I regret having to share this, I had hoped we would never find ourselves in this position, but I think we all know it was inevitable.
I'm well aware that this was a risky endeavor. I just made it to level 65 Reputation and this could see me drop back down to 63. I have seen many people expressing their happiness that there is no trolling on Steemit. I however, believe that there are different types of trolling and some are not only acceptable, but productive.
This is a classic troll that I have fallen for a few times back in the day, and it never provoked me to anger. I found it hilarious. Everyone is different though, as we all have different senses of humour. I think this post will be incredibly telling in regards to the tolerance of the Steemit community, and I plan to do a follow up post with details on how it went.
In honour of the infamous rickroll troll, I'd like to leave you with a couple of the greatest ones.
The second lad was blatantly at it.. lol.
Thank you for allowing me to share this breaking news with you. Have a great day, Steemians!
If this angered you, then downvote me. If this made you laugh, resteem and let's see if we can make others laugh too.
Hahaha! 😃
lol, great one!
Haven't been Rickrolled for ages but you got me!
Lol. Good on you for taking it well.
It is a legendary troll that I feel has inspired many a laugh.
I laughed but may not have if your name wasn't son-of-satire :) Completely unrelated, how did you get the gigantic space between the video and goofy face in markdown? nvm, i figured it out. :p
Glad you got a giggle :)
Please excuse me for hijacking this post. If you recall a conversation we had a few weeks back, I found this in github with reference to my newbies thoughts:
A Rick-Roll is the ultimate non-offensive Troll! ::Kudos:: ... It's been awhile. (:
I didn't realise the Rick-roll was a troll.
It's just a giggle really.
You would only be upset if you were actually wanting to see that girls..... ;-)
Rick trolls :D