Botanical Garden Tours : #020 Erythrina Humeana : Dwarf Coral Tree / Zwergkorallenbaum

Hello lovely Steemians !


Welcome to another day of the #botanicalgardentours. Today I want to present to you the Erythrina Humeana, also known as the Dwarf Coral Tree.


Herzlich willkommen zu einem weiteren Tag mit den #botanicalgardentours. Heute möchte ich euch den Erythrina Humeana vorstellen, der auch als Zwergkorallenbaum bekannt ist.


The Dwarf Coral Tree is a small shrub like tree that is native to Southafrica. It is a really nectar rich plant that attracts many and various birds and is commonly used as an ornamental tree due to its intense red elongated flowers. The stems can reach hights up to 3 m. The flowering months are from september to march. The leaves posess small thorns prickles on the underside of the petiole and the leaf vains.


Der Zwergkorallenbaum ist ein kleiner, strauchartiger Baum, der in Südafrika heimisch ist. Es ist eine wirklich nektarreiche Pflanze, die viele und verschiedene Vögel anzieht und aufgrund ihrer intensiv roten und länglichen Blüten häufig als Zierbaum verwendet wird. Die Stängel können Höhen bis zu 3 m erreichen. Die Blühtezeit liegt von September bis März. Die Blätter haben kleine Dornen und Stacheln an der Unterseite des Blattstiels und der Blattvenen.


As always I hope that you enjoyed todays #botanicalgardentours. If you did, I would be happy about an upvote, comment or resteem .. and If you want to see more from me in the future feel free to follow me ;)


Ich hoffe wie immer, dass euch die heutigen #botanicalgardentours gefallen haben. Wenn dem so ist , dann würde ich mich sehr über einen Upvote, Kommentar oder Resteem freuen .. und wenn ihr in Zukunft mehr von mir sehen möchtet, dann könnt ihr mir gerne folgen ;)


Best wishes,


They are only on the underside ^^ .. sounds like a really mean trap for small animals who come to close to it

Yes indeed a nasty plant haha

That’s an interesting plant. Nice photos, too. Great post! 👍🏻🙂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you ^^ .. I am alwayas glad about more flower friends that I can reach ;)

Nice photography. It's a beautiful garden

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, it is .. there are so many beautiful flowers an trees there to admire .. you should look for one close to you too ^^

Gorgeous! Despite the thorns.

Yes .. those are extremely sharp too !! .. I tried it and was quite surprised

Beautiful color on the blooms. I wouldn’t want to grab a leave with those thorns underneath.

Plants and shrubs over here have to protect themselves when young sometimes fully grown as well, nature has a wonderful way of putting thorns where you don't expect them :)

Great to see you found one of our South African Coral trees to enjoy @adalger, I actually posted two more today from a walk around our local park, they bloom through winter and are spectacular.

Hi there ^^ .. I actually found South Africa to have a really amazing and kind of different Flora .. they all adapted to their surroundings so nicely ;)

Very hardy plants, don't need much water. The Cape fynbos is also fascinating to see if you find that at your botanical gardens.

I looked it up and it really looks sooo great ^^ .. but most matches were for the alcoholic drink with the same name ;)

Ha ha yes South Africans make alcoholic beverages with many different plants and fruits, some have very unique flavour. Our Fynbos honey is exceptionally lovely as well. Glad you had fun finding out more.

If ever you see Amarula Cream buy a bottle and try it, simply delicious....

Gorgeous images with great colour and detail @adalger I've seen these flowers in and around Queensland and never knew what they were called .......until now. Thanks so much for enlightening me. (U & R )

Hehe ^^ .. I think by creating this botanical garden blog I myself are learning so many new facts and new things and names about nature .. glad that I also can reacv others with it too ^^ .. enjoy your week @trudeehunter ;)

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