bridges made of natural tree rootssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bridge8 years ago (edited)

estas espectaculares puentes naturales hechos de raíces de los árboles en la India

estas espectaculares puentes naturales hechos de raíces de los árboles en la India
puede contener 50 personas
Se tarda 10 años en crecer y puede durar por lo menos 500 años
tb hay sillas y mesas!

-estas pontes naturais espectaculares feitas de raízes de árvores na índia
podem aguentar com 50 pessoas
demoram 10 anos a crescer e podem durar pelo menos 500 anos
tb existem cadeiras e mesas!

deze spectaculaire natuurlijke bruggen gemaakt van boomwortels in India
kunnen 50 mensen houden
Het duurt 10 jaar om te groeien en kan minstens 500 jaar duren
tb zijn er stoelen en tafels!

-diese spektakuläre natürliche Brücken aus Baumwurzeln in Indien
halten kann 50 Personen
Es dauert 10 Jahre wachsen und kann mindestens 500 Jahre dauern
tb gibt es Stühle und Tische!

disse spektakulære naturlige broer lavet af trærødder i Indien
kan rumme 50 personer
Det tager 10 år at vokse og kan vare mindst 500 år
tb der er stole og borde!

dessa spektakulära naturliga broar gjorda av trädrötter i Indien
rymmer 50 personer
Det tar 10 år att växa och kan pågå åtminstone 500 år
tb finns stolar och bord!

ponts naturels spectaculaires -ces en racines d'arbres en Inde
peut contenir 50 personnes
Il faut 10 ans pour faire pousser et peut durer au moins 500 ans
tb il y a des chaises et des tables!

ini jembatan alam yang spektakuler yang terbuat dari akar pohon di India
bisa menampung 50 orang
Dibutuhkan 10 tahun untuk tumbuh dan dapat bertahan setidaknya 500 tahun
tb ada kursi dan meja!

-эти впечатляющие природные мосты из корней деревьев в Индии
может вместить до 50 человек
Она занимает 10 лет, чтобы расти и может длиться не менее 500 лет
Т.Б. есть стулья и столы!

גשרים טבעיים מרהיב -these עשויים שורשי עצים בהודו
יכול להחזיק 50 אנשים
זה לוקח 10 שנים לגדול והוא יכול להימשך לפחות 500 שנה
TB יש כסאות ושולחנות!

在印度生产的树根 - 这些壮观的自然桥梁


هذه الجسور الطبيعية الخلابة المصنوعة من جذور شجرة في الهند
يمكن أن تعقد 50 شخصا
يستغرق 10 سنوات لتنمو ويمكن أن تستمر 500 سنة على الأقل
السل هناك كراسي وطاولات!

इन शानदार प्राकृतिक भारत में वृक्ष की जड़ों से बने पुलों
50 लोगों को पकड़ कर सकते हैं
यह विकसित करने के लिए 10 साल लग जाते हैं और कम से कम 500 साल पिछले कर सकते हैं
टीबी वहां कुर्सियां और मेजें कर रहे हैं!

-this amazing bridges in India and other places are made of natural roots from trees!
takes 10eyars to grow last for at least 500 years
can old up 50 people weight


I remembered this wen I saw trees making chairs resembling the same way
in @nihao post

video: youtube

life, art, philosophy
travel story


Hey there , I was always thinking of a construction method related to trees in some way , I have to say they have figured it out by themselves :D ,,

LAnguages would be
Spanish, Latin ,Austrian, German, (Sweedish?Danish?, those two are a bit too foreign to me to guess ) French , Turkish, Russian, Hebrew, Chinese(Mandarin), Korean, Arabic, Sanskrit? , English finally. So how close am I :D ?

Also here is a video I watched the other day about a forest garden :)

I love to find people interested in permaculture!
there is so much wisdom in nature!
thank you so much!
the guy reminds me of Panoramix druid!

:) haaha , I don't want to show you a more wacky example of a bearded man.
I will give he video another watch , since I didn't pay much attention last time.
I for one find myself too spaced out through numerous subjects , so I lack real progress in a single place.
But finding information and tying the correlations together is fun.
Permaculture is something I would like to see , I think you framed most of my thoughts on the matter in your post and your other comment. I wold love to see people working towards more "real" projects like this one.
For me I still have wants from the commercial world , so I'm not free enough to be and do what I would love to(or would try) .
Its a wonderful to see a majestic place like that one , I for one never have thought about a forest garden.

the abundance of food and medicinal useful species they manage to put on and those how also started to grow by themself and how it became an healthy self-sufficient super abundant forest from and wasted land is totally amazing and impressive!

wonder if you can find all the languages I have translated!
and correct please if you find any that has any mistakes please!? =D thank you all!

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