"Boulder Sunday" a different take

#BoulderSunday created by @shasta

These are a series of original photos taken at several different times
And Locations

☼ Snowmageddon 2014

In 2014 there was a significant "snow event" in Atlanta. It was my
First such experience as an adult, and my first in a North Ga venue.
This photo and the next couple are from the stream that runs down
Below the home of my Niece, where I lived in the basement.

The house where I stayed would have been up over my right shoulder,
And when I say up, I mean up the hillside perhaps 150 feet.
the above photos were taken with a Samsung L100 pocket camera

☼Snowmageddon 2017

The next ones was three years later, in a stream bed across from where
I lived at the time, the next 'snow event' in Atlanta 2017

This is in a very rundown area of North West Atlanta.
This stream actually ran THROUGH a large apartment complex
Which had been deserted and recently demolished.

These last to photos were taken with a Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

To make a "metaphoric allusion" I submit that these

Serve to illustrate that the "waters of Life" will flow
Around most obstructions they encounter in the
Course of living,
There are sometimes
"Boulders Of Memories"
That can obstruct our personal progress
Around those barriers.
Not a physical barrier, but an emotional one that is
Very difficult to overcome.
This was one such for me.

This is the burned out ruins of a family cabin on the Canoochee River in
South Ga, where I grew up and spent many happy hours playing and exploring
Both Life, and Nature.
Here is what it looked like before the fire

Much Sorrow and Loss

"Boulder Sunday"

a 'Different take"

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


What a beautiful boulder post @jerrytsuseer!
They sure look lovely with snow coverings.
Looks like a real nice creek to play in! :-)

Thank you very much for posting these
awesome boulders for #bouldersunday!

Thank you @shasta, I appreciate your stopping by.
The creek was small and shallow, running through a neighbor's
Property, so I could go down there whenever I wanted, but I didn't
Very often.

wow..and howdy jerrytsuseer! This is a very interesting and enjoyable take on Boulder Sunday. I've never seen a cabin up on poles like that but it might be less hot in the summer I assume, is that part of the reason? I'm sorry to hear that it was destroyed.

The main reason was that it was built right on the bank of the
Canoochee River, which would flood every winter.

The Historic flood of 1966

You could pull up under the building in several places
Sort of like a carport. Here is an approximate
Floor Plan I drew up There was no glass in the
Windows, only screens and shutters. (well, the
Two over the sink, but that is just because they were
Store bought and smaller)

I too, am very sorry it is gone, only memories remain.
Not one trace of it is left now.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting @janton

howdy again jerrytsuseer! wow that was a very practical design then, and that flood photo, the water came all the way up to the bottom of the siding! Too bad your family couldn't have built a new one on that spot.


Hey @jerrytsuseer,

I would like to invite you to @APPICS as one of the first APPICS app testers!
APPICS is a new blockchain based social media application launching in Q2 this year. Similar to Steemit, users can earn cryptocurrency tokens for posting creative content, but different to Steemit, APPICS will be focusing on photos or videos instead of blogposts. With the APPICS app we give users the power to monetize time and creativity they spend on social media.

The app is currently in beta mode, running on the STEEM blockchain, so you can easily log in with your username and your private posting key as your password.

If you´re interested in joining APPICS, please send us an email at [email protected]

Feel free to visit our website Appics.com for further information.

I‘m looking forward to hear from you!

Best wishes,


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