Invest in ETFs, REFs, CTFs & CMFs with Blockchain & Cryptocurrency - Brickblock ICO review

in #brickblock7 years ago (edited)

Brickblock uses Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts to invest in ETFs (Exchange traded funds), REFs (Real Estate funds), CTFs (Passive coin traded funds) and CMFs (active coin managed funds).  

High Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are now only used as a store of value, it is not widely used a medium of exchange and unit of account. It is highly risky to own cryptocurrencies because of its volatility  
Solution: To invest in ETFs/REFs/CTFs/CMFs. 

Counter-party Risks: It means the counter-party does not have the necessary funds or assets to finish a trade, if you want to sell your assets. It takes 3days for asset trading and it purely depends on trust.
Solution: Blockchain and smart contracts, multiple days to 1minute based on Ethereum Block Confirmations. 

High Cost and Complexity in Conventional Stock Trading: When buying real world assets through a retail broker there are various fees associated like trading fess, broker-assisted fees, account maintenance fees, account transfer fees, selling fees and commission fees. A user paying $100 for an ETF has to pay significantly higher fees than a professional trader investing $100,000.  
Solution: Block chain and smart contracts automates everything for you, it bypasses 3rd parties such as clearing houses and retail brokers and the price decrease by 50fold.

Trading Restrictions: It is highly complicated or impossible for private investors to buy ETFs or REFs in some countries because of different tax structures, limitation to trade freely because of local government laws, expensive bank accounts and insufficient connectivity to worldwide exchanges.
Solution: No bank accounts so no geographic borders to buy ETFs or REFs. Cheap ETFs and REFs

No safe possibility of Crypto Basket Investments: No secure or easy to invest in crypto market. You have to trust your fund managers , hoping they won’t take advantage of their position. There is no legally binding contract between investors and fund managers.  

Solution: Brickblock will enter legally binding contracts with fund managers, verify them thoroughly and implement a cryptographic audit structure. Brickblock will commission independent auditors to prevent any potential conflicts of interest between fund managers and auditors.

How Brickblock uses Smart Contracts?

Who is it for? 

1. Private Investors Brickblock will help private investors diversify their portfolios beyond cryptocurrencies and tokens.  • Lower the costs of investing in REFs, ETFs, CMFs and CTFs through cutting out the middlemen and pooling investment volume,
  • Create steady returns in the form of dividends and coupons,
  • Minimize bureaucratic overhead,
  • Empower everyone to invest directly in global funds in every market, regardless of where funds or investors live.

 2. Institutional Investors:   

  • Can invest in diversified digital currency portfolio 
  • Not worry about holding multiple wallets 
  • And not dealing with multiple exchange platforms. 

3. Fund Managers:   

  • Real Estate Fund Managers
  • Coin Managed Fund Managers

4. Broker-Dealers:   Brickblock reduces operational cost and enables delivery versus payment (Dvp) support.

The Team  Only part of the Team 

Jakob Drzazga: Co-founder, Engineering & management from Technical University of Berlin, Real Estate Developer 

Martin Mistake: Co-founder, co-founder of Bitwala Venture Capitalist, Co-found of Bitcoins Berlin 

Marius Hanne: Developer, Developed for Coinbase, Co-founder of

Adrian Kizlauskas: Full-Stack Developer, helped contribute one of the first decentralised applications.   

Why do investors need Brickblock Tokens? Brickblock token holders will be able to generate Access Tokens(ACT), which are the motor of the Brickblock platform and use to pay all the fee.

The fees for transaction on the Brickblock platform are 0.5% of the transaction volume for each transaction. These fees have to be paid with ACTs. Brickblock token holders will automatically receive free ACTs.

What is a Proof-of-Asset token (PoA)? Brickblock legally ties its PoA token to real world assets like real estates, ETFs and Crypto Indices.

Brickblock Token: Next round starts on October 31st, 2017 and will last for 3weeks.

Alpha Version: Their Alpha version is live now, you can go and test it here 

Video About their Alpha Version:


They have a well documented White paper and a Technical White paper. Please read them.

Thoughts: I am planning to invest in Brickblock, you get 10%bonus if you signup and get into their Tier-1 whitelist and 5% bonus in Tier-2 whitelist. I really like their idea about how they are making ETFs & REFs affordable and accessible. And their Alpha version gives me more confidence towards their project.  

You can also ask questions to the Brickblock Co-founder Jakob in “Ask me Anything” Facebook live. His next one is on OCT 30th  

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Please do your own research before investing in a company. These are my personal thoughts.  

What do you guys think about Brickblock? Are you planning to invest in their ICO? If you like my post, please Comment, Upvote and Reesteem. Thanks!


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Do you invest in other things too? I mean out of crypto world.

Yes, I do invest in Stocks & Shares :)

Nice article.... Upvoted :)

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Hello @OriginalWorks, yes I cited in my sources. Thanks for the Upvote :)

Nice article..Upvoted with $.04 and followed :)
Letz be in touch..Check my profile and follow me back :)

Thanks :) Upvoted and followed you :)

Thank u :)

Interesting Article , Thanks !

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