Nine of the most insane theories about the death of Elvis

in #boombox6 years ago (edited)

More than 40 years have passed since the death of Elvis Presley, King of Rock and Roll. According to the generally accepted version, he did not die, but simply went home; according to the official version, he went too far with sedation. Presley's death theories are as much a part of human mythology as Zeus and Odin. In addition, they all compete in schizophrenia: Elvis faked death because he was carried away with the occult; Elvis was not a man, but a stranger or dwarf; Elvis was a CIA agent hiding in Argentina; Elvis continues to live in his estate like a brownie. I collected nine of the craziest theories.

Official version


According to the official version, Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll and the Emperor rockabilly, died on August 16, 1977 as a result of a drug overdose (which he did not consider as such). His Majesty could not sleep and was sedated. It didn’t work, and Elvis swallowed a few more pills, then went to his bathroom boudoir. However, his feelings turned out to be false - the cumulative effect of two powerful doses caught up with the King later. In the end, his heart stopped and his breathless body was found a few hours later by the bride, Ginger Alden.

Everything looks very clear: another rock star died, sorting through substances. It seems that all the subsequent hype and crazy theories are just a product of Elvis fame. However, the preceding (and, I must say, very strange) Presley life events provide an understanding of why everyone is so crazy about his unexpected death.


The facts from Presley’s later life, which, in theory, should speak in favor of the official version, only fuel interest in conspiracy theories. The fact is that the life of the King in recent years has gone downhill. Outwardly, everything was fine: a lot of money, fame and doctors with connections who would be happy to prescribe almost any kind of drugs. In fact, Elvis felt lousy both physically and psychologically.

He started having health problems. Because of the sudden onset of glaucoma, he had to wear sunglasses everywhere, overweight caused heart problems, and the daily routine was extremely broken.


Elvis began to powerfully abuse, barely becoming popular. Even with the army, he stimulated himself with the help of stimulants to make it easier to endure the daily routine, and in the evening he took sedatives to sleep after stimulants. It turned out a vicious circle from which Presley did not get out until August 16, 1977.

The king daily threw over handfuls of half-legal drugs to sleep, wake up, cheer up, calm down and overcome excess weight and glaucoma. In the end, it greatly undermined his health. Physically, Elvis has become fat and helpless, and sincerely close to insanity.


Presley began to get involved in the occult and tales of UFOs, yeti and the spirits of the dead. In addition, he developed paranoia: he stuffed his estate with means of protection and security, tried to keep the lights off and spent almost all of his free time in his house.

In the Graceland Manor and the hotels where he stayed, Elvis ordered the windows to be sealed with foil and the temperature in the room kept so low that it was barely liveable. In fact, he demanded to leave him in a dark ice crypt. Therefore, he was more comfortable.

Elvis Dies of Autoerotic Asphyxia | the most vulgar theory

The investigation into the death of Elvis is full of mysteries. More precisely, the fans find it hard to understand why the detectives who investigated his death provided so little material from the place of death. In addition, they all look blurry and unconvincing. Already in the 77th year, two camps emerged among the conspiracyists: some claimed that the King depicted a special twin for special purposes for this purpose; others said that it was just a wax doll, like in Madame Tussauds.


The reason for this substitution is the terribly shameful death of Elvis, which would lead to a nightmarish scandal and even a serious decline in the prestige of the United States in the world. The "obvious" choice falls on autoerotic asphyxiation (i.e. asphyxiation during masturbation). Another common option is death on the toilet, which generally became a kind of meme back in the 70s.

Elvis committed suicide because of offensive book | the most boring theory

Elvis's house was packed with guards, and he himself was too healthy to die from so few pills.


In addition, it is known that before his death, Presley quite fiercely discussed the book "Elvis: What Happened?" Written by Red and Sonny West - his former friends and part-time security guards, whom the King drove back in a year before. In the book, Elvis was shown disgusting tyrant, paranoid, drug addict and lover of cheap mysticism.

This could destroy the already wobbly image of a star. Therefore, Elvis committed suicide from resentment and thirst to leave even on some kind of peak. His own body let him down, his mind played bad jokes with him, and the read occult volumes also hardly affected the mind well. Not without depression - Presley was depressed and suffered from anhedonia.

Elvis has committed suicide and is now resting from the hustle and bustle of Alabama (Wyoming / Idaho / your city) | the most battered theory

The theory of rigged death is the most banal and well known. However, her chances of becoming a reality are not much higher than those of the Elvis extraterrestrial hypothesis.


In American pop culture, there is such a thing - "Elvis sightings". The bottom line is this: The King of Rock and Roll, in mockery of the official version, likes to appear in public, often in his trademark clothing. Elvis dresses as Elvis and travels around America under this cover, revealing himself here and there. However, real fans (for the sake of which all this is being done) everywhere find traces of his stay and prove that it was him.

For example, a legend has appeared that Elvis Presley flew to Argentina, and now he is visiting the USA. On the day of his death, a certain John Burroughs went to this country from the USA, and this is none other than the pseudonym of the King, who signed in hotels like this.

Type Elvis in "Home Alone"

Another story - Elvis showed himself in the movie "Home Alone", appearing in the background in the crowd scene. Apparently, the thirst to be back on the millions of screens was stronger than conspiracy and craving for barbiturates.

Elvis so smartly circled everyone, that continues to live in his estate | the most naive theory

"Elvis" from Memphis. The most ridiculous and at the same time popular Elvis

However, of all the "Elvis sightings" there is such a beautiful specimen that it should be put into a separate category. The fact is that a significant part of conspiracy scholars believes that Presley did not just fake death, but continues to live on his own estate in Graceland, like a brownie. In this hypothesis, there is a tremendous grace: Elvis, like a real genius, realized that it was best to hide where no one would ever look for him - in his own house, where he allegedly died.

Possible Elvis Sighting 6/1/2016

This theory is "confirmed" by two materials: a photo in which we see a portly gray-haired peasant and a video in which one of the workers of the Graceland Manor is captured. The fact that some hired hard worker behaves in a businesslike manner, and also shows into the "V" chamber, seems almost irrefutable proof that he is the out-of-mind King.

Elvis died in the army | the most unexpected theory

Perhaps the most unexpected, though relatively realistic theory. From 1958 to 1960, Elvis Presley served in the US Army in the third Panzer Division. By the time of mobilization, he was already a star of national scale, and when he was transferred to repay his debt to his homeland in Germany, it seemed too many suspicious. In addition, part of the fans claimed that after the army, Presley became different, and his voice was different from the old one. Others said that the boy major simply matured in the army, others pointed out that Elvis had a change in the shape of the ears and skull - that is, it was not him, but his double.


While serving in the army, Elvis lost his mother and was already unstable because of drugs, so he could commit suicide (or even then die from an overdose). According to this theory, the army officials could not allow Justin Bieber of that time to end up in the army and thus caused an epidemic of desertion and refusals of service. I had to make a new Elvis - at warriors it was a couple of years.

Elvis was a CIA agent | the most conspiracy theory


At the peak of popularity, Elvis not only began to gain weight and lose health, but also for some reason became friends with the government. He was photographed with the same losing president Nixon, and after that, he gave semi-secret concerts on the FBI corporate parties. Now this behavior does not seem surprising to anyone, but then caused great bewilderment. Is the king of rock and roll and the protest icon singing for coats from secret departments?

Theories spawned by these doubts remind one of the spy thrillers: Elvis was a secret CIA agent; Elvis was an FBI agent and helped plant the country's largest mafia; Elvis witnessed something really dirty and corrupt and turned in accomplices.


In any case, the King fell under the witness protection program, and the special services themselves helped to stage the death, hiding from possible prosecution. They also hushed up all possible inconsistencies.

The origins of this theory are curious: Frank Sinatra, as is well known, was on very friendly terms with the bosses of the Louisian mafia. In addition, if there is a superstar selling to the mafia, for the world balance there must be a pop idol fighting with her. At least that is how mythology works.

Elvis is a dwarf | the most schizophrenic (but fun) theory


According to the schizophrenic hypothesis itself, Elvis Presley in no way belonged to the human species, but was a mythical creature who adopted the figure of a mortal. The most likely candidate for this role is dwarf Alvíss from the German-Scandinavian legends.

Arrogant and fat (like Elvis in recent years) Alvíss wooed the daughter of Thor and with cunning made it so that the god of thunder could not refuse marriage. Thor, in turn, outwitted Alvíss by making a tricky conversation with him, due to which the dwarf sat out until dawn and turned into stone under the rays of the sun.


Something similar, according to the adherents of this hypothesis, happened to Elvis-Alvíss: he, being a sage, easily became the greatest bard of Midgard (that is, our Earth with you), but then he froze in stone, overheated in the rays of his own glory. Hence, it is nocturnal lifestyle, the foil on the windows and life in ice rooms. Just felt like it was turning to stone.

Sounds super delusional, but this theory is also part of the mythology associated with Elvis, and it should not be overlooked.

Elvis and Osama bin Laden - the same person | the most hellish theory


Okay, you definitely did not expect this. Although it fits in nicely with other conspiracy theories: that Elvis was a CIA agent, and that the US government itself arranged for 9/11.


However, this may turn out to be just a part of the oolong “Hey! Long Cha” advertising campaign.

Elvis was a stranger and just flew home | the most romantic theory


The phrase that "Elvis did not die, he just flew home!" became the same symbol of the 70s, like funk and afro. She is mentioned in "Men in Black", and the book «The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy» confirms something like this, as well as a lot of parodies of Elvis in pop culture.

However, there is a very large group of conspiracy therapists who are ready to cut the throat of this idea to anyone. And she was quite strongly heated by the personality of Elvis and the stories told by him. As a child, he allegedly heard voices in his head (although children constantly say such nonsense), and on his birthday, January 8, 1935, UFOs were visible above the city of Tupelo. About the unidentified flying objects that regularly appeared over Elvis, told his hairdresser and friends. The latter, however, were sitting on substances no less than the King himself (and with him), so they could see anything, but how objective it was a serious matter.


In any case, the idea that Elvis Presley was of extraterrestrial origin (and therefore kept the house at a very low temperature and was afraid of the earthly sun) is one of the most cultured and popular ideas about the life and death of the King of Rock and Roll. For example, in the movie "Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie", Elvis lives in "Area 51", and it seems even too predictable.


Anyway, Elvis Presley died to become an even bigger legend. During his lifetime, he was a great bard and the embodiment of rock and roll. After - slightly fattened Apollo, a stranger, a great fugitive and mystified. The doctor who prescribed the most exotic drugs for him, George C. Nichopoulos, became Dr. Nick from "The Simpsons", and Presley himself - in the mythical hero of the animated series, "The X-Files" and conspiracy theories.

However, most importantly: Elvis opened a portal to Mars, where the most radical conspiracy lovers found traces of his stay.

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