Latest Monte Carlo Simulations of Bitcoin Price 100 Days Out

in #btc6 years ago

Just for fun, I've developed a monte carlo simulator for Bitcoin (or really it can be used for any empirical distribution).

Simulating 1000 random walks out to 7.11.2018 produces the following "prediction":

1000 random walks ending on 2018-07-11T00:00Z

  • Average Close Price: 10297.871828929912
  • Median Close Price: 9580.614030757966
  • Max Close Price: 31071.8910745536
  • Min Close Price: 2277.196877248253
  • 80th Percentile Close Price: 13531.952141619598

Which can be visualized by this chart:

Poloniex BTC Daily - Simulating 100 Days Out with 1000 Random Walks.JPG

I also ran 10,000 random walks (all hail the Threadripper) with the following results:

10000 random walks ending on 2018-07-11T00:00Z

  • Average Close Price: 10253.35880964114
  • Median Close Price: 9389.700623245808
  • Max Close Price: 50481.52524964556
  • Min Close Price: 1586.7458787213823
  • 80th Percentile Close Price: 13445.03327374023

Poloniex BTC Daily - Simulating 100 Days Out with 10000 Random Walks.JPG

Again, this was just for fun so don't go betting your home equity on it!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59634.42
ETH 3191.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45