure I will watсh оut. In my орiniоn оne оf the best рrоjeсts. Most of us have known blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and major companies. But blockchain isn’t limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry that deals with information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize the operations without relying on any authority to control data.
This project, and the team has built a strong community with great potential. Good luck project. A great project with a very cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users are raising serious concerns about the network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from the increasing trade of cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance is also increasing the burden on these networks.

Digicom platform is a decentralized network of computers that allow users to tokenize their digital assets. Through a series of smart contracts, users can securely trade, store, manage, and transfer their tokens across multiple platforms. This provides individuals with unprecedented control over their digital assets. Additionally, the platform’s NFT marketplace allows users to securely buy and sell virtual goods on the open market.

The project supported by experienced and highly qualified team, which in my opinion is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest possible time and I hope they succeed. The one significant quality, which makes blockchain technology a revolutionary product is its decentralization. Decentralization refers to a system with no intermediary authority like a banking or financial body, and it distributes the right of authority from a single entity to multiple individuals. Still, many investors and traders have been investing in digital currency through centralized exchanges, which is not following the blockchain controls everything from funds to transactions.
This project is give us a very Good profit. I see more person joining everyday, it is indeed good for the platform. Awesome and wonderful trading project, keep the good work .
Cryptocurrencies and digital assets have seen a boom in the previous few years. Anyone who has missed out on buying any of the currencies is now regretting it. If you do not have enough capital to invest in shining coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there are still plenty of ways you can enter the blockchain and crypto market. You can even create your token or coin if you have a unique concept that involves the use of blockchain.
This project has a great team always giving creative ideas. so it deserves the attention of people from all over the world. This is really very cool and strong project with great facilities. I hope this project will achieve more success. We will be happy to see the achievements and results of this excellent project.
Digicom will potentially create entirely new financial markets, products, and services. An ecosystem of financial applications that is built on top of blockchain networks. An open-source, permissionless, and transparent financial service ecosystem that is available to everyone and operates without any central authority. The users would maintain full control over their assets and interact with this ecosystem through peer-to-peer (P2P), decentralized applications (dapps).


Digicom platform also features an open-world metaverse that supports PC, mobile, and VR gaming capabilities. This means that users can play games with friends or compete against others in tournaments from any device or location in the world. The combination of these features makes the Digicom platform one of the most advanced ecosystems available today.

What Makes The Digicom Platform Unique?
The Digicom platform stands out from other platforms due to its focus on user experience and security. All transactions are protected by smart contracts which ensure that all digital assets are securely stored and transferred without risk of fraud or theft. Additionally, the user interface is designed to be intuitive so that even novice users can easily navigate through the various features of the platform without confusion or stress. Lastly, by leveraging blockchain technology for data storage and processing transactions, users can rest assured knowing that their data is secure from malicious actors or hackers.


Digicom is revolutionizing how we use digital assets by providing a fully automated ecosystem built by smart contracts which are secured via blockchain technology. With its NFT marketplace and PC-mobile-VR open world metaverse capabilities, individuals now have unprecedented control over their digital assets while enjoying secure trading options and immersive gaming experiences on any device or location in the world. If you’re looking for a unique way to tokenize your digital assets while enjoying secure trading options and immersive gaming experiences on any device or location in the world then look no further than Digicom!


The Digicom is a fully automated ecosystem built by smart contracts. An NFT marketplace and game rolled into one.
Tokenising The World: The majority of items, skins, property and land you see inside the Digicom is built using RPC-721 NFT Technology. This has been designed from the start and is integrated in such a way it is easily manageable. Some of these NFTs are built with innovative contracts never before seen in the crypto space, which allow for functionality inside the metaverse.
NFT Marketplace Platform: The marketplace will be the home of trade within the Digicom. It will be the powerhouse that empowers players to make money. The NFT Marketplace is a one — page frontend application written in Vue.js and TypeScript. The Backend is written in nodejs with express.js framework. Because the marketplace is seamlessly integrated with the game it provides the ability to have one account for not only playing, but also trading and earning.
PC-Mobile-VR Open World Metaverse: The Digicom is accessible from PC, mobile and VR. All players will directly interact with other players in region-based servers. Players can choose which servers they would like to join, based on popularity at any given time.
Smart Contracts Smart: Contracts are the backbone of crypto. The Digicom utilises smart contracts at every opportunity to ensure the safety and reliability of the game.




Token Distribution:
Founders- 11%
Director- 5%
Advisory- 5%
Marketing- 15%
Emergency Funds- 10%
Development- 5%
Team- 5%
Staking- 20%
Airdrop- 10%
CEX \ DEX Liquidity- 15%
Token Name: DCOM
Token Platform: Polygon
Token Standard: ERC20
Max. Supply (Hard Cap): 12,700,000
Burning: 7,700,000
Deflationary Mechanics:
At present, DCOM is also burned in the following ways:
1% will be burned on every DCOM transfer.
Total 7,700,000 DCOM will be burn.
With a max circulating supply of 5,000,000 DCOM

Digicom Protocol

The Digicom protocol is an automated Liquidity Generator with the option for dynamic rewards built in. This means that the contract is able to create passive rewards to holders. This can be turned on at any stage of development.

Dynamic Fees

The Digicom smart contract is built in such a way that allows the fees to be changed to suit the development stage. This gives us the ability to reward holders and active users of the Digicom, just for holding and participating in the game (playing, exploring, working and trading). Also, the liquidity pool is always growing and increasing the floor.

#Digicom #Digicom #DCOM #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Binance #BNB #cryptocurrencies #fintech @digicomfinance
For More Information About Digicom Project:
Visit the website 👉 https://digicom.finance/
Whitepaper: https://docs.digicom.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/digicomfinance
Telegram: https://t.me/DigicomFinance
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/DigicomFinanceOfficial?_rdc=1&_rdr
Medium: https://medium.com/@digicom

Forum Username: majnokhan2021
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3437384
BSC Wallet Address: 0x62264f2d884E8475581788fD1F0222546454a2f4


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