Bots v. Humans

in #bots6 years ago

SteemIt is a game that pits bots against humans.

It often appears that the bots are winning. I would not be surprised to learn that human brain power receives only a tiny fraction of the SteemIt reward pool with bots harvesting the bulk of the reward pool.

The rewards on my comments are usually less than $0.02; So I hired the @dustsweeper bot to upvote my posts.

When I look at my weekly earnings, I can't help but notice that this one bot counts for about a third of my earnings.

So, I've been wracking my brain trying to think of ways to tip the scales to the side of the humans.

Could I create a bot to counter other bots?

Wouldn't such a bot just add to the overall bot problem?

Studying the formulas used on, I keep coming back to one observation. Humans and bots are playing the by same rules. A human that drops 15 votes a day will distribute as much reward as a spam bot that drops a hundred upvotes.

The difference between bots and humans is that the bots tend to have better backing than humans. Most of the bots were created by users with huge amounts of STEEM POWER looking for ways to leverage their investment.

Since bots appear to be harvesting the bulk of the reward pool. The imbalance of STEEM POWER between bots and humans just magnifies the problem.

Many of the bot builders lost money with the huge drop in STEEM and are powering down, which opens an opportunity for humans.

The price of STEEM is below a dollar. I keep coming back to the opinion that the best possible thing that could happen on SteemIt would be for folks in the plankton to buy enough STEEM POWER so that their upvotes are worth two cents.

Imagine if a thousand humans stuck in the plankton bought $400 in STEEM POWER and their upvotes were suddenly worth two cents. These human powered upvotes would dramatically change the character of this platform.

If a persons upvote is worth two cents and the person votes 10 to 15 times a day, the person would distribute a quarter a day. Over a year the person would distributes about $75 (assuming the price of STEEM stays steady). This gamble is a little bit better than it was a few months ago.

This thought has been stuck in my head for several weeks. It is why I started writing articles suggesting that now is the right time for new users to buy steem . The best way to improve SteemIt would be for humans to buy STEEM POWER. Unfortunately, I don't have any money right now, but have ad space to sell for STEEM.

I got the base for the image from Big Stock Photo


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