Sen Richard Black Claims that British Intelligence Is Preparing to Stage Another Syrian False Flag Attack

in #britain6 years ago


  • Sen Richard Black Claims that British Intelligence Is Preparing to Stage Another Syrian False Flag Attack
    by Dave Hodges,
    In increasing numbers, the number of Americans that have habituated on the increasing volume of false flag attacks has increased exponentially. Even some of the politicians are beginning to “get it”. What was it that Abraham Lincoln said about not being able to fool all the people all the time?

    The Last Time There Was a False Flag In Syria
    In a ground-breaking speech before the Virginia Senate on April 11, 2018, Sen. Richard H. Black (R-Loudoun) said he doubted whether a chemical attack occurred in Syria on April 7, 2018. This speech took place in the Virginia General Assembly.

    “It is not entirely clear that there was an attack,” Sen. Richard H. Black (R-Loudoun) said in a 20-minute speech on the floor of Virginia Senate on Wednesday. “There was a doctor, from the hospital — from the main hospital in Douma — who has said, ‘We haven’t received any casualties. Nobody has been sent in.’ ”

    Was State Senator Richard Black correct?
    Well, somebody at Fox News thought so. After airing his thoughts on the April false flag attack, Tucker Carlson, without explanation, disappeared for several days. He did not get the memo, even Fox News cannot use the words “False” and “Flag” in the same sentence. After all, no reasonable person would believe that anybody (say…like Hitler) would ever dare to perpetrate violence (Reichstag Fire) and blame an enemy (the Communists), for political gain (the take over of the German government). From The Common Sense Show (April 2018):

    Since airing his very scathing condemnation of the false flag Syrian chemical attack, in which Carlson makes it clear it was a false flag attack, he has not been heard from. Will he be back on this show on Monday, April 23? Is he fired? Has he just been “talked to”? Carlson has not tweeted since April 12. Is he still alive? The CSS is concerned for the safety of Tucker Carlson. There is one thing we can count on. He definitely got a good scolding for stating that it made no sense for Assad to attack his own people with chemical agents. Will Carlson return tomorrow? You can bet there will be no more talk about false flag events on the Fox News Propaganda channel.

    Eventually, Carlson did return to the Fox air waves, but there was no more talk of a false flag attack. Unnfortunately, for the globalists, Assad’s government was not toppled.

    If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again!
    With increasing rapidity, led by CNN, the mainstream media is increasingly warning of a false flag. Is the MSM engaging in the reading of crystal balls, or is this a case of predictive programming? The question has been answered as Senator Richard Black claims that British Intelligence is planning to launch a vicious false flag attack in Syria in order to justify the toppling of Assad’s government by the United States. From the most “trusted” newspaper in America, The Washington Post:

    read more.


In this ground-breaking book, Mark Curtis reveals the covert history of British collusion with radical Islamic and terrorist groups. Secret Affairs shows how governments since the 1940s have connived with militant forces to control oil resources and overthrow governments. The story of how Britain has helped nurture the rise of global terrorism has never been told.


Basra, Iraq: SAS soldiers posing as Arab terrorists. Click on image for article.

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