Boulder Sunday ❤ Number 51

Happy Big Rock Day!
Looking north she faces
one of the sisters gazes over
the Cook inlet in Alaska.
Peering through her stone
visor she is much wiser.
Remember Geordi's visor?

Ripple effect made
with Lunapic

Show us your boulders
Large rocks are needed
roll them on over.
Must be your own photos!
Boulder location would be
great to know if possible.
Use the tag
#bouldersunday by @shasta
Then we can hunt them!
Drop a link to your
boulder below so we
don't miss your post!
Many thank you's
to all the boulder posters!
It is a real pleasure to
see them!

Everyone's #bouldersunday
postings in order.
Link scrolls back to the stone age.

Boulder Sunday!
What a fun day!
Moose at the base, rockhound, photography full day!
How come everything in Alaska is just very big?!
This massive rock is amazing with palpable energy! These rocks are guardians of the earth!
Hmm that is a good question lol
Quite a few very big things here :-)
That is one huge beautiful looking boulder 👍
Thank you @hangin! They are the best nearby boulders
we got, the rest look like pebbles compared to the sisters lol :-) choices big or small no in between 🤣