"SEC | S19W1: Designing lesson plans"

in #bt19w117 hours ago

Nowadays, education is the power which everyone needs financial education to stay outflow in any economic situation nations the government needs those who are financial experts to grow the economy in a nation, which today so many countries, companies, and individuals are going bankrupt, and people are experiencing bad economic situation all because of lack of financial planning.

  1. What material do you want to teach to students or your child?

I want to teach students about finances, so they can be able to manage their resources very well. My materials would be split into two different subjects (courses) which are economics and financial accounting.

Economics and financial accounting are the two materials that I want to teach students. Financial planning is very important in our lives and nations and I believe the financial and economic knowledge that I would impact on my students would help them in their various places or lives.

I want to teach students this material because in today's world having financial knowledge is very important as it is the knowledge that can help my students to weigh options and make informed decisions or choices concerning their financial situations, like knowing when to spend, and save as well. Financial planning would help them to prepare for a better future, build long-term investments for retirement, and so on.

  1. Explain how you would design the opening activities, core activities, and closing activities in a learning material.

Teaching is something one has to plan and prepare his or herself very well before entering the classroom to teach students I would use the given tips below to design the opening activities, core activities, and closing activities in the learning materials that I will use and teach my students.

  • The first thing that I will do is to develop a course outline using the material

  • Lesson planning is the second thing that I will then do after I have developed my course outline.

  • I will also develop new online teaching materials

  • I will set quizzes and exams at the end of my lecture.

  • I will give my students feedback based on their performance on the quizzes/exams.

However, aside from that which I have designed above, if it is advanced students that I will be teaching I will ensure that I use learning materials to engage and facilitate understanding with the students. To this, I will begin with the following under listed:

Opening Activities

The purpose of the lecture: This is to capture the interest and previous knowledge of my students. To this, I will go with the following:

Engagement/Hook: I will state clearly what the students will achieve by the end of the class.

Goal I will provide the students with a roadmap for easy learning and understanding.

Pre-assessment and activities of previous knowledge:** At this point I will give quizzes to brainstorm the knowledge of the students to know how far they have learned.

Core Activities

The core activities will be to provide opportunities for deep understanding and practice, which I will work on by giving them instructions, interactive learning, and so on.

Closing activities

The Purpose is to consolidate learning assess understand and provide closure for the lecture l which I will make sure I do the following:

  • Review/Summarise

  • Assessment of learning

  • Reflections

  • Feedback and closure

  1. What method will you use, explain why it is the most appropriate.

The direct instruction method is the method that I will use. The direct method is the best method to teach and educate students which is the method whereby I will stand in from of my students in the class and present them with the information that I want them to know (learn).

This method will allow me to give my students guidance and instructions on what they are to do. The direct method is the appropriate method because students can learn when they are been taught correctly regardless of their background or history.

Also, in a direct method, I can successfully give effective material to my students and teach them practically what they are to know. This direct method of teaching involves the following functions:

  • Introduction/review
  • Present the new material
  • Guided practice
  • Feedback and correctives
  • Independent practice
  • Evaluation/ review

  1. What tools and media do you need so that learners can understand it well?

To ensure that learners can understand me well when I teach them I will make use of a variety of tools and media to provide them with different learning skills.

Tools and Media

Visual Aids: Example I will use charts, diagrams, images, and infographics to help visualize concepts and make the learners concrete ideas.

Multimedia: For example, I will use videos, interactive simulations, and animations to demonstrate processes and steps for them.

Textual Resources: For example I will use textbooks, ebooks, handouts, and articles to provide details explanations for my students.

Digital tools:: Google classroom, or Noodle

  • Interactive whiteboards

  • Audio Resources

  • Collaborative tools.

I am inviting: @pelon53, @dove11, @simonnwigwe and @ruthjoe


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