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RE: Botland

in #bots6 years ago

The whole crypto space has been ruined by greedy assholes.

It was meant as a system for peer to peer transactions without the interference of government or big business. Now crypto is unusuable as currency due to the wild speculator spikes, by greedy assholes trying to get rich quick off it.

Same thing seems to have happened here. Give people something nice that would benefit the common good and always some idiots come along and ruin the system for their own personal gain.

I'm just surprised the devs didn't see this coming, it's human nature and was bound to happen.


I must note that devs are human too, and do work for their personal gain. Why would you suspect this situation wasn't their actual intention? Cui bono?

good point ! I'm obviously fairly new to the site but I've seen a lot of people unhappy that the whales are all circlejerking each other for profit. I wondered why the devs haven't stepped in and did something about it, unless they're profiting from it also ?

I know it's just assholes abusing the system, but if the system is designed such that more power means more money means more power means... then it's just an exponential increase until the system implodes.

You have understood capitalism.


lol, I did think that :-)

The greedy assholes are a virus. The virus will either kill or be killed. If you kill the virus you emerge stronger than before. The virus is a necessary evil. It is vital for evolution.

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