
Breastfeeding - My opinion and experience

Today I talk to you about the highly sensitive topic of breastfeeding. Highly sensitive yes, because this subject often unleashes passions.

Before I begin, I want to say that in this article I am addressing women because, nature being what it is, they are the ones who will live the joys (or not) of breastfeeding. But if you are a man and you read these lines, do not leave right away. First, know that we will talk a lot about breasts, tits, boobs, tits, and therefore it may interest you 😬 Secondly, if your sweetheart goes through the breastfeeding box one day, it may be useful to be a minimum informed on the subject. History to be able to support it. Good reading!

Around me and on the net, I see many women have a very decided opinion on breastfeeding. And this, often even before giving birth. Some already decide in advance that they will not breastfeed. Others, on the contrary, have a plan of attack and absolutely want to put all the chances on their side so that their breastfeeding works.

I confess to you that these decisions intrigue me a little, because I never had this kind of thoughts about breastfeeding. And that's what I wanted to talk to you about. On the one hand, from my vision of breastfeeding, what it means to me. And on the other hand, share with you my experience, and how I lived this experience with my two children.

First of all, I want to say that I am neither pro nor anti breastfeeding. In this article, I will share with you the advantages and disadvantages I have seen in this method. But I believe that everyone does what he wants, and that the most important thing is to feed his baby eh. No matter how, as long as you do not let him starve!

When I was pregnant with Number 1, I did not really ask myself if I was going to breastfeed or not. I was also often surprised because, after the date of the term and sex, it is often the next thing people ask you: "you're going to breastfeed? And there you have the impression that people are waiting for a good answer. But what is the "right" answer?

I never asked myself the question for the simple reason that breastfeeding was the natural continuity of pregnancy and birth. For me it's just something animal that is part of our "species" if I may say so. I am a mammal, I gave birth to a baby who feeds on milk, it happens that my body produces this milk, so I feed it with my milk. Here. Point. I never looked beyond that. Our body produces exactly what our baby needs.
I never put myself under pressure thinking it might not work, maybe I could not feed my child, and so on. To put this baby in the world was my priority, and for the rest we would advise later.

When Number 1 was born, the midwife asked me if I wanted to put her in, and I said yes. I let him have his welcome breastfeeding, and that's when breastfeeding started. I want to say that I gave birth by caesarean section, to end the urban legends that say you can not breastfeed after a cesarean section. #foutaises

I promised to tell you about my experience, so I'm not going to lie to you, the beginnings were not easy. Like many new moms, my breastfeeding experience began with horrible and painful crevices in the nipples. And this, from the 2nd day. And with each of my children. This is quite common because the baby does not yet know how to take the nipple well in the mouth, and then we do not know anything so it is positioned badly ... And bam! You end up with breasts in blood, and frankly it hurts a dog. I fully understand that some women are afraid of this moment and can base their decision not to breastfeed on that basis, or stop breastfeeding in the first days because of the pain.

As far as I'm concerned, I had just had my belly cut, I was already hurting everywhere, it was not that that would stop me. The midwife gave me teats - plastic tips - to make it easier for the baby to eat. And brought me shells made of mother-of-pearl from behind the fagots. The girls, this thing saved my life (and breasts)! Did you know that putting shells on your breasts would fix your nipples - in addition to making you a vahine ... ?? Well, yes! Well I confess that it's a bit weird at first. Stuck in your super glamorous nursing bra, you look a little like Madonna in his period Jean-Paul Gaultier / pointed breasts ... but in really less good eh. But these things are miraculous. It does not stick to your nipples, so you do not tear off the skin as soon as you remove them, and will allow healing in a humid environment. Magic! It goes without saying that this was the first thing I packed into my maternity bag for the arrival of Number 2

As soon as my breasts began to heal, I did not hurt anymore, and breastfeeding became something much more enjoyable. I continued with the teats, because it worked better for baby (with the rise of milk, I had nipples very swollen, and it made easier in the mouth). On advice from my midwife, I tried again without tips after 2 weeks, and it worked well. So bye bye the plastic nipples.

Initially, during the first 2-3 weeks of life, I nursed baby on demand. That is to say as soon as he showed signs of hunger. I fed it every 2-3 hours or so. I think it's necessary at the beginning for our milk production to fit on baby's needs. It is while breastfeeding that baby indicates to our mother's body that it must produce enough milk.

Then, after one month, we had a feed every 3-4 hours. I voluntarily spaced the feedings after discussing it with the pediatrician. I totally agree with his approach that says babies are like us, they do not have to go through the stages of hunger, feeding, digestion until they are hungry again. And then, to return to the animal kingdom, babies are instinctive, if they see they do not have to eat often, they will store a little more to wait until the next batch. Like us what.

You'll understand, I'm not so much to put baby in the breast as soon as he chouine. On the one hand, I think it's not necessary for the baby, and personally I'm not comfortable with the idea of ​​having a dwarf hanging in the breast all day long. After, of course, there are special cases, where some children have to be fed more often. But it's not the majority.

In this same approach, I never made a "comfort feeding" or "suckling pleasure" - as some call them - with my baby. Again, it is my opinion that breastfeeding is an essentially nurturing act. When one of our children needs comfort, we take him in the arms, the barbells, in short try other techniques. But for me to feed (that in this case I assimilate to force-feeding) to calm was never THE solution.
To put it more bluntly, I do not think my sons need to have my nipple in their mouth to be comforted #vivelalolette

Well, I think it's clear when I read, that I did not live my breastfeeding as moments of "communion" with my children. What I want to say is that breastfeeding did not make me feel closer to my children, or to experience it as a special moment. Yes, I liked and I like to breastfeed. But I take as much pleasure, if not more, to shake them against my heart. With my breast tucked away in my bra. It's good like that too! 😜 By the way, when Number 1 switched to formula milk, I always had the pleasure of giving her her bottle. It has always been a cuddly moment, with my son in my arms, and I do not differentiate between the times when I gave him the breast and those where I gave him the bottle.

What I liked about breastfeeding is the practical side of it. Breast milk is the most suitable baby food (remember, we are mammals ...). And, oh it's magic, this food is there, available, at good temperature, self-service. The class! No need to sterilize or wash bottles. No need to dose, mix, heat. Baby is hungry, you draw your breast, and O Miracle! the meal is served!

I thought it was a time saver! I do not know if we can talk about saving money instead. Because what is not spent in artificial milk, it is widely used in accessories for breastfeeding. I am thinking in particular of brassieres and clothing adapted to breastfeeding. Because, indeed, having adapted clothing greatly facilitates the breastfeeding outside the house.

In this regard, I think that breastfeeding in public is what I found most difficult with my first son. I have never been disturbed by the eyes of people, because honestly I do not care! And frankly, no one has ever stared at me because I was nursing. I never felt animosity or malice in those moments either.
On the other hand, I am rather modest in nature, and I found it difficult to "undress" in public. I know you're just getting out of your chest, huh; but it was difficult for me.
Even though it's still not the part I prefer, I have to say it has become a lot easier with my second child. I still do not take pleasure in drawing my breasts in society, but say that I can do it quickly and discreetly, and that it bothers me much less. And having adequate clothes in those moments helps a lot .
I did find that there were some disadvantages to breastfeeding. I give them to you in bulk:

I already told you about the first days that can be quite painful.
If like me you are a good dairy cow, you can quickly "overflow" milk. All over. All the time. Breastfeeding pads should always be worn to mop the "overflow". And sometimes you find yourself with the wet t-shirt in the middle of the supermarket ...
During breastfeeding, it is not easy to be away from your baby for a very long time, or it requires some logistics. Before leaving, you must draw your milk in sufficient quantity to cover the needs of baby in your absence. It may also be necessary to draw your milk while you are far, in order to relieve your tense breasts and to avoid a possible mastitis.
Unless you get your milk in advance, you're the one to get up at night to feed baby. Because the pantry is YOU.
Intimate moments, your guy may get a squirt of milk ... It's natural, but it can be disturbing.
Breastfeeding requires a healthy lifestyle. What you eat is found in breast milk. Adios mojitos for a while ... And fatigue, stress, can also very quickly affect your milk production ...
These are the main disadvantages that I see. And then you have to know one thing: breastfeeding is sport! Our body needs energy to produce milk. It's tiring, especially the first weeks. Personally, I felt like I had a marathon every day during the first month of life. After each feed, I had to eat to recover. I ate bananas at 3am ... Well, the advantage is that we spend so much that we lose more easily the weight of pregnancy!

And then there is the resumption of a professional activity. It is recommended to breastfeed for 6 months, but obviously the maternity leave, it does not last 6 months ... it would not be funny otherwise. We must therefore try to reconcile breastfeeding and work. I want to point out that there are laws that allow breastfeeding women to feed or draw milk during their working hours.
Personally, I preferred to stop breastfeeding before returning to work. I did not want to complicate my life and have to get my milk to work. The return to work after several months at home is already difficult and stressful enough, I preferred to simplify things. It was a personal choice, which I did without any regrets. Breastfeeding worked well at home, but after 5 months I stopped him without looking back.
I was also happy to reclaim my body ... and put my breasts back in their bra! After having been a nurturing object for several months, I found my intimacy, my woman's body, and no longer a "mother" body (yes, my stretch marks, my postpartum belly and my scar at the bottom of my belly are always there to remind me that I am mother huh).
If I had not worked, would I have breastfed longer? Perhaps. But I do not think I would have breastfed for a very long time. Best baby food at birth, I do not think that breast milk is essential for the good development of the child when he has a diversified diet.

I am currently breastfeeding number 2. We will see how it goes, but I think I will also stop breastfeeding when I get back to work.

So much for my experience and my vision of things.

I reread what I wrote, and I realize that I only talked about my breasts! My nénés will have been the star of one of my articles! 😂 Come on, do not be shy, and come tell us about yours. Leave me a little comment to share with me YOUR vision of breastfeeding. I think it's an interesting debate.
But above all, no hate huh. Remember that everyone does what he wants (his life and breasts!).


I have loved every word of this post! It is so lovely to hear other people's views, opinions and experiences with breastfeeding - whether that be positive or negative. Most of the time, new Mum's aren't aware of the majority of facts, benefits and issues that come along with breastfeeding, and posts like this raise awareness for expectant parents so they have some sort of idea of what may be to come.
It is easy and accessible to read webpages on facts about breastfeeding, however it is still proving quite difficult to go somewhere to read/listen to experienced Mum's very own stories - in human terms rather than computer language and jargon!
Well done for this, I will for sure keep it on my bookmarks bar to show to other new Mum's. :) #breastfeeding #newmum #breastfeedingsupport

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