Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi and Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn: Brexit: on the hateful loathing of Communists…

in #brexit5 years ago (edited)

Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi and Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn:
Brexit: on the hateful loathing of Communists…

Dear Ms Pelosi and Mr Corbyn.
Ah the modern world…. And our ability to keep eyes on you!

Re-Tweet this letter HERE:

On the very day Jeremy proudly complains talks with Theresa May are on the verge of collapsing “Because the Tories want to do a deal with Donald Trump”

We also see you Nancy, once again bad-mouthing America and harming her interests when out of the country (democrats always spit their bile when out of the country, the pattern has been noticed..) on a tax-funded junket to Ireland, boldly stating you will wreck any trade deal if there is any form of “hard border” between Ireland and Northern Ireland, as a result of Britain asserting her Independence and Sovereignty from the protectionist soviet style cartel of the EU.

Mr Corbyn, typically, is confused, as the EU will agree a Customs Union deal if he cooks one up with May, that would make a trade deal with the USA impossible anyway. Stuck in a customs Union, the UK wouldn’t be able to make ANY trade deals, a continuation of the terrible position that forced the Brexit Vote in the first place. But we are used to such stark irrationality from the Labour Party… “I won’t do a deal that would make a USA trade deal impossible because… of the threat of a US Trade Deal.” Cuckoo stuff, to be sure, and the product of the irrationality we have become all too used to from the Globalist Left.

To stand against Brexit, to stand against FREEDOM, is to stand for impoverishing Britain and chaining us to a mere 15% of the world-wide market. Truly a hateful act against our Nation.

But we have got used to this from Freedom’s enemies. Us Brexiteers well remember the Punk threats of one Barack Obama when he spoke words written for him by David Cameron and warned: “If Brits vote to leave the EU I’ll make sure your at the back of the queue!” (Americans would of course normally say “line”). Perhaps making good on that threat was why he was in Berlin over the weekend being swooned over by Angela Merkal like a giddy schoolgirl (don’t fancy yours much Barry! But then good taste is hard to come by…)

The result of these crude tactics was of course an immediate spike in LEAVE support: in many ways acting like a low-rent Chicago hoodlum did Brexit a favour. Freedom loving British Patriots do not buckle easily to cheap threats.

The EU knows Corbyn is a joke, and as Guy Verhofstadt castigated the EU parliament yesterday to point out, Labour isn’t serious about Brexit and merely wants to get into power so it can trash the United Kingdom in the name of international Marxism. Therefore, screw the national interest (only its not really, it’s the globalist cabal interest), Labour wont sit down and make a deal.

But you Nancy, surely should be better informed, as even such a luminary as the EU’s Chief Negotiator, Michel Barnier, has stated that in the event of a “No Deal” Brexit: there will NOT be a hard border between Eire and Northern Ireland. There was never going to be a hard border: no-one wants it, and in the modern world there is this thing called TECHNOLOGY. Fake News Panic about the Irish Border was always a fake talking point by brainless de-railers, but we do know Taoiseach Varadkar is desperate to keep “on message” with Brussels, to show his personal loyalty to that fascist project: much to the harm of the people of Ireland. You must be keen to kiss the same ring Nancy.

Once upon a time, Jeremey’s Irish friends fought for real independence for Ireland, but it shows how a free ride on the EU gravy train corrupts principles, so we are not surprised they have sold out now. Even terrorists can abandon what they terrified for. But the real action in Ireland today isn’t failed Marxism, but the ever growing #IREXIT movement, people with the courage and self-respect to see a better future for Ireland than vassal state servitude to a European Empire.

Brexiteers message to both of you is that hypocritical Communists like yourselves will NEVER stop patriots asserting our freedom, and we take your petty threats and game playing in our stride, treating them with the contempt they deserve.

Its only in the deranged world of the left these actions seem normal. But then, the Democrat Congress was only achieved by lying on an industrial scale about President Trump to the American people, with smears about Russia a child with a functioning brain can see past. These hateful lies will surely destroy the Democrats as it is exposed, (along with the institutional racism with which the Democrat party treats persons of colour). While the UK Labour Party collapses in on itself with its vile and rampant Jew-Hate. What charmers you both are! Racists who project your racism onto others and pretend to have virtue…

We know FREE BRITAIN will endure and see the back of you BOTH.

Freedom always wins, and Free people stand on the feet despite the threat of those who want us to “know our place” on our knees. Communism has failed everywhere it has been tried and will continue to fail, despite both of your heartlessness for the people of nations like Venezuela. And how telling it was, after all your guff about DACA and illegals Speaker Pelosi, that when they looked like they were all coming to YOUR town and YOUR district, interacting with YOUR voters, you spat your teeth out and had a melt-down. This is exactly the hypocrisy we should expect given your form, becoming a VERY wealthy woman off the back of a modest public salary… the sniff of sulphur is hard to avoid. Bernie Sanders is running away from stating on the record he will pay the 51% taxrate he is pushing for the rest of American millionaires, and we expect all wealthy democrats to do the same. Its no fun selling out your nation if you cant keep the profits… as for Comrade Corbyn, to call his personal pension for backing the most extremist leftism all his life can certainly be called “Gold Plated”!

The world does not want either of you! It is rejecting the Globalism of the “power elites”, who have stolen the worlds wealth and inflicted global poverty in the name of power. These monstrous ideas will always be fought and defeated: that’s WHY there is a Brexit: and a President Trump!

We promise you BOTH: if you try to harm our beloved Britain out of hateful spite towards America’s greatest President in post-WWII living memory, it will lead to the ruination of BOTH your houses.
And you know, its not as if we need a US trade deal anyway to strengthen our alliance with the freedom loving REAL America, the America that is coming back, made Greater than EVER, despite both of you scheming on behalf of the Globalist Cabal.

The vile attempt by Barack Obama and his allies, like yourself speaker Pelosi, to collude with the UK/Australian/New Zealand/Canadian Deep State to spy to steal the election not just from Trump, but any Republican candidate, is being exposed. As a member of the UK Privy council perhaps Jeremy Corbyn is also in the frame for #SPYGATE. Now the Mueller report has come out and demolished these hateful lies against the lawful POTUS, we may expect arrests and prosecutions of those who have committed Treason against the United States. We hear GITMO is better than ever after its recent expansion and refurbishment…

Who knows?
May not be enough Democrats left to take their seats in Congress to block that Brexit trade deal afterall…

On behalf of the Free People of Free Britain and Patriots around the World, to both of you:

Please do the right thing, show some decency before it’s too late: and RESIGN!

John The White

Least we forget... the terms on which the EU referendum was fought... globalist politicians only making it worse for themselves, both British and American!

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