in #btc6 years ago

So my quest for the best deal got the better of me. I've been watching the trends for #BTC and figure this morning would be the morning I throw down some more cash. Every morning around 5am est I've seen as the best time to purchase from Coinbase. I set my goal the other day to get in at around the 6K mark. Wake up this morning to see 8K plus.... lol We may still purchase as I see 8K a decent price going forward, keeping an eye on it today. Definitely want to get in before the end of the Lunar New Year and US tax refunds are distributed.
Had a discusion with an old friend that pulled out of Bitcoin the other night when it was around 7K, I couldn't help but to think "dummy" as he complained about losing money in the crypto market. Duh... BTC is still up about 600% from a year ago even though weak hands see nothing but red. As volatile as it may be, anyone that pays attention knows it comes back stronger. Don't sell on red, that's when you lose money unless you bought in a year ago. But for the new money coming in during December, you bought in at an all time high, what were you thinking was gonna happen when you sell when its 57% down from there...
On another note. Yesterday was the big meeting in DC. Everyone was on edge about what the outcome would be, considering Washington wants into almost every aspect of our lives it seems. It was an encouraging meeting that they seem like they're going to focus on scams and not too much on regulating typical trading in the space. From what I've learned is the ICO's are those scams targeting the under informed. Here is where we could use the education to inform as many as possible on how to spot the scams. Do your research. It is your responsibility and your money.
Going to go watch some of this Yahoo Finance Crypto Summit.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.030
BTC 61470.93
ETH 3436.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52