Myth of 10% of the brain

in #brain5 years ago (edited)

The myth of 10% of the brain is a widespread popular belief that states that most or all human beings use only ten percent of our brain. By association, it is often suggested that through some processes a person may be able to take advantage of that unused potential and that by doing so, there is a significant increase in their intelligence.

Although many intellectual abilities can be improved with training, the idea that large areas of the brain remain unused has no logical basis. Although there are still many unknowns about the functioning of the brain, it is known that each part of the brain has a certain function.

The myth has been wrongly attributed to numerous people, including Albert Einstein, who has been designated as the person who originated the myth.

It is likely that the myth of 10% has arisen from a misunderstanding or interpretation of neurological research carried out in the late nineteenth century (19) and early twentieth (20), in which researchers:

  • They discovered that only 10% of brain neurons are "on" at any given time;

  • They announced that they had only registered on maps the functions of 10% of the brain at that time (the reports differ at this point).

The myth of 10% has been transmitted involuntarily by individuals who simply believed in it and deliberately by those who could obtain some benefit from it.

The myth of 10% of the brain appears frequently in advertisements.8

Some supporters of the new era and paranormal phenomena propagated this belief to justify the psychic powers and affirm that, through proper training, 90% of the "unused" human brain would serve to carry out telekinesis and extrasensory perception.1 7 In addition to the fact that humans use their entire brain, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of psychic powers.

Is it to say that if we fracture the skull and damage our brain there is a 90% chance that we do not suffer anything since we only use 10% ?. We do not know, we just leave the question and you sure have the answer, leave it in the comments. See you soon!!

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