BookWorm Initiative: Introducing the LightReads Challenge

in #bookworm6 years ago

Hi BookWorms!

We have gathered a few support from whales and have gathered enough tokens to be able to roll out some of our initiatives. And so without further ado, let's start with the "LightReads Challenge". (Drum Roll)

Source: PixaBay

This post will contain relevant information needed by all contributors to participate in this challenge. There are two ways to participate here (1) contribute materials and other resources necessary to run a challenge; and (2) participate in the challenges. As much as possible we want this initiative to be run by the community. And so, we will be needing your inputs and you have a say on what challenges should we pursue next.

Before anything else, let's define first what "light reading" is. According to Collins, light reading is a type of reading which is not considered too demanding or intellectual. Basically we do it, either to pass time, read during breaks, without taking too much of our time.

I. LightReads GameMasters (#bookworm #lightreads #gamemasters)

This challenge will allow anyone to be able to contribute materials and design a challege that we will be rolling out. This is taking into consideration that each of us may have specific types of light reads that we are particularly interested in, and we want our challenges to cover a lot of categories. This is so we can have a wider scope on our readings and at the same time learn something new from every contributor and participant.

Source: Deviant Art


  1. Reading Materials
    First and the major requirement of course is to provide a reading material. As long as the material is a short read and not too heavy, we can use this to our Lightreads Challenge. The materials could be short stories, a poem, news articles, blog posts, any reading material as long as it fits the criteria. And it is very important to properly cite the respective authors and the sources for the materials.

  2. Thought Provoking Questions (at least 3)
    Basically if we can have people read our posts, that's already a WIN for our initiative. But we can still do more and beyond that. We can also engage with the contributors, figure out their thought process, and ensure that the lessons or major point of the read was well understood by the challengers. The only criteria here is that the questions should spark "conversation".

  3. Invite at least 3 people to join the challenge.
    If all 3 invitee will join, I will personally reward 100% on the post.
    There could be more additional rewards later on, we'll see.

  4. Use the hashtags #bookworm #lightreads #gamemasters

  5. Title must start with "BookWorm LightReads GameMaster: [Challenge Title]"

  6. Paste post link at our Discord Channel #lightreads-gamemaster

II. LightReads Challenger (#bookworm #lightreads #challenger)

Another way to participate is of course to join the challenge itself. The major requirement is of course to read the materials. But of course, we also want to ensure that the materials have served its purposes and that the readers have actually grasped and understood the contents.

So to start the challenge, I will initiate the first few challenges, hopefully after a few weeks, we will already have a few challenges on queue.

Source: Link TV


  1. Introduction

    • Overview of the reading, First Impressions,
  2. TPQ#1 - Basically, you just need to write your thoughts here about the question.

  3. TPQ#2 - Be creative and dig deeper into the contents.

  4. TPQ#3 - Have fun!

  5. Invite at least 3 people to join the challenge.
    If all 3 invitees will join, I will personally reward 100% on the post.
    There could be more additional rewards later on, we'll see.

  6. Use the hashtags #bookworm #lightreads #challenger #[challenge-specific-tag]

  7. Title must start with "BookWorm LightReads Challenger: [Challenge Title]"

  8. Paste post link at our Discord Channel #lightreads-challenger

III. Major Sponsor and Rewards

For this initiative, I'd like to personally thank @vit for graciously supporting this project. We will be having DBREAD tokens as rewards for our LightReads Initiative, this is for both GameMasters and Challengers' category.

DBREAD, or daily / digital bread, is a share-and-reward token created to help talented people and support community initiatives on Whaleshares platform. The dream behind this token is to let people follow their creative passion without having to worry too much about the reward. Follow @dbread to learn more about contests, airdrops, and other events. Vote for dbread-witness on Whaleshares to support DBREAD initiative!

How can you earn rewards?
  1. LightReads GameMaster - all contributions will be subject for curation. As much as we want to reward everyone, due to limited resources and of course to ensure good-quality contributions, we have to limit the rewards. Selected challenges will be receiving 100 DBREAD Tokens. To start, we will select 3 challenges per week.

  2. For the challengers: each challenge will have a duration of 2 weeks. But we may have multiple challenges in a span of 2 weeks.
    1st Prize - 100 DBREAD
    2nd Prize - 70 DBREAD
    3rd Prize - 50 DBREAD
    Consolation Prizes - 30 additional tokens

  3. Challenge Ambassadors
    This is to promote quality and engaging discussions across the Whaleshares platform. We will also be rewarding 100 DBREAD Tokens, to our top commenter for every challenge. Each contributor will serve as a Bookworm ambassador and engage with the challengers.

  4. Invite at least 3 people to join a challenge.
    If all 3 invitees will join, I will personally reward 100% on the post.
    I'll also throw in 5 DBREAD Tokens here, on a first come first server basis.
    We may have more rewards here later, as some sort of promotion.

  5. Curation - TBD

All items discussed above may be subject to changes. We still need to consider the volume and the quality of the contributions that we have.

Source: Angus Robertson

That's it for our LightReads Challenge.
Stay tuned for our official challenge to be launched very soon. :)



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