RE: London terror attacks - Where next?
I really would have thought British and European security services in general would be better, in fact I would have thought the US' security services would have been better at preventing these sort of attacks, how could a plane hit the pentagon for instance?
I thoroughly disagreed with a poster the other day who said the Manchester attacks were a false flag and didn't happen, but I do think we are being fed false information and are being led down the path some power groups want us to go. Now I do believe these attacks do happen, but are the culprits the ones who are caught? Thinking about it without letting emotions get in our way, what does ISIS gain by alienating the people of Europe even more than they already are? Could there be an agenda we are not aware of?
ISIS is a US/UK /Saudi creation used to destabilise multiple countries they seek to control but politically/logistically can't directly invade.
If ISIS was what we are led to believe these attacks would not serve their cause.
A plane didn't hit the Pentagon it was a missile.
Manchester happened alright and innocents died however that doesn't mean it wasn't a false flag.
The agenda is to get people so afraid they'll accept ever increasing levels of government control and social engineering ultimately leading up to a totalitarian world government.
On the Manchester case, the guy who posted said the event did not happen, I disagreed with him, whatever hit the pentagon, there are supposed to be safeguards so it won't happen, so in either case it was a security service lapse, as for the rest of what you say I believe I agree with it, except that we really don't know what the aim is, it could be to decimate the population through sheer terror and having us turn against each other in panic and leave just a few remaining. Sounds far-fetched? Of course it does, but unfortuantely it falls into the realm of the possible. I'm not saying I believe this is the aim but everything is possible.
Whatever the aim is I'm sure it's not for the benefit of most of us.