
Great post. May you be forever bored and never burn veggies again.

i broke down an oven too.

Lol its okay. I'll still be your friend.

we can order pizza for example :D no cooking skills required.

Rarely ever did I have so many questions reading one single post!

Hold on, you learned to teach elephants how to sing? Did you watch the second episode of West World? And more importantly and my personal favorite: Is that lingerie blog still up?

I guess that's my own way to say, I enjoyed this post :)

I made a big mistake to mention the lingerie blog LOL I saw the 2nd episode of Westworld. Needless to say, I can't wait to watch the next one :)

Thank you @the-alien :)

Haha it was not a mistake! I for one would've loved to see the Blue Panda Designs :)

Loving the nod to Dr. Robert Ford.

that's where I got the inspiration to write this post :)

I'm a master of procrastination.

hahhaha been there, done that ;)

Now that you are blogging at Steemit, you will have less time to feel bored.
Happy steeming.

Nice post
I have stories you can read incase you are bored

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