Non Intrusive Video Ads Targeted Toward New Users To Earn $SBD & Steem (BOUNTY IDEA)

in #bounties8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes You'd Rather Make Money Consuming Content Than Producing It

Disclaimer: This is NOT an active bounty, but one to gauge the interest level of people to see if this is worth pursuing

If you are able to take this idea and gain traction yourself or wish to work with me as well, I'd be happy as long as it gets implemented. I care about long term value than short term gains


I understand how frustrating it can be, to be as a new user and make posts that may only earn $.01. Nobody is going to be excited about putting in the time to receive that type of monetary reward.

I'd love to see an optional video advertisement feed next to promoted posts

Major advertisers could offer to post videos on the feed and users could watch the videos and be required to enter text at certain times to make sure the video was being watched.

An Example could go something like this: videocaptchaabf61.png

  1. Advertiser (or user) pays steemit a certain dollar amount to have their video listed in the "Video Advertising" feed. Let's say a movie theater wants to promote a new movie. They give steemit 50,000 Steem Dollars and have their video listed in the feed
  2. Users can choose to watch the video and have to either answer questions at the end or input capchas at various stages throughout the video
  3. User would receive a certain amount of steem or steem dollars for proving they watched this video
  4. Both advertisers and users would benefit from this feature. User make a small amount of money, and also may now wish to go see the advertised movie

There are a few problems that would need to be addressed before this could be implemented

  • A way to prevent someone with multiple accounts just opening a bunch of windows on their computer and watching the videos at once and then transferring earnings to one account. (The reward may need to be partially burned and partially in steem power).
  • A way to make sure that steemit can not be censored by any advertisers. For example if Apple wants to advertise and a bunch of people want to make anti-apple posts, apple would not be allowed to leverage it's money to prevent people from posting what they wish.
  • Whether or not a cap should be made on how much you can make per day using this optional feature.

While it would not be a feed I would frequent regularly, sometimes I'd rather just be consuming content and getting paid for doing so. I know that for some, this feature could mean all the difference in the world. Especially those who may be in third world countries

I have quite a few projects going already, but if someone has the time or wants to put in the effort to make this happen, I believe that it would benefit steemit long term without question

Would be more than happy to discuss other similar ideas, whether that be paid surveys or games or a multitude of other features that would add value to steemit.

If you enjoyed this idea, please follow my blog HERE.


These questions occurred to me as I read your piece: If an advertiser is selling a movie or other product or service that is not distributed worldwide, would that advertiser want to limit rewarded viewers to those in the distribution area, is there a way to do that on the platform, and would people be able to use a VPN to avoid that limitation? Would there be options for people speaking different languages?

I currently live in a third-world country, and I often get a message that a particular online video clip is not authorized for my area. On Netflix, I can't see all the shows and movies that a family member in the U.S. can see, using the same sign-in for a family account.

If an advertiser is selling a movie or other product or service that is not distributed worldwide, would that advertiser want to limit rewarded viewers to those in the distribution area, is there a way to do that on the platform, and would people be able to use a VPN to avoid that limitation? Would there be options for people speaking different languages?

Those are great questions. I would think that it would make sense for advertisers to target only those who can see or purchase their product, but if someone wished to use a proxy/vpn I'm sure they could get around this.

If you are a small film production company in africa that plans on showing your film only there I think you be wasting your money advertising outside that target market. So yes I think being able to market certain countries, states (colorado may have marijuana themed ads) etc.

I think youtube probably has this already as they target keywords and similar types of ads based on what type of clip you are watching.

It may also be like sending out paper ads, where it could be cheaper to send out randomly and slightly more expensive to target exact areas.

Maybe these sorts of ads are only really tailored to worldwide companies or thse with a lot of money backing them like those on youtube already.

Great point! I appreciate you bringing it up.

Thanks for your response. And thanks for the upvote on my comment.

Certainly companies such as Sony have experience tailoring ads to different markets and remarketing American products. I don't know how much of a limitation internet speed would be in different markets. I have been places where internet was too slow to watch a lot of videos.

It's an interesting concept. I've been on the site only a few weeks, but I've read several posts that indicate people are thinking about ways the site can diversify how money is earned.

I'd like to see a better marketplace for selling goods and services directly in steem dollars. So if I do not like blogging but say I make cool wood carvings I could sell them and the buyer could be brand new. They just send the sbd and now the reputation of the seller is on the line to deliver the product. So if i don't make sure you get that wood carving then you will make sure it is known and my rep would take a hit.

Same with direct selling music or skills like photo or video editing.

There is a lot more than just blogging that can make money here :)

I'm focusing now on trying to understand everything, finding people to follow, commenting, and producing blogs, although I'm slow on the last item. Steemit has been good motivation for me to get back into writing. However, I also rewrite book blurbs and do other editing through the site, although I've cut way back in the last year and a half. I could offer that work here as well, instead of giving fiverr 20 percent of my earnings, if the site diversified in that way.

Yes it's worth writing a post about and letting people know what you would charge. You could charge 4.50 sbd and make more money while still offering a discount. And you could offer longer edits for more money. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on steemit chat (bendjmiller222)

Thanks for the offer. Once I get a little more comfortable on the platform I'll probably try that. I know there are a number of authors on steemit.

It's pretty solid idea. Especially if it's own separate feed. Users can decide to go to it if they want to or ignore it completely.

That's the whole goal. I hate how youtube forces ads on you without you being able to skip them (although the ad blocker for youtube works, but doesn't reward the content creators). If it's optional, then I think that's be a fun way to make a little extra money and allow advertisers to pour some money into a place with a lot of eyes already.

Yes I also like the idea, if its on a seperate feed! Ive made little money on this site, and i watch similar movie clips on hayday to get random prizes, so of course i would love to do anything here as well , to get those all important steem dollars! 👍💲💲💲💲💲also i already follow you, keep up the great work!

Many thanks! I appreciate all my followers regardless of wallet size. I have time for everyone. Especially those who make great comments.

Even if the ads paid out some sort of "steem lotto" chips that could be used in slot machines or other games (where you could only win and not lose your own money) kind of a reward system where steemit would be getting some ad dollars directly and pooling some rewards for others.

I know surveys and downloads are also popular ways to go through "freemium" games where lives regenerate over time like if you want to refill you candy crush lives you can download an app and play it and get five new lives etc.

I feel some of that process is annoying with signing up for emails you don't care about and filling out forms as fast as possible, but videos targeting specific people or you saying your interests and watching videos whether that be as seen on tv products or movie trailers, I think it would be a cool bonus feature that should generate some income for steemit and users and reward advertisers with eyes on their products for reasonable prices

It is always beneficial to have as many ways to keep people interested and wanting to invest their time here.

I agree. Someone that is already going to go find a music video or movie on youtube may be able to get a quarter for watching a video and a small discount on a song or movie pass. It's up to advertisers to be creative in their trillion dollar industry.

thanks for sharing

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed my idea. I see post promotion being very similar to a company paying to advertise, but it is still non intrusive and I really like that. Not many sites have a model not backed and controlled by their ad dollars.

A cloud mining site I have invested in does that. They call it their faucet, which is mostly attributed to the mentality there. But it works and has been in place for a long time.

I wasn't as familiar with the faucets having video content, but I know faucets in general used to (if not still do) have quite low payouts. Major companies in the video game or movie realm could offer $.25 or so and give a coupon code somewhere throughout the video to be used at checkout if the person buys said game or views the movie.

Marketers are very creative and will hop on the platform with the most eyes. If youtube were not scaled to such massive proportions, advertisers would not likely pay to post on their site. But steemit has the potential to be larger than a lot of social media giants, because the users have a real voice and vested interest from the founders.

personally i don't think this would be the right move for steemit at the moment. We have enough people screaming scam as it is add this into the works now and they'll be screaming that it wreaks of desperation and that steem doesn't work without bribing advertisers with guarenteed views and bribing users to watch them.

Interesting view. It may not be the right time for this feature to be added, but I thought it cannot hurt to see what the community thought. I like that people can agree and disagree and both opinions are equally valid. Sometimes criticism can show that you thought about the content even further than some who tend to agree with everything. Thanks for you input @phoenixmaid

oh it never hurts to put an idea forward and it's not a bad one at all lots of sites do it quite succesfully look at swagbucks for instance. but i think we need to proove that steem can find better ways to attract advertisers.

Yes I have fiddled with swagbucks myself. I think you should propose some ideas about ways to bring advertising dollars to steemit. Maybe in the form of coupons or something that people may actually enjoy seeing instead of popups and videos you wish to skip through.

I've suggested a few times that we should have adverts displayed on pages when non members visit the site, this will encourage authors to share their links via other social networks bringing traffic to the site thus breaking the internal traffic loop (which a lot of advertisers dislike and has been the downfall of quite a few paid to write sites in the past) while simultaniously providing authors with a residual income in a similar fashion to youtube. this of course would have to be an opt in programme after a set period of time during which a user has to prove they are indeed creating original content.

Solid idea. Would love to hear what the founders are thinking when it comes to ideas like these. I am sure when the time is right they will give us some ideas of where they are headed.

Yes I think from what I have gathered that it may be too early for something like this, but the post promotion has given me hope for advertising dollars to come in. Even a way to reward users for playing casual games that may be ad based could be a cool way to monetize a platform like this. I don't want a bunch of gimmicky features, but feel that ads should be optional and users should be able to engage with them as much or little as they wish.

Great idea this steemtube.... !!!

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