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RE: Everything Is In Play, Bail-outs, Bail-ins, It's All Coming Down - Episode 1528a

in #brexit6 years ago

People like me don’t go shopping like we use to because everything the NWO makes in CHINA is SHIT . I now cruise the resale shops and garage sales for goods . Since its crap anyways , why pay full price . The central bankers are going to be running for their lives . I just don’t see millions of people loosing everything and then not doing something . I think this train of thought is very unrealistic . I mean people riot when their favorite team wins . What do you think will happen when their bank , or pension collapses ⁉️ 🔥💥🚓🚑🚒🚔🚨🌋🎆🎇 Sheeple are going to lose it .Good show . 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻

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