Citizen Finance - Owning gaming assets to the next level

in #bsc3 years ago


One of the biggest problems in the traditional video game industry today is the denial of ownership of gaming assets. Players are not the true owners of their in-game assets, even if they purchased them with in-game currency, which in turn was purchased with fiat currency. What they can do with the asset is limited to the utilities of the game. The player lacks real control over his property, he cannot receive income from it, and also cannot dispose of it.
Blockchain technology has allowed some games to represent true ownership of in-game assets, but the utilities for this new concept are still small and have no real impact on the industry. Citizen Finance will present new concepts and utilities for gaming assets using blockchain technology.

Citizen Finance is an introduction to GameFi and true ownership of gaming assets. Acting as a bridge between the traditional gaming world and the blockchain, Citizen Finance will create a platform where players are the true owners of their gaming assets, they can bet, resell, donate, or simply use as collateral.

Citizen Finance offers players full ownership of in-game assets. In-game assets are blockchain-based non-fungible tokens that are rewarded for participating in the game and placing assets in a decentralized pool. With full ownership of the game assets, users can sell, donate, or use as collateral.


NFT At Citizen Finance

The use case for NFT depends on the business model of the platform. Although it has been used for the most part to represent art and game resources, its use case is not limited to art and games. NFTs can be used to represent company stocks, bonds, real estate, memberships, and more. Terra Virtua was able to successfully implement NFT in the arts, Cryptokitties and GodsUnchained added NFT to in-game assets, while Decentraland, Sandbox and Spheroid Universe provided NFT with a unique use case in the digital real estate industry.
The Citizen Finance NFT implementation for in-game assets is primarily aimed at promoting true ownership of in-game assets and enabling players to legally exchange assets among themselves.

Citizen Finance offers several options for using gaming assets:

Use game resources to play Meta City FPS game

Exchange your gaming asset for another cryptocurrency in the secondary market

Place unused gaming assets in decentralized pools to earn CIPHI

Use your gaming assets as collateral to borrow funds from credit protocols


Meta City:

Blockchain-based first-person shooter powered by
Binance's smart chain. Embark on a thrilling
adventure as you travel through the conquered territories of
Meta City, build your own
bunker and defeat aliens.

Citizen of Santa Fe:

Santa Fe is a decentralized betting and lending protocol based
on in-game assets. Santa Fe uses Binance's smart chain,
which guarantees low gas fees
and fast transactions.

Citizen ChifiPova:

An introduction to skin as a virtual product (SaaVC).
CifiPowa is a web-based tool that allows users to convert
images and professional designs to
nft-based digital art on Binance's smart network.

Citizen Pow XR:

Pow XR is an augmented reality app
that provides an immersive
nft-based artwork experience .

These are not all applications, more applications are expected.

Road map:

Q1 2021:
Website launch v1

Beta version of CifiPowa

Giveaway and Bounty

Meta City Pre-Alpha Release (PC)

Q2 2021:

NFT distribution


Santa Fe


Civil pool

Launch Registry


More development for the editor

Meta City
Internal Blockdown District (alpha)

Merchant District internal release (alpha)

Norse District internal release (alpha)

Port District internal release (alpha)

Internal release of Battlefield (multiplayer)

Support for NFT as an in-game asset

Pow XR
Beta Development

Q3 2021:
Auction-style support

Multiple coinage (ERC1155)

Further development of CifiPowa

Meta City
Blockdown District Public Release (alpha)

Merchant District Public Release (alpha)

Norse District Public Release (alpha)

Battlefield Public Release

Reward pool

Internal SaaVC test

Pow XR
Beta Public Release

Decentralized Citizens Council:
To maintain a fair and transparent platform, Citizen Finance will first be governed by a decentralized citizen council. DCC will consist of 7 team members, 2 from Citizen Finance Core, 3 from pre-sale investors and 2 from the community.
Before launching DAO, DCC will discuss some issues. Questions includes; Reward, SaaVC, Yield and others.
The Citizen Finance team will retain their veto on any proposal deemed harmful to the ecosystem, proposals sponsored by some members for selfish reasons.
To make the system fair, 5 out of 7 votes of participants must be selected before a proposal is accepted.

More detailed information can be found in the links below:






Bitcointalk Name : Tubjul

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My BSC Address : 0xFbd3Bd7057Fc5AAB7b0619d05b0Ea9D2B1bC37b1

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