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RE: Brexit (not for domestic consumption)

in #brexit5 years ago

If the UK were to leave the EU (the UK cant leave its self). They would stop giving 80ish billion pounds over to an oligarchy imposing economic restraint. They would have sovereignty to ensure they dont receive another raw deal. They would have the freedom to debate climate science because science cant settle. Science means incorporating new evidence as it is obtained. False data is still just a lie no matter how many times it is repeated.

Posted using Partiko Android


"If the UK were to leave the EU (the UK cant leave its self)."

The UK can leave anytime it wants. It's given due notice and is about to leave. The problem is, there doesn't seem to be any onward journey booked and Britain is stuck, it's stormed out of the house but forgotten rent is still due and now there is no where else as appealing to go.

"oligarchy imposing economic restraint."

I like creative writing, but even this is a stretch. Who are the members of this EU oligarchy? I don't remember any of them buying football clubs, major newspapers or managing off shore investment funds. Please provide names

"They would have sovereignty to ensure they dont receive another raw deal."

What do you mean by sovereignty? If a nation loses sovereignty by being part of an inter-govermental organisation, why is the WTO acceptable but the EU not? To have true sovereignty, we should also leave any international body?

"debate climate science because science cant settle."

According to who? I've heard about those who do not believe in global warming, but never actually got to debate in detail with anyone so inclined.

You miss understood my first statement as a play on your typo.

The scientific method is trying a hypothesis and accepting the result. Apparently you don't read much news. Why dont we start here with fake climate science. Mike Adams ( or with Dane Wigington (geoengineeringwatch).

How can we have a debate over false data? Nasa, Ice Gaining, or IPCC. Oh maybe you cant read Zerohedge because Fakebook banned them except Fakebook just said it was a mistake.

True that no one should hand over their control of trade. So called free trade is rarely fair. Look at the American manufacturing industry that was quickly sold to another country in just a few decades. Brexit Simplified

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So I followed some of the links you sent. Found this gem

"Radical environmentalists like Al Gore believe that if they continue to spread propaganda about the planet’s imminent doom as a result of carbon dioxide being sent up into the atmosphere, then people will begin to buy into the hysteria."

At which point I realised this person has no clue what science is.

As for scientific method, here you go

Calling anything you don't like "fake" is not the way to conduct debate.

Any serious climate scientists will confirm climate change is real, there is no need to seek zerohedge, we can do directly to those with the most knowledge and experience in the field.

Finally, your play on words was wasted on me. My apologies, I was so worked up with all the Brexit non-sense that is going on right now in the UK.

Have a great day and thanks for taking the time to comment :)

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Everyone has their bias. While I agree that @naturalnews uses inflaming language vindictiveness is expected when personhood is targeted. Mike has built multiple mass spectrometers and is one of the few labs in the world able to test for "safe" glyophosphates.

If CO2 is so damaging why is it more targeted than methane? Why dont the charts even display water vapor as a green house gas? From your wonderful source, "It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. " So you prefer Lier to faker? You call your references serious is that any different? Censorship of one's opposition only proves their point. You simply overlook facts that nearly anyone is corrupt able.

I am realistic enough to know that I live in the evil empire, are you? RepublicBroadcastingNetwork

Your hubris is showing. Try searching on YouTube Europa: The last battle.

I hope my comment at least planted the seeds.

Posted using Partiko Android

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