My 5 Year Old's 1st Boxing Sparring Session!

in #boxing6 years ago

It seems like only yesterday my son was just a tiny baby version of me, but since then he has honestly grown way to fast for my liking. Already becoming so independent and strong this boy truly makes me proud on a day to day basis. Recently he has grown to love the sport of Boxing & MMA and has been training to box for only 2 months so far. Every day he gets better and better, trains hard, and is obsessive over working his tale off to get there. What 5 year old wants and talks about being champion one day!?!? HaHa I just can go on and on here, please enjoy this small clip of my Boy in action in his 1st sparring session. He is the one in Blue Trunks and Yellow gloves! Yea Dawg!!!

Lets Not Forget To Enjoy And Spend As Many Moments With Our Kids While They Are Still Young, If Only They Could Last Forever. It All Goes By Just To Quick!!!


Kids gonna kick ass when he gets older lol

Good boxing.
You teach it well.
Why you donot try to go any competition of boxing.
You are good boxer when you kids.
Thanks for sharing.

No times show with kids...

Father vs son.. nice battle

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