
Sorry for the loss @broncnutz. Not really, after your Broncs ruined my Cowboys I can't feel bad for you. I had enough misery of my own this past week.

Let me tell you why I enjoy your posts so much. You make great trash talking videos and posts showing the passion you have while crapping all over the opposition. Yet you can separate trash talking fun and reality. You're very honest about your team and how they play. I respect that. Living in Pennsylvania , you wouldn't believe the crap I hear from Eagles and Steelers fans all the time. Everything is the refs fault, or Jerry Jones paid off the league, crap like that. It's nice to hear from a fan who can have fun and be honest.

I still think the Broncos will make the playoffs. Chiefs are looking tough, but Denver can get a wild card. Good luck to anybody that has to play in Denver in January. They'll need it. Drink a few beers, put this loss behind you, and get ready for the Raiders.

Thanks Chops! That was one we let slip through our fingers. I'm glad you recognize all the different types of videos I make and can distinguish what I am doing. I have a little fun with it. Raiders next week.....this dog gonna be barkin......BELIEVE THAT!

amigo #resteemia at your service

broncos lost, but i could see the pain of real fan of them through your video. sorry for the loss @broncnutz

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

love the way you started the that spirit

No panic button needed yet. It's just an off week with politics distracting some and others just not having their A game. Come playoff time, I wouldn't want to head to mile high and chugging on that mountain air. Now go smash Carr, Lynch and company next sun.

It's alright because every great winner must loose first :D Broncos die heart

Oh yes @broncnutz, it was not successful, but I think we need to pay no attention, gather strength for the next match and win. Especially I think that Trevor will play better. Good luck to all of us :)

I think Trevor will ball out next week! Or at least, I hope! haha

@broncnutz love the upbeat videos my friend!

it's bad to hear that broncos loss the game, but i think we have to admit that on that day buffalo play a good game, broncos need to learn from their loss, need to improve their attack and we hope we see good results in next game, i like to mentioned that losing is part of the game. If you never lose, you are never truly tested, and never forced to grow.

Thanks @broncnutz thais is good video I wish you .
100%like and resteem

As you said @broncnutz that its necessary loss I think should learn from failure you have high morale wish you luck for next time.

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