Another Boxing Robbery, and Again Manny Pacquiao is The Victim

in #boxing7 years ago (edited)

You lean, you elbow, you headbutt, that is how you win according to the judges. Be a nice guy, a teacher, show some heart and you will win even when you are the loser. Participation trophy mentality.

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Another black eye for boxing.

As the fight decision was about to be announced I said to everyone, it better not even be a split decision, and it wasn't, but worse, a unanimous decision "victory" for the clear loser.

Vegas corruption with money is what decides boxing.

These boxing judges need to go

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In fact all boxing "judges" need to become obsolete, Compubox should be the only judge.

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Teddy Atlas said it best after the decision:

Anyway, back to my cigar....

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This is exactly why UFC is growing and in my opinion, the better sport. There are a lot less rules on how you can hurt your oponent, and you can even do all sorts of choke holds, making for tons of knockouts.

The UFC is managed better, less corruption.

Sports center even said it was some BS! extortion I say!

I like your posts

Disappointed man ...need some law here

agreed! 😕

Some laws should be there to stop this ...must needed

Big mafia money is probably the reason changes haven't been made... the corruption is nothing new.

Ya totally agree man

Very good post dear

I like this sport .

Fllwed and upvote


Plz follwed me

Agreed. total garbage. But I always applaud Manny for being a stand up guy. Total class.

You are 100% correct, I expected no less from Pacman.. he is just happy to fight anyone, anywhere.

Very disappointing!

Indeed! It looked like Pac-man wasn't surprised with another robbery.

Totally aggrere with you there.
Pacquiao loosing?
Doe those judges even know the rules of boxing,what a disgrace ,they should be made to fight again at least.
Imagine how poor Pacquiao feels.

Disgrace for sure..., but sadly this is nothing new in boxing.

At least you got to enjoy a good smoke after it was over.

I missed this fight as I had been up since 2:30am ET and am just now seeing any information. Thanks for providing this graphic!

How in the world did Pacman lose with this big of an advantage on the metrics?

That is what everyone is wondering! Judges shouldn't be a part of boxing, it doesn't make any sense.

So many people are upset about the result! They need a better scoring system so this does not happen!

I agree!

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