Learn about the ccFound project

in #bsc3 years ago (edited)



You know, before, when technology had not yet developed, to be able to access information had to go through books. This makes access to information limited for many people, especially the poor. Nowadays, we can easily check what is happening on the other side of the world. We are bombarded with information from all sides. Just having access to information is not enough. And the most popular tool to find that information is Google. But the problem is that google gives a bunch of information related to the keywords we search without being selective. This leads to information overload, and causes us to deal with problems in a shallow and ineffective way. Think about the last time you used Google search. Today? Yesterday? And now answer yourself honestly: are the search results satisfactory to you?


With an unprofessional way of working, google often makes us tired of giving a bunch of information but in vain. lt is great at dealing with simple questions, converting currencies and time zones, and keeping you informed about the facts.
Therefore, today, in order to gain knowledge on an interesting topic, a statistical person has to spend tens of hours and sift through useless information.
What if I told you that there is a way to systematize knowledge (and not raw information!) on specific topics, using the solutions mentioned above? As a team, we bring you ccFOUND.

What is ccFound project?

Through questions and answers, ccFOUND helps us to gather information quickly and naturally. The website is divided into thematic categories. Using a machine learning engine, all content will be automatically translated into multiple languages. This will enable the rapid globalization of our portal, which will not only help you find information faster and more accurately, but also help you earn profits.


The first leg of ccFOUND will be cryptocurrencies, because in this area the upcoming boom in this market will increase the number of users more than tenfold. Unfortunately, due to the ubiquitous information chaos, the lack of structured knowledge in the field of (not only) cryptocurrencies, as well as numerous potentials for fraud, sa beginner will be at great risk. There is currently no mechanism that could provide easy access to more experienced people, putting beginners and intermediates on the right track, and facilitating market participants’ ability to support each other

So how does ccFound organize the acquired knowledge? How does it recognize important information?
Under the supervision of the user, ccFOUND is a combination of creativity and freedom so that what we create together has intrinsic value.
ccFOUND aims to create an online and auto-updating multilingual knowledge database. as mentioned above, through questions and answers, ccFOUND helps you sift through information, learn about any topic by providing information in the most natural way.
Just like Uber began conquering the market from the San Francisco region, and Facebook from Harvard students, ccFOUND begins the third Internet information revolution with investment topics, and then gradually moves on to the next ones.
In the field of investment, ccFOUND initially focused on the cryptocurrency segment. This is a market with enormous growth potential, where the number of users is expected to grow exponentially over the next few years.
This is also a challenge, because people who have never had practical contact with this technology will want to read about cryptocurrencies. In view of the ubiquitous information chaos, such people will lack support and an entity that will explain this subject, answer nagging questions and organize their knowledge will win the game.

Benefits of CCFound for users

ccFOUND is assumed to be a multinational community of people who want to obtain wisdom and knowledge, consult experts and share their opinions. We help make money on it by the multi-level monetization of experts’ knowledge in various ways.
Most of the portals available on the market do not monetize knowledge — you cannot earn money by publishing on Wikipedia, Facebook groups, Quora or Yahoo Answers. YouTube only allows you to monetize through ads. Medium and Steemit users complain about low earnings.


We have create the ccFOUND economy on the basis of our 15 years of experience in the information products industry. At ccFOUND you will be able to create online courses, organize live trainings and paid webinars, give consultations, conduct closed groups, write newsletters, publish reports and analyses, as well as e-books and audiobooks. ccFOUND is a place of knowledge exchange for enthusiasts, investors, traders, analysts, journalists, engineers, programmers and complete beginners.


Worldwide access: We believe that all people are equal in their dignity as human beings, regardless of nationality, language or religion, therefore we want the Platform to be multilingual and multinational, ensuring access to knowledge in all countries, also with the use of machine translation tools.

The potential of new technologies: We know that technologies influence and interrelate with each other, which is why we are not limited to cryptocurrencies only. Ultimately, the Portal will also deal with other investments, and then expand on other topics to create a product complementary to Google, as well as an alternative to Internet forums, Facebook group
We are aware that many people will try to use the community to publish low-value content, therefore — learning from the best — we are creating a self-regulating Platform with a system of moderation, evaluation and content rankings. It is the community that will decide what content will be published by accepting newly added material. In addition, we have created a dispute resolution function, which will eliminate spam, fraud, plagiarism and hate. We are creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization so as to put the power into the hands of people and so that the management does not limit the development of the Platform, and at the same time so that people do not complain about the moderation and censorship policies, as is it the case on, for example, Wikipedia and Facebook. Threats The optimal solution for effective management is to give users the ability to obtain permissions instead of giving them rigid roles. Different users may have different permissions even within the same role. Each user can receive permissions by demonstrating knowledge and commitment to the development of the Portal. Initially, permissions will be granted by a moderator with higher privileges, but after the complete transition to the DAO, the promotion processes will be fully automated.


We know that as the creators and the management, we are the bottleneck of the system, which is why we undertake to delegate all processes to the community, including its management, by creating an autonomous DAO, gradually through subsequent stages of decentralization, giving up power when the Platform is ready for it.


Today, access to information alone is not enough to achieve broadly understood success. We live in a chaos of information overload, and the Internet has led to shallow and hasty content processing. To assess or understand an investment, a disease, a specific issue or equipment that we are considering buying — you have to do hours of research by opening dozens of tabs.
ccFOUND solves the problem of searching for knowledge by querying networks — not of computers or algorithms, but of other people’s minds. As the only one of aforementioned portals, it monetizes knowledge in a multi-faceted manner and helps to earn on it.
ccFOUND is intended to be a multinational community that wants to obtain information and knowledge, but also to consult experts. We want to make it possible to earn on this, also on a multilevel basis — thus monetizing the accumulated knowledge in various ways. I believe it will grow even stronger in the future. Stay tuned to witness the glory of ccFound
For More Information ccFOUND project:

● Zimma
● 0x38351630aD1F75BA1666307F4009313fe9f182A2

#DAO #BSC #wisdomfound #ccfound #crypto #blockchain #ICO #Cryptocurrency #Altcoin


It's good work

An interesting combination for those just starting to master the unusual world of cryptocurrencies.

Thanks for the review, it helped

Thank you very much for the website.

Very useful and interesting information at this time.

This is what I was looking for!! Good luck

Interesting information useful for those who want to keep up with the times

Great project that I also want to be a part of!!

Thank you very nhiều :)

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