The Syrian Government didn`t use Chemical Weapons/ attack it`s own people!

in #bribes6 years ago

Ask yourself just a single question..... Who benefits the most from the recent Chemical Weapons attack in Syria against the Syrian people?

With any criminal investigation the investigators always ask themselves that one specific question and look to answer it as part of their investigations! If you think (for any given length of time) that the Syrian Government, the Syrian Army, The Russian Government, The Chinese Government or the Iranian Government would have been the beneficaries of such a hanous act/ crime against innocent and defenceless people then it appears that you know very, very little about how the world actually works! The biggest profiteers and beneficaries of this situation are.....?

1- Banksters (who continually profit massively from lending Governments money to fund their war-machines) which must be paid back complete with Interest Payments.

2 - Governments (who continually go running around the globe making gigantic arms deals (selling their jet-fighters,
tanks, weapons etc.) to other Governments/ Countries/ REGIMES that have very, very deep pockets.

3 - Countries/ GOVERNMENTS which are hoping to take advantage of de-stabilised neighbouring countries.

4 - Multi-National Companies which position themselves in place to be able to arrange huge lucrative contractual
agreements to re-build (in the country which has been totally desimated and destroyed by the conflict). By the way,
this is where some individuals/ groups (in Governments around the world) have a major conflict of interests because
they vote/ push hard for a war to occur..... and they also have a direct/ indirect connection to the companies that go
in to do that re-build. This situation (alone) is up to it`s eyeballs in bribery and corruption and have no care for
hurting/ KILLING other members of humanity as it is just business to them. These people are clinically insane,
psychotic psycopaths and have endless amounts of money! If we take their money away from them, then they have
no powers!

Are you beginning to see the world more clearly now... as to how it operates, works, revolves and how money flows upwards? Afterall, those in power and that have all the money want to keep it that way and just want more at any cost!

I leave you with one last question..... Why is it that when an MP enters Office they have a normal sort of bank balance
(money in the bank) but when they leave Office they have MILLIONS in their bank accounts (in off-shore bank accounts or not)???Bribery and Corruption.png

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